Saturday, August 31, 2019
Fictional Research About CCTV Cameras Essay
This report evaluates the social impact of the installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV from now on) cameras in our neighbourhood. These cameras have been placed by the local government with the intention of lowering crime rates. Participants filled a questionnaire, and this report is based on their feedback. Positive effects It’s been a month since the installation of the cameras, and they have already paid off as a great discouraging system. Misdemeanours such as hold-ups have lowered by 25%, whereas sexual assaults have lowered by an astounding 78%. People say that they feel safer and protected now. Negative effects However (and paradoxically), people don’t want to be observed 24/7 by the government. 75% of the population feel mildly uncomfortable about being watched all day, but think that this is still a good measure, while another 10% do not agree at all with this system. Among the people who don’t care about the constant surveillance, 2/3 are the elderly people (60+ years old). On the other hand, the most reluctant people to the CCTV camera system are between 15 and 25 years old, about the 64% of them. This group has protested against the system, even resorting to vandalize and destroy the cameras. Conclusions Most people in the area think of the CCTV cameras as a necessary evil, and think that their children are now able to go out without the fear of being assaulted, of something even worse. Most of them don’t like being observed, specially young people, but only a few are really upset about this fact. Recommendations The best solution, given the local response (and the fact that the area was conflictive enough to force the administration to install the cameras), would be for the government to send more police to the area, both to protect the cameras and to enforce local laws. This should lead to a further lowering of crime rates.
Friday, August 30, 2019
We Simply Cannot Wait
I was near the emergency ward of a hospital to claim my laboratory results when an ambulance came rushing in, carrying two victims of a vehicular accident, both of them seriously wounded and unconscious. From there I thought, should these things happen, who will the hospital attendants respond to, if both patients are in danger, both in need of immediate care, and both cannot wait, does the hospital have enough resources and capability to respond to such situations? Such reflections immediately come to mind when I read about Dr. Martin Luther King’s idea on the myth of time. Undoubtedly, he is right when he says, We Can’t Wait (2000) when dealing with problems in our country. . The attitude of waiting for time to come when all things will be good and beautiful is basically an old Christian tradition. Priests in the earlier times usually advise people to beg for God’s mercy and wait for His providence. In contrast, King tells us that while hunger and suffering per sist in the land, we cannot just wait until someone, like the government, finally decides to help us alleviate our sufferings. Applying this in broader terms, we realize that given the everyday struggle that Somali children face each day, we simply cannot wait for when donors will schedule sending relief goods. We need to act right away. Similarly, when we see people lying cold on the streets, we do not think of rallying in front of the senate the next morning to fight for their equal rights, we do not go to the social welfare to refer these people for help. While these actions could help the majority of the needy in the long run, these would take too much time, and before the government agency responds, the person would already be ill or dead. The challenge that Dr. King imposes in his article is timeless. It is addressed not only to the government, to civil rights organizations, or to wealthy businessmen. Rather, it is addressed to everyone, to all of us, regardless of race, gender, age, religion or economic status. This challenge requires only one thing, that is, to respond to the problem at hand, right away, right on time. Responding to this challenge, we give immediate help to those in need. To those feeling cold on the streets, we give out our jacket, old sheets, shirt, etc. Likewise, to those who are hungry, we provide some food and water. These things are not difficult, especially since we do not consume everything we have on our plate. When we eat, we always have some leftovers which we put inside the refrigerator, and most often, we forget about them so they still end up in the trash bin the next day. Moreover, reflecting on this challenge in the education area, teachers cannot take too much time before they respond to the needs of their students. In the classroom setting, they take responsibility over the needs of their students, and not wait for the school’s recommendations. Likewise, on a personal level, students extend help to others who are in need, and avoid feeling indifferent to the needs of their schoolmates. In sum, the challenge that Dr. King imposes on each of us requires our efforts to lift a finger and be good Samaritans to others. In addition, it also asks us not to discriminate, but rather help those in need regardless of their culture or origins. If we can exercise this in our everyday life, there will be less suffering. Therefore, the next time we encounter people needing our help, we should bear in mind the words of Dr. King, â€Å"We (simply) can’t wait. â€
Thursday, August 29, 2019
An U.S. Army Colonel talked (use another word besides talked or restructure the sentence so that you won’t have to use the â€Å"talked†) about Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment issues at the SHARP (what is sharp?) training meeting. (I think this lede is a bit vague and boring) In the battle against sexual assault and sexual harassment Col Howard Covington continuously work in sending the message that we are failing in this matter. â€Å"Working together is what can provide continuity of care to the victims and make them feel that they are not left behind†said Col Harold Covington, an Executive officer. He also indicated that commanders are responsible to establish a command climate that is safe to Soldiers soldiers shouldn’t be capitalize and civilians alike through training and education. â€Å"Many people had been hurt and many soldiers have not been held responsible for their acts because commanders are failing to implement the â€Å"zero tolerance policy†and allowing climate of harassment to continue in their units†said CPT Jen Taylor, a U.S. Army IG advisor. We all have a responsibility to take action to change our culture to eliminate an â€Å"enemy that lies within our ranks†responded Col Covington . We need to demonstrate through our words and actions the importance in this matter. CW2 this isn’t a recognizable title maybe it should be spelled outMichael Dilts, an HR officer said that to protect the victims and re-ensure they are not re-victimized must be a first priority in every command â€Å"we have the option of geographically separate the victim and the alleged offender†the victim has the preference to request her/his preferences. He added. This is very confusing and shouldn’t be a sentence but maybe added to the previous sentence or add more attributions SFC Angel Keen, a logistician NCOIC said, â€Å"I’d seen cases where the victim doesn’t have this option because commander prioritizes the mission first and not the victim situation.†SFC Terry Brown said â€Å"many sex harassment situations don’t go forward because there is not witness or proof that incident occurred, basically end in her word again his words.†He added, Situations like this are hard to resolve because you don’t want to hurt an innocent or you don’t want a harasser be free (this should be in quotations and why is the situations capitalized?). Col Covington responded, â€Å"Reporting procedures are very important and every individual need to know them. We are failing because many individuals don’t know what to do in a case of sexual harassment or sexual assault.†We need to continuously send the message to everyone that we are not tolerating sexual acts and our policy is in practice. CPT Taylor said, â€Å"How can we help those victims that failed to report sexual incidents because they feel blamed and they think that nobody will believe them.†Cold Covington responded, â€Å"We need to keep sending the message to the victims that we are here for support and to fight against sexual assault and sexual harassment acts.†CW2 Michael Dilts said all soldiers most be treated properly and succeed in an environment that allow them to achieve their best potential. The Army’s SHARP policies apply to everyone regardless of the ranks, age, gender, and are sexual orientation neutral. â€Å"An individual’s sexual orientation is a personal and private matter†he added. Army’s policy on sexual harassment covers Family members and soldiers 24/7. Suggestive comments are unwelcome, unwanted and sexual in nature constitute sexual assault and is a crime. Col Covington said, â€Å"We need to stop the quid pro quo and eliminate the hostile environment in our Army.†If we don’t start working in these two areas, we won’t be able to protect our soldiers. Sexual Harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Complaints are processed IAW AR 690-600 and 29 CFR Part 1614. Physical contact such as grouping and fondling constitutes sexual assault and is punishable under UCMJ, and other Federal and local civilian laws. (this isn’t a good closing paragraph and I think this should be towards the middle of this article)
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 118
Case Study Example The movement of a company to a place with lower taxation regulations allows it to capitalize on the legislations present and attain as much investment and revenue from its activities. This provides it with a better way of looking at things and provides new opportunities that will boost its future investments (Lamb, 2012). Political motivation could also be a boost as it works on strengthening commitment to that country and providing more strength to its corporation. It will build good repute with the new economic aspects present to provide better commitment. It also positions the company as a global player and provides different investors with investment opportunities (Bischoff-Turner, 2008). The most important goal is to provide new avenues that will boost a country’s position in terms of employment opportunities. Relocations will see a loss of revenue, loss of jobs and more doubts about the country’s potential to sustain economic growth and development (Bischoff-Turner, 2008). High-quality service provisions may lack in the new area, and that could influence the company negatively as it seeks to attract new clients and provide them with quality services. It is always important to look into the impact this will have on its service provision (Lamb, 2012). The movement of a HQ from one country or city to the next will depend on the benefits noted in that particular area. The problem with this is the inability to generate the required amount to sustain the business in the new area and lack of stringent measures to pursue a competitive edge in the new area (Lamb, 2012). If these were sorted out, it would be good to move. The company will also move if the intended gains are both in terms of revenue and investor visibility. If the gains are more to the company and shareholder investments, the movement will be ideal, and the HQ will be relocated (Bischoff-Turner, 2008). Setting the right
