Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Sample Code of API’s Controls in Written Javascript
Sample formula of APIs Controls in Written Javascriptuse unyielding// expire to institutionalise Facebook JavaScript.var loadFacebookJS = shape () blockUI()if ($(modalWindowDivControl FacebookDivision).contents().find(.fb-share-button).attr(data-href)) unBlockUI()( engage () var e = document.createElement(script)e.type = text/javascripte.src = document.location.protocol + //connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.jsxfbml=1appId=297301533752770e.async = truedocument.getElementById(fb-root).appendChild(e) ())else setTimeout(loadFacebookJS, 200)// freez the covering fire until the whole page loadsfunction blockUI( comptrollerId, communicate) controllerId = controllerId ctl00_gridDiv subject matter = message treat Please Waitmessage = + message + if ($(blockMessage).length == 0) $( + controllerId).append($().attr(id, blockMessage).css(display, none).html(message)) else $(blockMessage).html(message)var controller = $( + controllerId).data()if (controller = vague controller = null co ntrollerblockUI.isBlocked = undefined controllerblockUI.isBlocked = null controllerblockUI.isBlocked == 1)return$( + controllerId).block(message $(blockMessage),css moulding none,padding 15px,backgroundColor eee,-webkit-border-radius 10px,border-radius 10px,opacity .9,color 444,display inline,width 35%)function unBlockUI(controllerId) controllerId = controllerId ctl00_gridDiv$( + controllerId).unblock()LinedIn Js fileuse strict// funtion to break up and load plug intoedin JS.var LoadLinkedinJS = function () blockUI()if ($(modalWindowDivControl LinkedinFrame).contents().find(LinkedinButton).attr(data- uniform resource locator)) unBlockUI()$.getScript(http//platform.linkedin.com/in.js)else setTimeout(LoadLinkedinJS, 200)// freez the screen until the whole page loadsfunction blockUI(controllerId, message) controllerId = controllerId ctl00_gridDivmessage = message Processing Please Waitmessage = + message + if ($(blockMessage).length == 0) $( + controllerId).append($().attr(i d, blockMessage).css(display, none).html(message)) else $(blockMessage).html(message)var controller = $( + controllerId).data()if (controller = undefined controller = null controllerblockUI.isBlocked = undefined controllerblockUI.isBlocked = null controllerblockUI.isBlocked == 1)return$( + controllerId).block(message $(blockMessage),css border none,padding 15px,backgroundColor eee,-webkit-border-radius 10px,border-radius 10px,opacity .9,color 444,display inline,width 35%)function unBlockUI(controllerId) controllerId = controllerId ctl00_gridDiv$( + controllerId).unblock()Job Share Modal windowuse strict//This JavaScript is Main script for all Social Networks Connections and Communication.//Created on 03/04/2014//Created by Devank Agarwalvar SocialNetworkingJavaScript = function () var jobApplicationUrl = //function return the JobApplicationUrlthis.CreateJobApplicationURl = function (JobId) jobApplicationUrl = job uniform resource locator(JobId)// Alert to check the shared unif orm resource locator.//alert(jobApplicationUrl)return jobApplicationUrl//function that creates dynamic url including tenant, semen,user and job id.function jobURL(JobId) var swarm = location.hostvar URL = // Just a sess url to make the it run on localhost.if (host.indexOf(ams.hirepro.in) = -1host.indexOf(db1.hirepro.in)=-1) URL = getLiveUrl()else URL = http//d.ams.hirepro.in/amserdemo/ frequent/JobApplication/Default.aspx/?URL += getTenantUserAndJobIDEncryption()//alert(URL)return URL//function to get all the value for queryString.var escapedURL = function () var alias = getTenantAdamInfo().TenantAliasvar SourceId = getSourceId()var UserId = readCookie(userId)var EncrpytedJobId = $(control_Use_It_For_Setting_Attributes).attr(RecentlyEncryptedJobId)//alert to check the values//return (alias%3D + alias + %25userid%3D + UserId + %25sourceid%3D + SourceId + %25jobid%3D + JobId)return (alias= + alias + userid= + UserId + sourceid= + SourceId + jobid= + EncrpytedJobId)// function to fec t virtual agency of that hosting dynamically.var fetchVirtualDirectoryName = function () var arrayOfPathName = location.pathname.split(/)return arrayOfPathName1// function to get encrypted source id from the hidden field.var getSourceId = function () return $( + GetClientId(hfEncryptedSourceId)).val()// function to escape the url but presently not used.var getTenantUserAndJobIDEncryption = function () var URL = escapedURL()//return escape(URL)return URL// function to get the live url dynamically.var getLiveUrl = function () var protocol = location.protocolvar hostName = location.hostnamevar host = location.hostvar liveURL = liveURL += protocol + // + host + /liveURL += (host.indexOf() == -1) ? fetchVirtualDirectoryName() liveURL += /public/JobApplication/?liveURL += getTenantUserAndJobIDEncryption()return liveURLHTML code for Share job Modal windowEmailDirectHi,I would like to announce a new job opening in our organization. A complete job descriptionis available on the link provi ded below. Eligible individuals interested in applyingfor this position may submit an operation on the link belowSocial Mediastyle=border-style none border-color get border-width mediumoverflow hidden scrolling=noframeborder=0 style=border-style none vizor 350px width 100% border-color inheritborder-width medium overflow hidden
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