Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Media as the main branch of society that sway Gender Essay
In the current era, media had been greatly influencing the society. Through the variety of information and mediums the industry could utilize, seemingly media could create numerous impact in the lives of many people. In the movie Bodyguard which was publicized in 1992 provides one of the most distinct examples which could be highlighted to see the power of the media. In terms of gender topics, media had been the main industry that has the authority to proclaim what should or should not be for various genders in the society. The movie Bodyguard starred the most popular actors during the early 90s such as Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston. Both of these actors have their own image which the masses view of them. Therefore, there is an immediate connotation when it comes to the characters they portray. Kevin Costner is known to be a very good actor who had been acknowledged in many award giving bodies. Whitney Houston on the other hand is a very popular singer who is idolized by many. In the movie, Houston sort of, portrayed herself while Costner captured the role of a masculine, â€Å"only-doing-his-job†body guard who is very much protective of Whitney for the reason that she has a stalker. Houston on the other hand is a famous singer who was being harassed by a stalker. Thus seeing the main personalities, the characters does portray a very â€Å"in-the-box†nuance of what a male and a female should be. Just like in fairytales, the woman must be saved by a man in order for her to get through the evil witches who were often abusing the helpless lead character. In conclusion, media and the concept of media go together. The perspective of the media of what should or should not be is immediately absorbed by the society. Moreover, the movie Bodyguard supports the concept of the typical male and female responsibilities which is practiced by the society. Thus, the media supports this type of perspective of gender which strictly assumes that men are strong and protective while women are vulnerable and weak. References Costner, K. , Kasdan, L. & Wilson, J. (Producers). Jackson, M. (Director). (1992). Bodyguard. [Motion Picture]. United States: Warner Brothers.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
D.A.R.E. Report Essay
While participating with D.A.R.E., I learned that drugs and alcohol are not good for you. I also learned that tobacco and alcohol and any other drug can hurt different parts of your body. Marijuana causes breathing problems, short term memory loss, slows coordination and reflexes, and effects ones ability to judge distance, speed and reaction time. Marijuana can become addictive and is illegal in the United States. Smoking tobacco has over 200 unknown poisons in the smoke, and contains nicotine which is very addictive. By not doing drugs is important because if you do drugs you will hurt your body. It is also important because sometimes you have to have surgery and in some cases you can die. Smoking and drugs can hurt a newborn baby. Alcohol slows down the brain and body and causes loss of coordination, poor judgment and loss of self-control, which could lead to serious accidents involving a car and someone innocent can be injured. I feel that everybody should not do drugs. Everyone always have to make wise decisions about what you do with drugs and alcohol. As a participant in D.A.R.E., I will not participate in or associate myself with anyone that is involved in drugs. I will follow all five D.A.R.E. rules and remain a respectable citizen.
Aims and Objectives of a Business Essay
Strategic aims and objectives of two different organisations * Aims are just general statements briefly outlining what a business plans to achieve. * Objectives are much more specific and should clarify the aims in more detail. * A Business Strategy is the conduct of drafting, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. Aims are broken down into individual objectives which are SMART; Specific – the objective will have a purpose Measureable – growth can be measured Achievable – It will not be impossible to achieve Realistic – It Time specific – It will be able to be achieved within a certain time frame Strategic plans enable a business to achieve its Objectives. They are based on what is happening in current marketplace. So a business must do research and find lots of different information about its, customers, competitors, sales, market shares, price, costs and profits. This information is found by doing Market Research. This information can either be Quantitative or Qualitative. Quantitative data – information easily gathered by numbers. Qualitative data – information based on opinion, beliefs, feelings. A strategic plan considers the future of current decisions, overall policy, organizational development, and links to operational plans. . It establishes imperatives, goals, strategies, and performance measures for the organization that can be used as a management and communications tool. Strategies for the Public Sector A hospital may have the aim to provide better customer service. Their objectives; * Make sure all patients in A&E are seen within 15mins * Always having ambulances ready * Answering all phones within ten seconds Plans to achieve this: * Constantly checking the quality of customer service * Buying more ambulances and hiring more ambulance staff * Provide services at cost, below cost or free where appropriate It is then up to the management to ensure that these plans are executed properly so