Dietary and Activity Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Dietary and Activity Analysis - Assignment Example The assignment "Dietary and Activity Analysis" presents the analysis of the author's dietary and activity, his energy intake and output, carbohydrate, alcohol, fat, protein, vitamin/mineral intakes and overall dietary intake based on 3-day average data. The paper contains the analysis of the estimated 3-day average daily expenditure in comparison with the 3-day energy intake. The author talks about the gaining or losing weight recently and if it is consistent with the differences between his energy intake and estimated energy output and his 3-day average daily energy intake. The energy consumed is analyzed during the weekend or weekdays and if it expends more energy on the weekends or weekdays. It is estimated that one should have at least 125 grams of carbohydrates a day and ideally, much more. Therefore the average intake compares with this minimum. The person requires more than 125 grams of carbohydrates per day for the energy supply to the body. The negative consequences of consuming less than this amount on a regular basis because less carbohydrate leads to more weight loss. Also, the percentage of the total calories contributed by carbohydrate based on the 3-day average intake is calculated. It is analyzed if the author's intake in line with the recommendations that 45-65% of the calories in his diet should come from carbohydrate. The grams of fiber consumed based on the 3-day average are also calculated and compared with the recommendation to consume 21-38 grams of dietary fiber/day.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Biology - Essay Example While the cannabinoid constituent may be free of central brain activity, it may possess potential therapeutic characteristics due to its anti-convulsant and myo-relaxant characteristics. In addition, the THC constituent in marijuana has attenuation effects such as tachycardia and euphoria. The mechanism of cannabinoids in effecting these changes is not clear since it is not possible to explain them through receptor binding (Shapiro, 2011). For the purpose of this study, THC alone will be studied in the process of sleep and sleep latencies, in the morning, after administration of marijuana. Research Question What are the effects of marijuana on the sleep patterns of young adults? Hypothesis Marijuana causes reduced sleep latency and increases sleepiness. Methodology The subjects who were incorporated in the study were between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five, weighing between sixty and ninety kg for males and fifty and eighty kg for females. Their body mass index was supposed to b e below thirty. The subjects were also required to have little incidence of medical history and were removed from the study if they had familial history of insomnia or daytime sleepiness, schizophrenic illnesses, and emotional or psychiatric problems (Solowij, 2010). Those taking more than 14 U of alcohol a week, smoking more than five cigarettes a day, and taking over five caffeinated beverages a day were also excluded. Inclusion required blood pressure measurements, oral temperature measurements, and hearty rate measurements. Those with blood pressure over 140/90 and a heart rate below 40 during rest were excluded. All subjects were required to use barrier methods during sex during the study, and that if they were on hormonal treatments, then they could not discontinue its use. The subjects consisted of four females aged between 20 and 22 years and 4 males between 24 and 30. The females weighed an average of 61.3kg and the males weighed an average of 74.7 kg. They were also social marijuana users and reported not using the drug for 30 days before the study, which was confirmed by a drug screen. The subjects also did not have any history of caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol abuse, confirmed by a drug screen that included tests for amphetamines, cocaine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and opiates (Solowij, 2010). Their alcohol intake was also below 8 U/week for females and 20 U/week for the males. The independent variable for the study is sleep while the dependent variable is marijuana. The research study was a placebo-controlled and double blind experiment with observations of THC and CBD effects on sleep patterns the day after administration. There was a night for adaptation and four nights for the experiment that were separated by one week. The participants were required to sleep at their usual time, and refrain from catnaps and exercise during the day before the experimental nights and were also required to refrain from exercise at least twelve hours following the experimental nights. The participants were chauffeured to the sleep lab for the experimental nights. During the adaptation night, the participants were familiarized with the experiment and to confirm that they possessed a normal pattern of sleep. Caffeine and alcohol ingestion was prohibited during the adaptation night for twenty-four hours with smoking prohibited five hours before the sleep-over (Solowij, 2010). The participants
Monday, August 26, 2019
Dark child Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dark child - Essay Example Two of the major characters in the book are his parents. His father is the village goldsmith, whose spirit dwells in a snake; â€Å"No one was to kill him because he was my fathers guiding spirit!†(Laye 22). He is described as an â€Å"open handed, lavish giver†albeit â€Å"temperate†(Laye 20- 21). Laye portrays him as a great man, the man in whose footsteps he could have followed to attain a similar greatness, but for the fact that he opts for Western education instead. It is his father whom Laye turns to for guidance when he must choose whether or not to attend school in Conkary; â€Å"What must I do if I am to do the right thing?†(Laye 29). His father tells him â€Å"There is a certain form of behavior to observe, and certain ways of acting in order that the guiding spirit of our race may approach you also†¦..I fear, I very much fear little one that you are not enough in my company. You are all day at school.†(Laye 27). Laye’s ance stral heritage is replete with mysticism, charms and spirits, his father’s spirit is a snake, his mother’s a crocodile – each has an individual totem with which identification is complete. But young Laye is unable to find his own totem; â€Å"yes the world rolls on†¦.and the proof of it is that my own totem†¦.is still unknown to me.†(Laye 75). Laye’s grandmother is portrayed as the typical Universal grandmother, who loves him without question or reason, examining him every time he visits her and moaning about how thin he is. His mother is the strongest influence in his life – Laye shares a special relationship with her, awe struck by her supernatural powers. She is portrayed as a strong influence in the home; â€Å"everything was done according to her own rules and those rules were strict†(Laye 68). She was authoritarian, unlike other African women who played a more submissive role and Laye states; â€Å"It was due to the strange powers she possessed.†(Laye 69).
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Dance, production, performance, choreography (OCD as the central Essay
Dance, production, performance, choreography (OCD as the central theme) - Essay Example That is dance as an influential impulse and as a skillfully choreographed ability practiced mostly by professionals. The link between these ideas will be stronger in producing a dance for a live community audience. Producing and making a dance for a live community performance is one of the most challenging tasks and it requires joint efforts. Several people will need to be engaged in coordinating all elements that are essential for production. Some of the fundamental aims of creating this dance would include expressing and communicating our feelings. We will open the dance with a voice over counting 1,2,3,4, it will be counting four times in totoal and will speed up as it goes along. This will be used to introduce the ocd. We will be in the audience or one of the chairs getting up on stage sequence (nat workshop)-introduces our characters. This will slowly show the affect our ocd/ movement has on us and on each other. Showing the connections between us as we travel about our everyday life. Trio - waking up in everyday life, showing our relationships between each other, showing our interaction e.g racing forward (competing against each other). further developing our characters and the relationships between them. ... It also shows Niamh and Nats relationship (nat not wanting to talk/slightly controlling niamh. These relationships are all a counter reaction of our feelings towards ocd. Niamh and nats duet: showing niamhs battle to be open about it and nats battle to keep it hidden. symbolises the struggles behind ocd that doesn’t always appear on the surface Possible working with other people - representation of more character relationships that occur from ocd Niamh, Cecilia and Nat sinister trio - heavily focused on characterisation. showing the reactions of others to ocd e.g niamh is open about it and nat and cecilia are intrueged and checking if she still does it in weird situations. their ocd is still showing through but they are trying to hide it. The community dance will aim at educating people on the importance of insurance as well as entertaining them. Moreover, the community dance will often entail a unique attempt of stylization, for instance the dance movements will be arr anged into a rhythmic or spatial pattern, tracing circles or lines on the ground, tracking a definite order of steps, or complying with a pattern of usual stresses or accents. All these features will produce a unique condition of mind and body that will provide the audience with a different knowledge. We would like the audience to be drawn into the patterns and rhythms generated by the movements of dancers so that they may share the feelings being expressed. The choreographic process Choreography refers to the art of creating dances, the assembly and arrangement of movement into a pattern and order. Latest Western dances have been produced by particular choreographers, who have been considered as the owners and authors of their works in an approach comparable to composers,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Physical Abuse to Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Physical Abuse to Children - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that children need to be protected from any and all forms of abuse. It is evident from research carried out by different studies that most children are often exposed to one form of abuse or another at some point in their lives. In order to safeguard and protect the growth and development of a child, it is crucial to ensure that the environment in which they are exposed to is free from any and all forms of abuse. This may make it possible for them to grow and develop into individuals who are keen on helping shape society, rather than destroy it. Physical abuse is just one form of abuse that a child may experience growing up, and in some cases, may lead to the child’s death. It is not correct or fair to insinuate that among all the forms of abuse known, physical abuse may be the most dangerous. This is because all forms of abuse leave the child scarred and mentally afflicted for life. There are legislations that are in place that try a nd ensure children are protected and their rights safeguarded against any form of abuse. However, this has not stopped carers, parents, siblings, or guardians from physically abusing children. Working Together to Safeguard Children identifies physical abuse of children as poisoning, shaking, burning, scalding, and even drowning them. The distress caused by such actions often show up later in children as they tend to act out or carry out similar actions against others.