that taxpayers’ money is well spent in providing these health services. There most important stakeholder is us. Strategies of the Private Sector The most important stakeholder in a Private Sector organisation is the owner. They would aim to; * Maximise profit * Increase sales * Cut costs * To survive * To breakeven * To expand To maximise profits the long term strategy would be to; * Increase prices * Reduce costs * Increase sales Sometimes in order to make money you have to lose money first. A business might reduce its prices to gain more sales and customers and in order to do this their profits have to fall. However, a business must make a profit in the long term or it will go bust. A Short term strategy to maximise sales would be to; * Reduce prices * Improve product quality * Add new products * Spend more on advertising * Spend more in market research Cutting costs * Reduce number of employees * Reduce wastage of materials * Conserve energy If a firm decides to get rid of employees it has to be careful not to get rid of staff who might be needed in the future or even be hired by a rival company. It is also important to keep the standard of quality high, if you choose to go to a low cost supplier you might lower your standard of quality and customers might go to a rival store. Survival * In this economic climate the main aim of a business may be to survive. They may have to drop prices drastically and cut costs. Breakeven * All businesses must at the very least cover all their costs in the short term * Their revenue must cover their fixed and variable costs * Fixed costs are those unaffected by sales; e.g. rent, rates, insurance etc. * Breakeven can be measured using a graph, chart or formula Growth * In order to become a market leader a firm has to grow * Growth can be internal or external * There are three ways to measure growth; profit, sales, and market share Private Sector Objectives > Maximising profits – may benefit shareholders and managers but at the expense of employees, customers and suppliers if the business decides to increase prices and/or reduce costs. > Maximising Sales – to maximise sales a business may have to reduce prices, increase quality, or even introduce a new product. Public/Voluntary Sector Businesses in these sectors usualy serve the public in some way. Their aim is to help people. They may have different objectives than a private sector business as a business in the public/voluntary sector does not aim to make a profit. For example a charity may want to increase the amount of aid it gives to a third world country. So they will try to raise more money to be able to send things to them. This will benefit the people of the third world country, however the people that are giving the donations may then have to so without something else because they have gave their money to the charity. P3 Boots mission is to become the world’s leading pharmacy-led health and beauty group. They seek to develop their core business of pharmacy-led health and beauty retailing and pharmaceutical wholesaling across the world and become a significant player in many major international markets. Boots aims to; * Be the place for health and beauty customers. * Secure market leadership in the UK. * Build on their brands’ growing success internationally. * Create shareholder value by investing to become a more modern, efficient and competitive health and beauty retail business. Objectives Their strategy is underpinned by their continued focus on patient/customer needs and service. The key steps Boots are taking in the UK to execute their strategy are: * Making Boots more convenient and accessible for customers. They are re-branding over 1,000 outlets into â€Å"your local Boots pharmacy†and relocating more Boots stores/pharmacies to improved locations. * Improving customers’ in-store shopping experience by consistently providing best in class customer care and service. This being achieved by operating efficient walk-in prescription services staffed by friendly, knowledgeable and accessible pharmacists, and faster till service. * Creating a compelling multi-channel health and wellbeing consumer offering. Initiatives include making shopping at easier, expanding product ranges available on-line and rolling out their â€Å"order on-line collect-in-store†concept. * Continuing to provide customers with excellent value by providing trusted ranges of Boots branded products, executing strong promotional offers and rewarding customer loyalty with Boots Advantage Card points. The key steps Boots are taking in their International health and beauty markets to execute their strategy are: * Opening new stores in markets where Boots is already well established, including the Republic of Ireland, Norway and Thailand. * Selective franchising of the Boots pharmacy-led health and beauty retail proposition in areas such as the Middle East. Boots aims for Alliance Healthcare to be the world’s leading wholesaler and distributor of pharmaceutical products. To make this possible they have come up with a number of Objectives to make this possible, including; * Ensuring that they continue to deliver an excellent core service to all customers. By delivering prescription medicines to pharmacies at least twice a day on a just-in-time basis to meet patients’ needs. * Differentiating their product offering. They are achieving this through a series of initiatives which include the development of Almus, their exclusive range of generic medicines, and the extension of Alvita, their branded healthcare product range. * Entering new geographical markets where stable regulatory environments, large populations, growing healthcare expenditure, scope for wholesaler consolidation and the right management can be found, such as in Russia and China. Stakeholders Shareholders – an individual or company (including a corporation) that legally owns one or more shares of stock in a joint stock company. Shareholders would have particular interest in the aim ‘Secure market leadership in the UK’, because to secure Market Leadership in the UK would mean the company is expanding and making more capital. A Shareholder in any Business is mainly interested in the company making a profit so that their shares go up in value, therefore they get more money. Customers – someone who pays for goods or services. Customers would have a keen interest in the aim ‘Ensuring that they continue to deliver an excellent core service to all customers’. This is because when a customer goes into a shop they expect there to be great customer service, they are there spending their money on that companies goods so they expect the highest standard of customer service. Otherwise they would take their custom elsewhere. Suppliers- someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity. Suppliers would have a keen interest in the aim ‘Differentiating their product offering.’ This is because if Boots want to offer new products to their customers they will have to buy them off their suppliers. This means the Suppliers would be making more money. Making a profit is the Suppliers main aim. Boots order on-line collect in-store strategy would affect the following stakeholders; Customers – would be winners, as it makes shopping more convient for them. They can shop 24/7 and they don’t even have to leave their own homes. Shareholders – would be winners because when shopping is more convienent for customers sales will go up therefore shareholders will make more profit. Older Customers – would be losers, because some older people may not own a computer or even know how to use one. So it would not make shopping more convienent for them at all. Boots strategy of Differentiating their product offering would affect the following stakeholder; Customers – would be winners as they would have a wider and better range of products to choose from. Suppliers – would benefit as they would make more money because boots are buying more of their products. The Environment – may suffer though. Because new products have to be devloped and tested, some may harm the environment. Boots Strategy of Opening new stores in markets where Boots is already well established would affect the following stakeholders; Shareholders – would be winners because if new stores were opened they they would gain more service and customers and therefore make more money. Suppliers – would be winners as they would be gettingg more business as they would have to supply for the new stores. Customers – would be winners and losers. The customers that are getting the new shops in their area would be winners but customers that live in more isolated areas and will not benfit as they would not be able to use the store. Oxfam International is an international group of independent non-governmental organizations dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustice around the world. The Oxfams work together internationally to achieve greater impact by their collective efforts. Oxfam Aims to: * To Aid third world countries in any way they can * To relieve poverty, distress and suffering * To educate people about the nature, causes and effects of poverty * To campaign for a fairer world * To work with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering. * Help people to help themselves, supporting local organisations in poor parts of the world. * Campaign for national and international policy changes that will help the world’s poor. Though Oxfam’s initial concern was the provision of food to relieve famine, over the years Oxfam has developed strategies to combat the causes of famine. In addition to food and medicine Oxfam also provides tools to enable people to become self-supporting and opens markets of international trade where crafts and produce from poorer regions of the world can be sold at a fair price to benefit the producer. Oxfam’s program has three main points of focus: * development work, which tries to lift communities out of poverty with long-term, sustainable solutions based on their needs; * humanitarian work, assisting those immediately affected by conflict and natural disasters (which often leads in to longer-term development work), especially in the field of water and sanitation; * lobbying, advocacy and popular campaigning, trying to affect policy decisions on the causes of conflict at local, national, and international levels. Oxfam works on; * trade justice, * fair trade, * education, * debt and aid, * livelihoods, * health, * HIV/AIDS, * gender equality, * conflict (campaigning for an international arms trade treaty) and natural disasters, * democracy and human rights, * climate change Another of Oxfams Aims is to ensure Women have the same rights as men. Project aims During 2007-8, people from 30 remote districts of Nepal will participate in Oxfams WE CAN campaign. The campaign is based around volunteer Change Makers: men and women who pledge to change their own attitudes and practices and to spread the message that women deserve equal respect and rights in society. Change Makers tell others that violence against women is not socially acceptable. WE CAN’s long-term aim is to challenge and change attitudes. In order to generate support for their campaign and to recruit male and female Change Makers