Friday, August 23, 2019
ECommerce Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
ECommerce Coursework - Essay Example Turban et al have compared the internet economy to the ecosystem in nature because the users find their own ways and means to generate profits and service the customers. They create an environment conducive to attract the customers and suppliers and make changes as the situation demands. Today the internet has scores of online businesses business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C) and customer-to-customer (C2C) and has definite advantages over the traditional way of transacting business (Amit and Zott 2000). However, the internet ecosystem has a business model that has enhanced the value chain and eliminated the dis-intermediaries. There are various business models that operate on the internet each having its own advantages and benefits for the participants. This is because the internet is an open and non-proprietary platform for collaboration and communication. It has allowed free information sharing and close connections with customers and among supply chain or business ecosystems partners’ information systems (Lee and Vonortas 2003). This results in benefits like real time pricing, flexible products and services, low cost of distribution as the intermediaries can be eliminated. The extensive reach and the richness of the information can be maintained between the ecosystem partners. The digital assets for a firm include the information about the customers whereby they are able to provide value across different markets. Information is a source of revenue for the digital economy and this enhances transparency. Business offer virtual online stores where the customers can visit stores, compare prices and take an informed decision. In the digital world keeping pace with the change that is taking place is important and firms must learn to adapt to the changing business environments. Today there are definite value drivers of e-commerce, which refers to any factor that enhances the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Management Process and Organizational Behavior Essay Example for Free
Management Process and Organizational Behavior Essay Q.1 â€Å"Today managers need to perform various functions†: Elaborate the statement Managers create and maintain an internal environment, commonly called the organization, sothat others can work efficiently in it. A manager’s job consists of planning, organizing, directing,and controlling the resources of the organization. These resources include people, jobs or positions, technology, facilities and equipment, materials and supplies, information, and money.Managers work in a dynamic environment and must anticipate and adapt to challenges.The manager looks after more than one function. Therefore, managerial practices usedsuccessfully in big firms cannot be blindly used in small-scale units. Basic managerial functionsin large and small business are the same. But the manner in which these functions should becarried out can be different.Managing starts with planning. A manager with a definite and well defined plan has morechances of success than another who tries to start an enterprise without planning. According toKillen†planning is the process of deciding in advance what is to be done‚who is to do it‚how it isto be done and when it is to be done’’. Planning involves thinking and decision and is, therefore,called a logical process. Planning is a continuous process as changes in plans have to be madefrom time to time to take care of changing environment. Many a times, a vague approach isadapted to planning in a small firm. There is a false impression that small firms areuncomplicated and do not require planning. The small-scale manager does not want to engagehis employees in the planning process due to the desire to keep the secrets with him. Personalaccountability for results, lack of expert staff and not having planning skills are other major obstacles to planning in small firms. The owner or manager of a small enterprise is too involvedin day-to-day operation to try planning before commencing actual operation. But they need pre-planning most because small firms have limited resources to conquer their upcoming problemand cannot afford to finance losses that can take place while adjusting to unanticipatedhappenings/changes.An manager needs an enterprise which can achieve the business objectives. During thefunction of organizing he leads human resources to successful completion of the project,arranging the functions and activities into different levels in the organization structure, thusfacilitating the assignments of personnel according to their capabilities, skills and motivation.According to Peter F. Drucker the process of organizing consists of three steps activitiesanalysis, decisions analysis and relation analysis.(i). Activities Analysis: It consists of the following:a) Determining the main functions for achieving the objectives of the firm.b) Various sub-functions in each major function.c) Amount of work in each major function and its sub-function.d) The position required to perform the activities.(ii) Decisions Analysis: It consists of the following:a) Choosing the basis of departmentalization so that functions could be grouped intospecialized units. Generally, functional departmentation is appropriate for small-scaleunits. Customers, Products and territories are ot her important base of departmentalization.b) Choosing the type of organization structure so that departments are incorporated into aformal structure. MBA Sem-IManagement Process and Organizational Behavior Subject code MB0022 (iii) Relations Analysis: The authority, responsibility and accountability of every position and itsrelationship with other positions are clearly defined. Various positions are manned with personshaving the necessary education, training, experience and other qualifications.To obtain best possible benefit from each employee it is necessary to delegate functions as far-down in the organization as possible. Owners of small firms are often reluctant to delegatingauthority to their employees even though they expect them to do all functions allocated to themthat require authority. For effective completion of tasks, it is necessary that responsibilityaccompanies the necessary authority. In directing a manager has to supervise, guide, lead and motivate people so that they canachieve set targets of performance. In the process of directing his subordinates, a manager ensures that the employees fulfill their tasks according to the set plans. Directing is theexecutive function of management because it is concerned with the execution of plan andpolicies. Directing commences organized action and sets the whole organizational machineryinto action. It is, therefore, the life giving function of an organization. This is the area where themastery of the art and science of management is put to test. An manager’s leadership styledetermines the work atmosphere and culture of the organization. Above all, he must motivateemployees by setting a good example, setting practical targets of performance and providingsatisfactory monetary and non- monetary benefits.In directing a manager has to perform the following tasks:(a) Issuing orders and instructions(b) Supervising workers(c) Motivating i.e. inspiring to work efficiently for set objectives(d) Communicating with employees regarding plans and their implementation.(e) Leadership or influencing the actions or employees. Controlling is the process of ensuring that the organization is moving in the desired directionand that progress is being made to wards the achievement of goals.The answer to a profitable organization is the skill of the owner or manager to controloperations. He has to establish standards of performance, procedures, goals and budgets. Withthese guides, he supervises job progress, workers performance and the financial condition of the business. The controlling function of the owner manager includes:Setting of standards: Control presumes the existence of standards against which actual resultsare to be evaluated. Standards can not control on their own but they are the targets againstwhich actual performance can be measured. Therefore they should be set clearly andaccurately. They should be precise, adequate, and feasible.Measurement of actual performance: The actual performance is measured and evaluated incomparison with the set standards. Preferably measurement should be such that variation maybe identified in advance of occurrence and prevented by suitable action. Where work involved isof quantitative nature measurement of performance is not difficult. But when the work is notquantifiable measurement becomes difficult. Periodical reports test checks and audits arehelpful in precise measurement of performance. MBA Sem-IManagement Process and Organizational Behavior Subject code MB0022 Analysis of variances: Comparison of actual performance with standards will reveal variation.Variations are analysed to identify their cause and their impact on the organization. Correctiveaction can be possible only where the causes of the problem spots have been identified.Clarification may be called for sudden variation.Taking corrective action: Control means action on the basis of measurement and evaluation of results. Wherever possible self- determining device should be used for bringing back actualresults in line with the standards. Standards should be revised wherever necessary. Other stepsto prevent deviations can be re-organization, improvements in staffing and directions etc. Thereal meaning of control lies in the commencement and follow-up of remedial action. At thisstages control unites with planning.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Maggie Bibliography Essay Example for Free