in Nepal, members of local organisations will arrange 60 community-based events and one national event in 2007/08. By the end of the year, 35,000 new Change Makers will be active in Nepal. And because each Change Maker pledges to influence at least ten people, more than 350,000 people in Nepal will have heard the WE CAN message. The aim is to recruit five million Change Makers across South Asia by 2011. Another of Oxfams Aims is to Improve Health Care in Rural Georgia. This project will ensure that 50,000 people in the isolated and impoverished regions of Ajara and Samegrelo can receive local, affordable health care. Project aims The aim of the project is to improve the health of people in Georgia. It will: * Implement community-based health care schemes * Improve health awareness and practice among the wider communities * Help people to know and demand their patient rights and state health benefits * Influence the government to fulfil its commitment to provide basic health services nationwide . Another part of the Oxfam group is Oxfam International Youth Partnerships. Their Mission The Oxfam International Youth Parliament (Oxfam IYP) is an initiative of Oxfam International, managed by Oxfam Community Aid Abroad. IYP mobilises a global network of young leaders and activists to bring about positive and sustainable change. It does this through supporting youth led initiatives, facilitating skills and capacity building programs and supporting young people to advocate for their rights and freedoms and those of their communities. Aims Oxfam IYP encourages and supports young people as leaders in developing positive, sustainable, innovative and community oriented change initiatives. IYP aims to support youth led initiatives that will make a significant contribution to: * An increase in the number of people who have a sustainable livelihood. * An increase in the number of people who have access to social services. * an increase in the number of people who have an effective voice in decisions that affect their lives. * An increase in the number of people who are live free from fear and discrimination, especially those who are currently oppressed or marginalized due to their gender, ethnicity, Indigenous status or cultural identity. * An increase in the number of people who are safe from conflict and disaster. Objectives To achieve these ends IYP has the following objectives: Support youth led initiatives: To support Action Partners in the development, implementation and evaluation of social change initiatives (individual and collective action plans) through the provision of strategic and financial support. Skills development and capacity building To increase the effectiveness of Action Partners as social change leaders through further developing skills and knowledge necessary for implementing positive and sustainable change. Networking and Alliance Building To encourage and support action partners to exchange information and learning, build alliances and partnerships amongst themselves and with others to support their work for change. IYP Sittings To inspire, empower and grow the next generation of young leaders and activists. IYP sittings are international meetings between action partners that are convened every 2-3 years. Through IYP sittings action partners build skills, networks and develop social change initiatives. IYP sittings launch a cycle of activity and programs to be implemented over the next two years. Research and information exchange To establish a significant exchange of learning, information and research relating to the issues that face young people and the actions they have taken for the positive and sustainable change locally, nationally and globally. Youth Participation To actively promote the right of young men and women to meaningful participation in the decision making processes that affect their lives. IYP empowers Action Partners to participate in policy development and decision making at all levels. Oxfam International To facilitate and enhance the work of Oxfam International and its affiliates with young people around the globe. M1 Stakeholders A key Stakeholder in Oxfam would be The Third World Countries that it helps. They are probably the most important stakeholder as their lives often depend on the goodwill and charity Oxfam provides for them. Third World countries would have an interest in all of Oxfams aims, ‘To relieve poverty, distress and suffering’, ‘To campaign for a fairer world’, etc. Another Stakeholder would be the Employees (Volunteers). Oxfam employees do not get a Salary; they work for free (volunteer). This means they will have a keen interest in helping the business provide aid for third world countries. So they will have particular interest in aims such as ‘to recruit five million Change Makers across South Asia by 2011’. The Government would also have a keen interest in the aims of Oxfam. They would in particular be interested in the aim to ‘stop conflict (campaigning for an international arms trade treaty). They would be interested in this as international arms would be very important to the Government.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Case study on Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Case study on - Essay Example The company also serves corporate clients, including advertisers, content publishers and site managers with cost-effective advertising and a wide range of revenue generating search services. Google's breakthrough technology and continued innovation serve the company's mission of "organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful.""( As a company Google holds the reputation of the pioneer company in website maintenance, and maintains a website which is one of the most popular in demand. It serves the need of a five year old as well as fifty year old. The search engine has attracted interest of great number of internet users because of its simple design and user-friendly interface. Google has been able to achieve this by maintaining an index of more than 8 million web pages on the web. The versatility of the search engine has appeal to wide range of customers and any one with an Internet connection can use this website to search for information. Google has achieved the status of brand name search engine because of its popularity, ease of use and the wide indexing of categories. The user interface is user-friendly and has versatility and appeal to hundreds of languages worldwide. It is also a very popular advertising medium for other sources, and this is the main source of revenue. "The company generates revenue t hrough the advertising programs. The advertising program consists of advertisers advertising with Google and then Google uses its search technology selecting which web page should host the ad. Every time someone clicks the ad revenue is shared between Google and the publisher of page where the ad is being hosted." ( Revenue is also accumulated through Google Search Appliance, which is hardware and software solution that companies can use to implement Google search technology to their internal and external information. Google maintains a very efficient network of support in 14 countries with 25 sales offices spread out in major locations.. Apart from providing support to existing users there exists direct sales teams. These teams target advertisers with large advertising budgets and are more in a role of relationship building than one off sales. ( Google has been primarily recognized as company with primary interest and focus in the area of web content. Google had made attempts to diversify its umbrella with experimenting interest in other markets like radio and print publications. This is confirmed by the fact that in 2006, Google announced its first purchase of a radio advertising company "dMarc", which provides an automated system that allows companies to advertise on radio. (Levingston, 2006) Google is making strides to combine tow niche advertising media-the internet and radio. This strategic union of the two synergistic media streams combined with Google's ability to penetrate and focus on the tastes of the consumers, is an invincible attribute of the company. In the process of diversification Google has also focused on selling advertisements from his advertisers in offline newspapers and magazines. They have been filling unsold space in the newspaper that would normally have been used in for
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Johnny Cash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Johnny Cash - Essay Example Partly of Indian descent, Johnny Cash was born in Kingsland, Arkansas on 26 February 1932 into the family of a poor sharecropper, Ray Cash. Little Johnny was raised in a shotgun shack in Arkansas’s cotton zone. The Cash family eked out a hand-to-mouth existence supported by working long hours at farming cotton. Johnny joined the family occupations from the age of five. His first exposure to music came when singing along with his family as they worked in the fields during the day and sang hymns on the porch at night. After working hard during the day, Johnny liked to listen to the radio at night. The country songs aired on the radio inspired him to write his own songs, and he started doing this at the age of twelve. While at school, Johnny once sang on the Arkansas radio station KLCN. His mother Reba encouraged him to write songs, and also taught him how to play the guitar. In later life, his singing career began when he auditioned with Sun Records and its owner Sam Phillips.T
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Discuss the extent to which a high level of Emotional Intellegence can Essay
Discuss the extent to which a high level of Emotional Intellegence can make a possitive contribution to workplace performance. Use examples to illustrate your a - Essay Example Slowly, theories have emerged as to how people can build-up their emotional strength, and as to what kind of emotional quotient is required for selection by an organisation. Now it forms the basis of all recruitment processes in most good organisations. Consequently, the definition has been expanded to include emotional identification, perception and expression, facilitation of thought, understanding and management as branches of mental ability (Steve Hein, 2005). Better Emotional Intelligence quotient can help attain better efficiency through maintaining better working environment thereby increase productivity of an individual and the organisations. Scientific evaluation of individuals' Emotional Intelligence during recruitment is in vogue for almost a decade now. A leader with better EI has been consistently a better motivator and performer than his peers during his career. Broadly speaking, these abilities include ability to understand emotional feelings expressed by individuals, direct them for better handling and cognitive processes, understand and respect the complexities of emotions in life and work situations and thereafter manage them for achieving the eventual goal in life or the organisation. All of us have come across parents, friends, teachers, bosses and even children showing emotional outbursts at the drop of a hat making them unpopular among the