Maggie Bibliography Essay Baum, Rosalie Murphy. Alcoholism and Family Abuse in Maggie and the Bluest Eye. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 19. 3 (1986): 91-105. Begiebing, Robert J. Stephen Cranes Maggie: The Death of the Self. American Imago: A Psychoanalytic Journal for Culture, Science, and the Arts 34 (1977): 50-71. Bergon, Frank. Stephen Cranes Artistry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1975. Bowers, Fredson ed, and James B. introd Colvert. The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane: Vol. I: Bowery Tales: Maggie, Georges Mother. Charlottesville : UP of Virginia, 1969. Bradbury, Malcolm. Romance and Reality in Maggie. Journal of American Studies 3 (1969): 111-21. Brennan, Joseph X. Ironic and Symbolic Structure in Cranes Maggie. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 16. 4 (1962): 303-15. Bruccoli, Matthew J. Maggies Last Night. Stephen Crane Newsletter 2. 1 (1967): 10. Cady, Edwin H. Stephen Crane: Maggie, a Girl of the Streets. Landmarks of American Writing. Ed. Hennig Cohen. New York: Basic Books, 1969. 172-81. Cady, Edwin H. Stephen Crane: Maggie, a Girl of the Streets. Landmarks of American Writing. Ed. Hennig Cohen: Basic Books, New York Pagination: 172-181, 1969. Church, Joseph. Excellent People: Naturalism, Egotism, and the Teaching of Cranes Maggie. ALN: The American Literary Naturalism Newsletter 1. 2 (2006): 10-15. Clerkin, Mary Jane. A Feminist Interpretation of Three Nineteenth Century Literary Heroines: Hardys Tess, Cranes Maggie and Ibsens Nora. Dissertation Abstracts International 53. 6 (1992): 1900A. Crane, Stephen, and J. C. Levenson. Prose and Poetry. The Library of America ; 18. New York, N. Y. : Literary Classics of the U. S. and Viking Press, 1984. Cunliffe, Marcus. Stephen Crane and the American Background of Maggie. American Quarterly 7 (1955): 31-44. Dingledine, Don. It Could Have Been Any Street: Ann Petry, Stephen Crane, and the Fate of Naturalism. Studies in American Fiction 34. 1 (2006): 87-. Dooley, Patrick K. Stephen Cranes Distilled Style (and the Art of Fine Swearing). Stephen Crane Studies 15. 1 (2006): 28-31. Dooley, Patrick Kiaran. Stephen Crane : An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Scholarship. New York: G. K. Hall, 1992. Dooley, Patrick Kiaran. The Pluralistic Philosophy of Stephen Crane. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1993. Dow, William. Performative Passages: Daviss Life in the Iron Mills, Cranes Maggie, and Norriss Mcteague. Twisted from the Ordinary: Essays on American Literary Naturalism. Ed. Mary E. Papke. Tennessee Studies in Literature (Tstl) Number: 40: U of Tennessee P, Knoxville, TN Pagination: 23-44, 2003. xv, 416. Dowling, Robert M. Stephen Crane and the Transformation of the Bowery. Twisted from the Ordinary: Essays on American Literary Naturalism. Ed. Mary E. Papke. Tennessee Studies in Literature (Tstl) Number: 40: U of Tennessee P, Knoxville, TN Pagination: 45-62, 2003. xv, 416. 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The History Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay
The History Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay Domestic Violence is a widespread problem both internationally and nationally (Tjaden and Tjaden, 2000; WHO, 2000; 2002). In the United Kingdom alone it has been reported that one in four women have experienced domestic abuse, at some point in their lives (BMA 1998; Bacchus et al. 2002 and BCS 2006). These statistics found do not represent the true context of the problem encountered by many professionals who may be in contact with these individuals and families. It has been widely reported that with this being a sensitive topic and the nature of the subject, it has been under reported and therefore not truly representative of how serious the problem is (REF). To define what domestic violence is it may be helpful to understand what kind of behaviours it may entail. The Home Offices definition of domestic violence is; Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. The issue of domestic violence has no boundaries in regards to gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, disability or socio economic status. Having said this, it has to be acknowledged that indeed some research does suggest equal prevalence of both male and female perpetrated violence (Straus et al. 1980; Mirrless-Black, 1999 and Morse, 1995). Research has suggested this has failed to account for other kinds of abuse and focused largely on physical assaults. A large error in such studies is in their use of self-completion questionnaires. The use of this tool has been criticised for the heavy emphasis on physical acts that have been taken out of context (Yllo, 1988; Dobash and Dobash, 1992). Thus between acts of self-defence or attack, there is no discrimination nor in the level of impact of the abuse or violence encountered. Mirrlees-Black (1999) however has recognised that the initial findings of her study that showed similar rates for men and women as victims of a violent relationship ma y not mean that men are equally victimised in the same manner as women. After close examination she found that men interpreted and managed their experiences in a different way to women. In fact men were considerably less frightened, much less injured, and least likely to seek professional help. There are cases of domestic abuse present in same sex relationships, or women as the aggressor towards men but historically, numerically and geographically the most occurring pattern is one of men and their violence towards women (Dobash and Dobash, 1992; and Mullender, 1996). Research has also found that for women the impact of domestic abuse is greater emotionally, psychologically as well as physically (Walby and Allen, 2004; Watson and Parsons, 2005; Womens Aid and the Women Abuse Studies Unit, London 2001). In addition it has also found steadily that as many as one in three women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lives (McGibbon et al. 1988; Mooney, 1994; Dominy and Radford, 1996). The presence of children in a household has also shown an association with twice the risk of domestic violence for women (Walby and Allen, 2004). In this sense children cannot help but be affected by their experiences of abuse. Hence, while the focus of study and understanding has mostly been achieved in eliciting women and their views, of shelter workers and of other professionals, it has also pursued a line of investigation directly into childrens experience of contact to domestic violence (Buckley, Whelan and Holt, 2006; Hague and Mullender, 2006; Mullender et al., 2002 and McGee, 2000). A substantial amount of literature in this area exists which concentrates on the effects on children (Hague and Mullender, 2006; Hazen et al. 2006). Edleson (1999) has in fact found more than eighty studies in this area. Childhood is regarded as an important and significant period in anyones lifetime. It is a time that should be guarded. Development and learning during this period should be nurtured and supported in the given environment. If the environment is tainted by fear and violence, the act itself of growing up becomes an arduous task. Osofsky (1995) found that exposure to violence can lead to reverting back to childhood, also known as regressive symptoms such as bedwetting, delayed language development and anxiousness over separation from parents. Other researchers have also found links between domestic violence within a household and children having learning and behavioural problems which can affect their health, emotional and behavioural well-being (Wolfe et al. 1988 and Margolin, 1998). It is important to iterate that no researchers in this area have stated that domestic violence causes these maladaptive behaviours. Often where domestic violence occurs, other social problems have been known to also exist. Devaney (2008) found that domestic violence was present when parental substance and alcohol misuse also existed. As you can see this starts to formulate a slightly less straight-forward area of research where many complexities are involved; though serves to highlight other risk factors which may be helpful to look at. Research in the area has also indicated that there are links between domestic violence and child abuse. Bancroft and Miller (2002) have found that there is a greater chance of a child experiencing physical or sexual abuse whilst living in a household where domestic violence occurs. Indication of how grave the issue is can be seen in a study by Walby (2004) who found that in 40% of child abuse cases there was also co-occurrence of domestic violence. This is further supported by Hester et al. (1998) who suggested that domestic violence is contributory factor in half of all serious case reviews and 75% for those cases placed on the child protection register. This raises domestic violence as a child protection concern in the field of social work and thus has serious implications for practice. The high prevalence of domestic violence in child protection cases is not reflected in the same way in terms of health care professionals who have discovered a much lower proportion of domestic violence (Naumann et al. 1999; Mooney, 1993). The low rate of detection by professionals can perhaps be attributable to many factors. So far enquiry in this area has suggested that the level of knowledge a practitioner may hold with regards to domestic violence and abuse may be a crucial factor. Peckover (2003) goes further to highlight that professionals improper attitudes alongside a general absence of understanding and training regarding domestic violence may also explain the low statistics in uncovering abuse. This highlights a significant gap in an area where research and early intervention should be at its most robust. This could be explained that perhaps there is no infallible distinction or separation in both policy and practice of child abuse from woman abuse (Humphreys and Mullender, YEAR). A reason why the issue exists in such a context i.e. Childrens services, it may be that there is less emphasis on the use of monitoring domestic violence and is not seen as a child protection concern. The services that are available to children living with domestic violence are based on the presumption that is the womens responsibility to protect the child from experiencing harm, which characteristically involves forcing the partner to leave or leaving the household with her children herself. This also signifies the narrow understanding of domestic violence in a multi-professional manner but also its response to it. Lack of early intervention and strategies in place to identify children who may be at a risk of harm may also lead to increased social exclusion and increased financial strain on the state (REF). By addressing such themes in the literature review I will aim to demonstrate how the relationship between domestic violence and abuse is such that, where one is existing enquiries should consistently be made about the other. This will help to form safer, more sensitive assessments and well placed interventions. In light of research shown it may raises questions as to how far the impact of domestic violence is on children who are exposed to it, what possible interventions exist for such a large social problem. Methodology I will use to address the problem Whilst it has been acknowledged that a fully systematic review cannot be undertaken due to the time constraints of my MSc course I intend to use a systematic approach when reviewing literature. I will use a literature review to highlight key themes and issues brought to light by using a systematic approach when conducting and forming my search. I have also recognised that a non-systematic approach can lead to misleading conclusions in research which is not accurately verified. In addition a non-systematic review does not undertake critique of the literature which is needed to form a balanced judgement. Whereas a systematic approach will facilitate my research question/ rationale with a well-focused searching strategy to enhance appraisal and fusion of the literature I will be researching. However, I have realised that whilst a literature review is less time consuming and the least expensive research method. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The benefit to employing this method is that it will allow me to be rigorous when synthesising relevant data found, and examine the evidence found. Though the weakness is that it will be not me conducting primary research which would be more beneficial to make the social science discipline more evidence based. In conducting a search so far I have already recognised the implications in using the terms domestic abuse, domestic violence and intimate partner violence. I have so far found that some of these terms only take into account certain aspects such as physical assaults. Therefore I will continue to use these terms when searching for relevant literature as it is used quite inter-changeably. To help find literature that addresses the research question I will intend to use established search engines and databases such as Google Scholar; DISCOVER; PsychInfo; and CINAHL. These databases will mostly be used to search for primary sources of research conducted. In addition Dawson Era the online university library will also be utilised for secondary sources such as books and other texts. Through this I will aim to discuss possible themes that have impacted childrens development in relation to domestic abuse and the risk factors associated. I will also aim to look at intervention strategies in place that recognise domestic violence as a co-occurring factor to potential child protection and safeguarding aspects of social work practice. To exactly utilise a systematic approach when conducting a literature review it may be important to have an inclusion and exclusion criteria to help in analysing relevant data. For inclusion I will keep a time frame in mind that is in line with current policy and research. As it is only as recent as the last three decades that children and young people have been directly investigated and researched when concerned with the impact of violence to them. Therefore, I have decided to limit data found in the past two decades to address the question. Therefore in light of research found in this area, it has raised key research questions. The question I have decided to focus my review on which is; what are the impacts of domestic violence on children and what are the implications of this for social work practice. Expected contribution to knowledge I will aim to further analyse my findings by utilising theories useful to underpin data found. Theories which I will use will be the Crisis intervention theory, Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, and person-centred theory. These will help to identify further recommendations that could help child care services to better meet the needs of children affected by domestic violence. To keep from going off topic, I will aim to meet with my dissertation supervisor on a regular basis to uncover and discuss issues in more detail with work presented.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Allston Corners Hidden Drama Essay -- Journalism Essays
Allston Corner's Hidden Drama Site of '60s homeowners rebellion may become the next Harvard Square Except for the occasional group of teenagers furtively smoking in front of the 7-Eleven, no one spends much time in Allston’s Barry’s Corner. Bordered by gas stations, loading docks, and an uninviting concrete apartment complex, the intersection of North Harvard Street and Western Avenue is a place to speed through before the light changes. Chris Fazio, an Allston resident and employee at the nearby Harvard Business School, always tries to walk through Barry’s Corner as quickly as possible. He describes it as a â€Å"soul-crushing urban wasteland†that â€Å"always looks dirtier than it is. You get the impression that it was just thrown together and abandoned,†he said. â€Å"It’s depressing.†But it wasn’t always this way. It used to be a place that people fought to save. In 1961, the owners of the 52 houses that once made up Barry’s Corner were shocked to learn on the news that their neighborhood would be sacrificed to urban renewal, according to Thomas O’Connor’s book â€Å"Building a New Boston.†Calling the area â€Å"blighted,†the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) planned to demolish it to make way for a luxury apartment complex, O’Connor wrote. Residents rebelled against the plans – at one point even arming themselves with brooms and shovels to chase away a BRA appraisal team – but they only delayed the inevitable for a few years. The city agreed to switch the new development to moderate income housing, but the character of Barry’s Corner was irrevocably changed. Now, after nearly 40 years, Barry’s Corner is once again being eyed for a makeover. Located between Harvard Business School and the university’s recently purchas... ...e police department is better prepared to serve the residents of the neighborhoods,†he said in an e-mail. Across the highway in North Allston, the nightlife is much quieter. Few undergraduates live in the neighborhood and the Harvard Business School graduate students have little time for raucous keg parties. Will it be different fifty years from now? As BU students flock to the bars and restaurants on Harvard and Brighton Avenues in South Allston, the sidewalks are empty in Barry’s Corner. Soon the number 66 bus pulls up, dislodging a handful of commuters. They step gingerly over the puddles flanking the wide streets. The kids are back in front of the 7-Eleven, but they don’t linger long. It’s hard to picture this corner changing. Will future Allstonians ever care enough again about Barry’s Corner to fight for its survival? Only time will tell.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Cinnamon: Its Not Just For Making Cinnamon Rolls :: Botany
Cinnamon: It's Not Just For Making Cinnamon Rolls Most people around the world are familiar with the sweet and pungent taste of cinnamon. Cinnamon is the common name for the trees and shrubs that belong to the genus Cinnamomum of the Laurel family (Lauraceae). Cinnamon spice comes primarily from the Sri Lankan cinnamon known as Cinnamomum zeylanicum. It is obtained from the plant by drying the central part of the bark, which is then sold in stick or powdered form. The cinnamon oil is extracted from the waste products of drying and the pointed black fruits that the tree bears (1). This oil is used for medicinal purposes or flavoring (2). Cinnamomum Zeylanicum is the source of cinnamon that we in the United States commonly buy. Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde, essential oils, Eugenol, metholeugenol, muscilage, sucrose, starch, and tannin (3). Distribution Have you ever wondered where cinnamon comes from? It is unbelievable to think that there is a place somewhere in the world where cinnamon is commonly seen growing along the side of the road. Just imagine walking through campus with cinnamon trees growing all around you. Cinnamon is native to India, Mayala, Ceylon, China, Japan and Taiwan, where it is as common to them as an Oak tree wood be to us (1). The spice grows in a number of tropical forests and is extensively cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world, including Madagascar, Brazil, and the Caribbean (4). Cinnamomum zeylanicum, True Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, India, where it was one of the spices responsible for world trade (5). Description The Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree grows up to thirty feet tall with ovate to ovate-lanceolate leaves that can be four to seven inches long. The flowers are inconspicuous, and the panicles of the yellowish flowers are usually longer than the leaves (6). These panicles bear pointed black fruits from which cinnamon oil is extracted. The cinnamon sticks are made from the bark of the tree and are rolled naturally when the bark is sun-dried. The tree grows best in deep, well-drained, moist soils (1). Uses Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) has many common everyday uses and some not so common uses. Everybody has probably used cinnamon for some reason, whether for cooking purposes or medicinal purposes. Despite being widely used in food and pharmacy it is also important in the cosmetic and perfumery industries (7). In some areas cinnamon has been known to be used for religious purposes.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Surrealism and Salvador Dali Essay -- Art Artists
Surrealism and Salvador Dali      Surrealism is defined as an art style developed in the 1920's in Europe, characterized by using the subconscious as a source of creativity to liberate pictorial subjects and ideas. Surrealist paintings often depict unexpected or irrational objects in an atmosphere or fantasy , creating a dreamlike scenario ( 2004). The word Surrealism was created in 1917 by the writer Guillaune Apollinaire. He used it to describe two instances of artistic innovation ( Bradley 6). In 1924, in the Manifeste du Surrealisme which launched the surrealist movement, the writer Andre Brenton and his friend Philippe Soupault adopted the word,â€Å"baptized by the name of Surrealism the new mode of expression which we had at our disposal and which we wished to pass on to our friends.†Brenton adopted the word Surrealism to describe the                                                        2 literary and artistic practice of himself and his â€Å"friends.†Some examples of Surrealist art are; M.C. Escher’s â€Å"Drawing Hands,†Salvador Dali’s â€Å"The Persistence of Memory,†(1931) , and Salvador Dali’s â€Å"Remorse.†(1931)      One of Dali’s more famous paintings, â€Å"The Persistence of Memory,†was first shown June 1931 at The Pierre Cole Gallery in Paris. Essentially the soft watches demonstrate that one aspect of the paranoiac critical method is it’s capacity to link objects to qualities normally associated with other, completely different , elements .Dali painted the setting first, a deserted landscape at Port Lligat where he and Gala had bought a fisherman’s hut the previous summer. in the foreground the self-portrait motif reappears in the form of a foetus abandoned on a beach. This refers to Dali’s professed memories of intrauterine life and suggests the trauma of birth. A watch sagging across the foetus and another hanging from a plinth evoke the feelings of timelessness associated with the experience or pre- birth. The title of the painting thus refers to prenatal memories and it’s subject is â€Å"the horrible traumatism of birth by which we are expunged from paradise†. The title                                                        3 also refers to Gala’s response when Dali asked her whether in three years ti... All material displayed or broadcasted from this website are under strict copyright regulations.  © Copyright 2002 - The Salvador Dalà Museum - All Rights Reserved. Text from "ART20, The Thames and Hudson Multimedia Dictionary of Modern Art.†Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge Grolier Inc. Danbury Connecticut, 1993 . issue #18. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge Grolier Inc. Danbury Connecticut, 1993 . vol. 1 issue #5. Etherington-Smith, Meredith The Persistence of Memory: A Biography of Dali. N.Y. , Da Capo Press, 1995.                                                                                                     13 Andrews, Wayne The Surrealist Parade N.Y. , New Directions Publishing Corp. , 1988.                                                   Bradley, Fiona Surrealism Cambridge university Press. United Kingdom, 1997. Waldes, Teresa Great Modern Masters Dali Harry n Abrams inc Publishers. Spain, 1994. Stich, Sildra Anxious Visions Abbeville Publishers. N.Y., 1990. WWW.NYTIMES.COM copyright 2005. WWW.ProgressiveArt.COM copyright 2005.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Federalists vs Democrat Republicans