peers and families There is a separate branch of psychology called Transaction Analysis dealing with why these happen, how to understand them, control them and use these emotions constructively for benefit of the individuals. On the whole, people with low EI not only spoil the working environment around them and bring disharmony in relationships, both personal and professional, they also have a negative effect on the very performance of the individual and thereby low motivation and morale leading to reduced profitability to the organisations. Leaders have a very important role to play in this regard, and EI workshops for them have become norms in most organisations. The ultimate performance of a business is directly linked to a leader's application of Emotional Intelligence (Gantz Wiley Research 1996). The research has brought out a model as to how good leadership values and stable EI would lead to better performance of employees, which in turn could make the customers happy thereby spread the good word. Finally it will mean better profits for the organisation and improved productivity from an individual. Good Relationship Practices (= Better EI) - Employee Results (Performance due o
Friday, July 26, 2019
Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Hinduism - Essay Example To overcome the fear they turn to religion. This is evident from the statistics that show that those who are religiously active have lower mortality rates and lower levels of anxiety and depression. There seems an inherent human drive to believe in something transcendent, unfathomable and otherworldly, something beyond the reach or understanding of science (Henig, 2007). This paper will discuss the origin and belies of Hinduism and compare it with the beliefs of Christianity. Matter will be drawn from academic literature available. Hinduism is not a religion but a concept, a way of life that encompasses many religious thoughts and views. Its origin is in such remote past that it cannot be traced back to any particular individual. Some scholars are of the opinion that Hinduism must have existed even in circa 10000 B. C. and the ancient scripture Rig Veda was composed well before 6500 B. C. (Das, 2008). In fact even the term ‘Hindus’ is not found in any text. It was in traduced by foreigners to refer to people living across the river Indus around which the Vedic religion has believed to be originated. Unknowingly, many Hindu concepts were absorbed by everyone like the worship of the formless God. In fact the British coined the word Hinduism and to them Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism were all part of Hinduism (Ninan, n.d.). Hinduism has remained the most enduring concept and culture in the world. India is a land of diversity and is generally believed that the main religion is Hinduism. Hinduism is not really a religion; it is a way of life. It upholds the principals of virtuous and true living. The Hindu faith has no hierarchy, no organization, no founder, no structure and no central administration (HAWA, 2005). Anyone who believes in the omni-present, omnipotent and the omniscient non-dual Absolute, is a Hindu. Various names have been given to this Absolute –
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Strategy Assessment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Strategy Assessment 2 - Essay Example Current paper presents the strengths and weaknesses of a well-known theoretical framework, the Five Forces model of Porter in regard to industry competition. The Porter’s Five Forces model is based on the following rule: each organization is likely to face five forces; the ability of the organization to face these forces denotes the level of competitiveness of the particular organization (Onkvisit and Shaw 2004, p.33). The specific model is commonly used for estimating the level of competitiveness of organizations and nations. The Five Forces which each organization and nation have to face are the following: ‘industry competition, customers, suppliers, new entrants and substitute products’ (Onkvisit and Shaw 2004, p.32). The review of the literature related to this subject has led to the following assumption: the Five Forces model of Porter is a unique tool in measuring an organization’s or country’s competitiveness. Still, in the context of the inte rnational market, the use of the specific framework is not at the levels expected, a fact that it is rather related to the framework’s weaknesses, as discussed below. Moreover, the high level of criticism developed against the Five Forces model of Porter leads to the assumption that the particular framework should be reviewed and updated so that it responds to the current market conditions and demands. 2. Strengths and weaknesses of theories of competitive advantage – M. Porter’s Five Forces theory 2.1. Strengths The Five Forces model of Porter could be characterized as a unique strategic tool in terms of its value in measuring performance. The potentials of the specific model to be used as a tool for measuring performance are important, but not standardized, as also explained in the next section. One of the most important advantages of the particular model seems to be its simplicity. Indeed, as noted in Hill and Jones (2009) the Porter’s Five Forces mode l describes clearly the forces that each organization and nation is expected to face in regard to a particular industry/ market. There can be no misunderstanding in regard to the parts of the particular model since all these parts have certain characteristics that secure these parts’ uniqueness (Hill and Jones 2009). For