10/13/11 Federalists Vs. Democratic-Republicans Hearing about political parties, Washington was not too keen on the idea. Conversely, he was part of the uprising of the first two political parties. Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, previously named anti-federalists, were the two different political organizations. The first two parties to evolve were very different regarding beliefs of the common people, views of the government, their stances on the foreign policy, and ways to manage finances. Alexander Hamilton, a political mastermind, was the first leader of the Federalists.Like him self, the Federalist followers were wealthy land owning men who were powerful and held high jobs within the cities. They believed that industries of mercantilism and business were going to be significant contributors to the success of America’s future. Therefor Federalism was very popular in New England and the North part of the United States because of the popularity of â€Å"big businessà ¢â‚¬ in those areas. In fear of getting in the middle of a war with another country they did not want any ties with any other countries, but to trade with them. Hamilton and his followers also believed in a very strong central government.They wanted a secure executive branch and trusted it as the key for a strong nation. However, they followed the Constitution, but if they found the need to change anything, and it was necessary and proper and would benefit the nation, they were ok to make the change. The federalists were very strong supporters of the British. Hamilton felt that they should not get involved with the war between France and Great Britain, this however angered the French because without them, they believed, America would have lost the Revolutionary war. Thomas Jefferson led the Democratic-Republicans.This party’s followers were considerably less wealthy than the Federalists. Supporters came from the south and west where there were more of the farmers, small bus iness owners, and employees of the new nation. The beliefs of these people were very contrary to those of the Federalists. They followed the constitution very strictly and anything that was opposing the constitution the Central Government had no place on handling the issues. They felt that there should not be too much power placed on the federal government and that the legislature should hold more of the power.Their beliefs were that a strong Central Government would diminish the rights of the states and the people. This party saw the future of America flourishing under agriculture. They did not want the national bank as the Federalists did because it was not originally written in the Constitution. Also in contrast to the Federalists, the Democratic-Republicans did not like the British and wanted nothing to do with them. Between the two parties, consolidating the differences down to major dissimilarities, the Federalist Party is one I side with for some distinct reasons. A loose int erpretation of the Constitution is a major upside in my opinion.If America were to make no changes to the constitution we would be fixed in a system of roundabouts. The same problems would keep arising and there would be no way to change them while under strict interpretations. The last difference is the strong central government with a secure executive branch. The distinction of powers in the government insures separation of the powers and does not give positions concurring powers and rights. Although the representation of the lower totem-pole citizens is marginal, they can make changes based on the representation of the people because of the equalized powers of the government.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Entrance Test: Faculty of Health Sciences Essay
Date and venue of the test centres have been indicated on the Admit Card. Applicants should indicate one centre of their choice in the space provided in the Application Form. In case the Admit Card does not reach you on time, you are advised to take the Test at a convenient Centre bringing a photocopy of the application form and photo ID with you for identification. The University has not authorized any publications or any preparatory classes for this Test. Structure of the Test The total duration of the admission test would be 2 hours and 30 minutes All questions carry equal marks, there is no negative marking. The test paper is divided into various sections comprising multiple choice questions. Distribution of the questions in various sections is as follows: Section I This section comprises two components which aim to test competency in the English language: Component 1: 30 multiple choice questions to test structure, cohesion and vocabulary. Component 2: a summative paragraph from notes which will be provided. The time given to complete Section I will be 1 hour and 15 minutes. There will be no negative marking for this section. Section II II A. This section will comprise 20 multiple choice questions in Biological Sciences The time given to complete this section is 30 minutes. II B. This section will also comprise 20 multiple choice questions in Mathematics. Candidates will be given 30 minutes to complete this section. II C. This section will also include 10 multiple choice questions to ascertain their Logical reasoning skills. The time given to complete this section is 15 minutes. hP D in Health Scienc se 2010 The Aga Khan University Medical College Faculty of Health Sciences Answering MCQs The candidates are expected to attempt all questions, selecting the correct answer by darkening the corresponding box in the given answer sheet, e. g. if D is the correct answer for a question, your answer should be marked as under: A B C D Please Note: – Use a dark pencil to make dark marks – To change an answer, erase completely Discipline The University expects honesty from applicants. Dishonest behaviour during the Test or violation of instructions given by the examiner will result in irrevocable disqualification of the applicant from entering the selection process. SECTION I English Component I: Structure, Cohesion and Vocabulary Directions: Each passage below has ten numbered gaps, each gap indicating that something has been omitted. Read the entire text carefully and then look at the possible answers A, B, C or D below to complete the gap. Choose the option for each gap that best fits the meaning of the sentence or passage as a whole. Example Imagine that you have arrived at a leading Asian university to take part in a study of learning and memory. You go into a room †¦. 1†¦. thirty year-old biology lecturer, the experimenter, whose demeanour is rather stern. The other person in the room is also there to take part in the experiment. He is a rotund forty-five year old accountant who is mild mannered and likeable. The experimenter †¦. 2†¦. the effects of punishment on learning. It is decided, apparently by drawing lots, that the accountant will be the learner and you will be the teacher. You all go into an adjacent room where the learner is strapped into an â€Å"electric chair†apparatus and an electrode†¦.. 3†¦. wrist. You are told that the electrode is connected to a nearby shock generator unit. 1. A. and you met a B. and are met by a C. where you stand next to D. where stands 2. A. is less likeable but serious in terms of B. has been discovered through C. says that he is interested to study D. tells you that he is interested in studying 3. A. is attached to his B. attaches tightly on his C. is attached by virtue of the D. can be attached through the Answers: 1. B 2. D 3. A Component II: Writing Claim: Observation of glaciers suggests a pattern of global warming during the last 150 years. 1. During the most recent Ice Age, about 18,000 years ago, glaciers buried nearly a third of the world’s land area. 2. Glaciers form when more snow falls in the winter than melts during the following summer: when glacier ice reaches a critical thickness of at least 60 feet, it becomes plastic and begins to move downhill, propelled by its own weight and the forces of gravity. 3. Because of the way they form and evolve, glaciers are extremely sensitive to, and representative of, world climate changes. 4. In 1850, Glacier National Park in the USA had 150 glaciers; in 2002 there were 26. 5. Between 1500 and 1850, temperatures dropped globally in a phenomenon known as the Little Ice Age. 6. The Gangotri Glacier in the Himalayas, which forms a mass of ice 18 miles long, has been retreating since measurements began in 1842. The rate of retreat was around 62 feet per year between 1935 and 1971: it has now doubled. 7. Cold melt water from glaciers helps maintain stream flows in the Indus river system in late summer, when rains are scarce and winter snows have melted. 8. The Gangotri ends in a â€Å"snout†, an ice cave which is the source of the Bhagirathi River where millions of pilgrims yearly swim in the freezing waters to cleanse themselves of sin. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ POSSIBLE ANSWER: Observation of glaciers suggests a pattern of global warming during the last 150 years. Since glaciers are useful indicators of any changes that have been taking place in the world’s climate, studying the increase or decrease in the number and size of the world’s glaciers over the last 150 years should give us a clear idea about what has been happening to temperatures in the world over this same period. Two facts related to glaciers provide evidence that temperatures across the globe have become warmer. Directions: Using only the relevant information from the facts supplied below, write a one paragraph argument for the following claim. Firstly, in 1850, there were 150 glaciers in Glacier National Park in the USA but by 2002 this number had decreased to only 26. Secondly, from the time that measurements began in 1842, the Gangotri Glacier in the Himalayas has been retreating. From 1935 to 1971, the rate was 62 feet per year, but from 1971 to the present day, the rate of retreat has doubled. These observations strongly indicate that the world has been undergoing a period of global warming over the last 150 years. SECTIONII A. Biological Sciences Example 1 Questions: Decrease in the rate of diffusion of a substance across the plasma membrane will occur due to increase in A. its concentration gradient B. surface area of membrane C. membrane thickness D. temperature A B C D Example 2 Repolarisation of a nerve action potential is du e to A. Na+/K+ ATPase pump B. increased permeability to Na+ C. increased efflux of K+ D. opening of Ca++-channels A B C D Example 3 The synthesis of a protein chain from an RNA molecule occurs through the process of: A. cell cycle B. replication C. translation D. semi-conservative replication A B C D Example 4 Based on the amount of genetic material that they contain, sex cells are said to be: A. diploid B. autosomal C. haploid D. X-linked A B C D B. Mathematics Example 1 If x2 + y2 = 18 and xy = 4 then (x+y)2 = A. 28 B. 26 C. 24 D . 22 A B C D E xample 2 Seema is 15 years older than Kiran. In 10 years, Seema will be twice an old as Kiran. How old is A. 5 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30 A B C D E xample 3 If y is not 0 or 1, what is the reciprocal of 1/(y-1/y) A. y/y2+1 B. y/y2-1 C. y2-1 D. y2-1/y A B C D C. Logical Reasoning E xample 1 Direction: Each passage in the section is followed by question based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated implied in that passage. Student at the College of Natural Science must complete a total of twelve courses selected from three different general area – humanities, natural science, and social science – in order to graduate. The student must meet the following course distribution requirement: I). Atleast six of the required twelve courses must be from natural sciences II). Atleast five of the required twelve courses must be from humanities and social science, with at least one, but no more than three, selected from humanities. Questions: If students have completed six natural science courses, all the following are possible groups of courses that fulfill the course distribution requirement EXCEPT: A. three humanities courses and three social science courses B. two humanities course and four social science courses C. one humanities course, one natural science course, and four social science courses D. one humanities course, two natural science courses, and three social sciences courses A B C D 12. required in order to fulfill the courses distribution A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 A B C D 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Seema now? 10. 11. The minimum number of social science courses requirement is:
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Amelioration and Emancipation Oct. 20, 2009
Amelioration The anti-slavery movement developed in the early 1800s was a formidable force in the quest to end slavery. The West India Committee, in a bid to head off attacks, agreed to proposals to improve the condition of the slaves. These proposals were called amelioration proposals and came into effect in 1823. The proposals said that the British government should write to each of the colonial governors, suggesting that the assemblies pass local laws to improve the condition of slaves. The proposals were as follows: 1. Female slaves should not be whipped, and the overseers and drivers should not carry a whip in the fields. . Records should be kept of all lashes given to male slaves and all punishments should be put off for at least 24 hours. 3. Religious instruction and marriages were to be encouraged. 4. Slaves could testify in court against a free man, provided that a minister supplied him with a character reference. 5. Slaves should have time off on Saturdays to go to market, so they would be free to attend church on Sunday mornings. 6. Slaves should not be sold as payment for debts. 7. There should be the establishment of slave savings banks which would help slaves to save money to buy their freedom.The failure of amelioration These measures were met with fierce resistance from colonies such as Jamaica, Barbados, St Vincent and Dominica. Instead of improved conditions for the slaves, they faced increased brutality from the planters. In the end, most of the assemblies passed only a few of the less-important amelioration proposals. Amelioration failed, but it provided one of the major impetuses for the abolition of slavery. It became evident that the planters were unwilling to improve the lives of the slaves and, as such, the only other option was to put an end to slavery.Emancipation 1. All slaves in the British Empire were to be set free on August 1, 1834. 2. Slave children under six years old were to be freed immediately. 3. All other slaves were to se rve a period of apprenticeship. They were to work for their masters for 401/2 hours per week. They would be paid only for overtime. Praedial (field) slaves were to serve six years apprenticeship and non-praedial (domestic) slaves to serve four years. 4. Planters were to continue providing food, shelter, clothing, medical care and other allowances which they were accustomed to during slavery.Apprentices could not be sold and they could buy their freedom before apprenticeship came to an end. 5. A sum of ? 20 million was granted by the British Parliament to compensate slave owners for the loss of their slaves. 6. Stipendiary magistrates (SMs) were to be sent from England to ensure the proper working of the apprenticeship system and to settle all disputes between masters and apprentices. THE APPRENTICESHIP SYSTEM Aims of Apprenticeship a) To provide a peaceful transition from slavery to freedom. b) To guarantee planters an adequate supply of labour during the period and prepare for full freedom. ) To train apprentices for freedom, especially working for wages. d) To enable the colonial governments to revise the system of justice and establish institutions suitable for a free society. The stipendiary magistrates were retired naval and army officers on half pay, appointed from Britain and were accustomed to rough conditions and enforcing discipline. They were chosen because they were not connected to the planter class and it was felt that they would not be biased. Duties of stipendiary magistrates a) To supervise the apprenticeship system. b) To settle disputes between masters and apprentices. ) To visit estates at regular intervals and hold court. d) To inspect jail and workhouses. e) To assist in fixing the value of slaves who wanted to buy their freedom. These duties were strenuous and led to the death of many SMs who were not accustomed to tropical conditions and could not afford the high cost of medical treatment. Conditions of employment Salary – ? 300 for the first year then increased to ? 450 for travel expenses and housing. There was no pension for dependants if the SM died in service. There was also no sick leave and he had to pay his own fare back home if he were dismissed or out of service.These bad working conditions prevented SMs from performing their duties satisfactorily and many were easily bribed by planters. They were also overburdened by work because they were so few in numbers. Those who tried to do their duties were sometimes persecuted. They were abused physically, verbally and in the press and they were often obstructed in the performance of their duties as planters sometimes refused to allow them on the estates. Success of stipendiary magistrates a) They listened to complaints from both sides and acted as a buffer between masters and apprentices. ) They informed apprentices of their rights; they did not have to listen to gossip or obtain information from newspapers. c) They helped apprentices to organise their l ives better by giving advice. However, they had very little to formulate schemes to improve the social conditions of the apprentices. They were unable to prevent apprentices from being punished harshly. Punishments Apprentices were usually sent to the workhouse. However, SMs had no control over what happened there. The most common form of punishment in the workhouse was the treadmill.There was also the whipping post and apprentices could be put in penal gangs. Females often had their heads shaved. Time lost in the workhouse had to be repaid by the apprentice by working for his master during his free time. Methods to control apprentices on the estates †¢ It was illegal for apprentices to leave the estate without written permission. †¢ Valuations on able-bodied slaves were often inflated. †¢ High fees were charged for the use of the markets and for licences to work off the estates as carpenters, blacksmiths and so on. These licences and tickets to sell in the markets co uld be withdrawn. Refusal of planters to give customary allowances. †¢ Finding fault with apprentices', work which had to be done over in the apprentices' free time. †¢ Locking up apprentices on false charges and dropping the charges before the arrival of the SM. †¢ Cutting down apprentices' fruit trees and forbidding them to own livestock. †¢ Spreading the 40 1/2 hours per week over five days instead of four. †¢ Paying low wages, making unfair deductions from wages, paying wages late. The End of Apprenticeship Apprenticeship ended for ALL apprentices in 1838 because: a) The system was not achieving its aims. ) The anti-slavery society exposed the abuses in the system and began to campaign for full freedom. c) The planters feared violence if domestic apprentices were freed before field apprentices. d) Some planters felt that it was cheaper not to have to provide for apprentices and only to employ the number of labourers they needed. Note: Antigua granted ful l freedom to their slaves. The planters decided against apprenticeship. The apprenticeship system came to an end in 1838 when the colonial governments in each colony voted against its continuation. Nineteenth century immigration (Part 1)Reason for immigration 1. A decrease in the labour force. With the end of the apprenticeship system in 1838, the planters no longer had a labour force they could easily control. Apprentices had now gained their freedom and many were reluctant to work any at all on the plantation. In the smaller territories, where the ability to access land was limited and alternative occupations were limited, ex-slaves had no choice but to continue plantation work. For example, planters in Barbados and St Kitts had very little difficulty in accessing labour in the post-Emancipation period.It was in the large territories, such as Jamaica, British Guiana and Trinidad, that planters faced such difficulty and had to turn to immigration schemes as an alternative labour so urce. The hope was that immigration would provide a permanent source of labour for the plantations. 2. An attempt to suppress wages. There was the hope that immigration would generate competition for the ex-slaves and so help to keep wages down. Ex-slaves demanded adequate remuneration, but the planters found that they could suppress wages if they could introduce cheap foreign labour.This, in essence, would reduce the demand power of the ex-slaves because if they refused what was being offered, an immigrant was quite able to fill the position. Besides, if sugar production was to continue, a cheap, efficient and reliable source of labour had to be found. Immigration schemes THE EUROPEANS Due to a decline in the white population, planters sought European immigrants to increase the size of the white population. It was hoped that Europeans would set an example of industry to ex-slaves and as well eventually develop into a middle class.They would settle on available land in the interior, thus forcing ex-slaves off the land and back to the plantations. Jamaica imported the largest number. Europeans also went to Trinidad, British Guiana and St Kitts. These immigrants were mainly Scots, Irish, French and Germans. They were recruited under a bounty system. Problems with European Immigration Europeans were unsatisfactory as most died shortly after they arrived. They died from tropical diseases, heat stroke and many drank themselves to death. They also refused to work on the plantations with blacks.Many asked to be sent home or migrated to the United States. Planters also failed to supply proper food, shelter and medical facilities. THE PORTUGUESE In Madeira, workers were paid only one third of what they could earn in the islands per day, so they were attracted by the higher wages being offered in the Caribbean, especially British Guiana. Many went to Trinidad and a few to the Windward Islands. They were brought in by government bounty. Most came during periods of famine in Madeira (1846-1847). Their numbers decreased after 1847 until the scheme ended in 1882.Problems with Madeiran immigration The Madeirans died in large numbers. They suffered severely from yellow fever, malaria, overwork and inadequate food. The scheme was very irregular and most of them went into trading as soon as their contracts ended. In addition, the Madeiran Government objected to the scheme, since so many of its citizens were leaving, and implemented measures making it difficult for their recruitment. THE AFRICANS There were two distinct groups of Africans that were used as labourers in the post-emancipation period. These were the free Africans and the liberated Africans.The free Africans were persons who willingly opted to come and work on the plantations in the Caribbean. The liberated Africans were persons freed by British naval personnel from vessels illegally transporting them to the Caribbean as slaves. Free Africans Attempts were made to obtain Africans from the Kru Coast and Sierra Leone. The British Government was reluctant to grant approval of this scheme as it seemed to be a revival of the slave trade. However, in 1840, approval was granted. At first, they were recruited privately, but the British government assumed direct control two years later.Problems 1. Very few Africans were willing to come to the Caribbean. There were no catastrophes in Africa, which would make them leave. 2. Many who came to the Caribbean did not remain on the plantation; rather they followed the ex-slaves and settled on lands and became peasant farmers. Liberated Africans The largest number of Africans who came to the British Caribbean were ‘rescued' by the British Navy from slave ships bound for Cuba and Brazil. These Africans were forcibly indentured for up to five years in the Caribbean primarily in British Guiana, Trinidad and Jamaica. Problems 1.The number of liberated Africans was too small to make a difference to the labour situation. This scheme ended when Cuba and Brazil abolished slavery in 1866 and 1888, respectively. Like the ex-slaves, they abandoned the estates and settled on land. THE CHINESE The first Chinese immigrants arrived in Trinidad in 1806 from Malaya. They were to be indentured for five years, with a promise of small plots of land afterwards. They were extremely unsuitable for estate labourer and most were shipped back. Most Chinese immigrants came during the period 1859-1886 and went to British Guiana, Jamaica and Trinidad.They came mostly from the Portuguese colony of Macao and from Canton. Others came as well because of the Teiping Rebellion (1851-1864). Problems with Chinese Immigration Planters complained that the Chinese did not make good estate workers and few re-indentured themselves. They preferred to return to China or open retail shops. In addition, they were more expensive than the Indians. The Chinese Government also insisted that a full return passage be granted after a five-year indenture contract . The planters were willing to pay this only after two five-year contract.The Chinese Government also opposed immigration because they were ill-treated in Cuba. Most Chinese avoided the West Indies preferring to go to the United States or to find work nearer home in Java or the Philippines. Lastly, race relations between blacks and Chinese were quite poor. THE INDIANS The first Indians arrived in 1838 on Gladstone's Estate in British Guiana. However, the British Government stopped the scheme because of evidence of ill-treatment and the high death rate among the immigrant in Mauritius. However, due to pressure from the planters the British re-opened Indians immigration scheme in 1844.It was not difficult to find willing immigrants. Many craftsmen had lost their jobs due to competition from mechanised factories and mills of England. India was becoming overpopulated and there was not enough land to divide among the younger generation. Wages in India had fallen to 1/2d per day and there was a series of famine during the period 1857-1877 that led to an increase in food prices. Those escaping the police and the caste system were also willing to migrate. The Caribbean seemed attractive with high wages, shelter, medical care and a chance to find new occupations beside agriculture.Indians were easily recruited as India was a British colony. British ships and trading costs were already there and the British Government could easily provide British officials to supervise the scheme. Planters were satisfied with the Indians because they were hardworking, accustomed to tropical agriculture and re-indentured themselves. Economic effect on the sugar industry British West Indian planters had turned to immigration as a means of reviving the sugar industry. The hope was that with the steady supply of labour, planters could focus on increasing their output.Immigration, however, did not have its desired impact, especially in a colony like Jamaica. In territories such as Trinidad a nd British Guiana, we cannot assume that it was immigration that saved their sugar industry. For instance, they introduced mechanisation and placed more lands under sugar cane cultivation. These could be seen as measures that helped to save their sugar industries. Barbados could be used as another example. Up to 1848, there had seen an increase in their output by 250 per cent. However, by the end of the 19th century this had declined.We cannot assume that this was because Barbados was not using immigrant labour that its output declined. During the period, the territory was plagued by problems, including soil exhaustion and inadequate mechanisation. The overall conclusion must be that immigration did not cause increased sugar production in the British West Indies, as many other factors could have been responsible. Other economic effects 1. As a result of Indian immigration, the rice industry was developed in British Guiana and the cocoa industry in Trinidad. 2.They also helped to mak e central factories profitable by cultivating cane on small farms then selling it to the central factory. Social effects 1. Indians were considered inferior and they could only acquire poorly paid jobs. They could not settle in the towns, but had to live in the countryside where they formed an active peasant class. The employment of Indians mainly as field workers led to the employment of blacks in better jobs, for example, the police force. 2. The ex-slaves despised the Indians and refused to work alongside them in the fields. They were described as ‘heathens' because of their speech and clothing.Indians also despised the blacks because of their alleged low moral standards. 3. Immigration led to the expansion of social services, for example, medical facilities and a large police force. Cultural effects 1. Family – Indians brought their firm family structure, in which all relations supported each other. The idea of extended family, which included several generations, wa s very strong. All males over age 16 were members of the family council and made all decisions of the family, for example, marriage, religious ceremonies and expenditure. 2. Religion – Hinduism –Hindus worshipped several gods, of which Brahma was the most important. He was the supreme god or creator. They believed that when people die, their souls are reborn in a new body. The Hindus had very strict divisions in the society; this was known as the caste system. Each person belonged to a special group or caste. The Brahmins or the religious leaders were at the top of the society and the Hindus in the Caribbean continued to follow them as their leaders. Islam – A number of Indians who came were also Muslims. They believed in one God, Allah. They followed the teachings of the Quran. . Festivals – Divali or festival of lights was celebrated by the Hindus. They told stories, shared gifts, decorated their windows and doors with lights and candles. Hosein  œ A Muslim festival for small temples made from paper and bamboo were decorated and carried in a procession through the streets, accompanied by dancing to the beats of drums. 4. Food – roti, rice, curry 5. Dress – turban sari 6. Buildings – Hindu temples Muslim mosques houses built in Indian styles Other cultural effects The Indians normally segregated themselves deliberately in the educational institution.Oftentimes, they were unwilling to send their children to school since they feared they could be converted to Christianity. It was not until the late 1870s when separate schools for Indian children were established, mainly by the Canadian Presbyterian Mission to the Indians, that Indian children went to school and language barriers began to crumble. Indian integration in the Caribbean was not very easy since many of them spoke the Hindi language which served as a language barrier. | |
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