example, when referring to the bargaining power of suppliers, a specific idea is implied: that suppliers can be more or less powerful in imposing particular prices, according to the level at which their products are unique or not (Hill and Jones 2009). In addition, the Five Forces model highlights the importance of ‘strategic position for the acquisition of a competitive advantage’ (Roy 2011, p.25). In fact, these two concepts, strategic position and competitive advantage are closely related to the Five Forces model that has emphasized, for the first time, on the potential value of strategic position for enhancing competitiveness, either at the l evel of organization or the level of nation (Roy 2011, p.25). Moreover, the Five Forces model refers, also for the first time, to the potentials of a nation to acquire a competitive advantage in the same context as an organization (Roy 2011, p.25). In other words, in regard to competitiveness, organizations are equalized to nations (Roy 2011, p.25). The above fact indicates the potentials of markets to act as bonds between frameworks of different characteristics, as in the case of organizations and nations (Roy 2011
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
This is an essay on MSc International Finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
This is an on MSc International Finance - Essay Example If these two concepts are to be mingled, then it may end up as the wrong medicine for a disease and lead to misjudgment and misallocation of resources. IMS does not promise any corrective measure addressed towards the increasing global imbalance. For the past few years the strength of the dollar is declining against the floating currencies of Europe (more specifically against euro and pound) and that of the Anglo Saxon world. However this will lead to the leveling of the current account deficit of USA. It also ensures that US fiscal deficit has to be adjusted immediately resulting in a wide leap in tax rate and finally a 25 percent revaluation of US $. The Europeans are in need for structural reform to liberalize the sclerotic European labor markets. However, neither US nor the European nations are adopting any corrective measures, making the current order as unsustainable. If this continues, the central bank of the Asian countries refuses to accumulate more dollars then in no time it will lead to a global recession. A viable IMS has to mend this type of disaster.
Answer 3 questions about Early World History Essay
Answer 3 questions about Early World History - Essay Example These two societies were relatively egalitarian and full of barbaric laws. In terms of geographical factors, they lacked natural borders, materials, and experienced irregular flooding. I believe that intermittent natural flooding would result in stagnation as well as retardation in the plant growth which would eventually lead small harvest from the agricultural farms. They highly depended on foreign natural resources, meaning that they could not support their leadership from within. I believe that this affected their political systems due to external shocks originating from those societies or nations they relied upon for foreign support. They had a lot of cultural variations leading to political instability, and this is because the change in culture meant that they ended up having different cultural views and opinions, hence minimal unity among the society members. In these companies, they have a life where an individual lived for the moment. In other words what I mean is that they had no hopes for the future, and for this reason they could consume as well as exhaust all that they had for the purpose of maximizing their satisfaction. There are other factors that also led to the weak political unity in the two societies and these included gender roles and religious ideas and functions. For the case of sex roles, these communities lacked gender roles that got defined and well structured for the purpose. I believed that well defined and structured gender roles play significant roles towards the political unity of any society. I mean that, when a society has well-defined gender roles, the two gender of the society plays their distinct role, which exhibit forms of specialization and division of labor, leading to an increase in the general production. By specializing in gender roles, be it in agriculture or other economic
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Developing a Philosophy, Goals, and Objectives Term Paper
Developing a Philosophy, Goals, and Objectives - Term Paper Example tatement and it points out the principles and attitudes that guide decision making, then the health centers philosophy should read: We recognize the needs of our poor and diverse community and offer care reverential of our clients traditions, culture, economic status, and religious conviction. According to Kenny (2012, p. 43), "In practice, organizational objectives are what the organization wants from its key stakeholders". The major stakeholders of Mountain View Health Center include patients, the community, and community based organizations (Laureate Education, 2013b). In this respect, the objective should read: To create a health care delivery system that encourages and supports high quality and affordable care to the community and migrant workers. On the basis of the needs of the community and migrant workers, the goal should read: To recognize electronic medical records as a fundamental factor that could improve health care quality at lower costs. In terms of insights, I have learnt that achieving projected outcomes is dependent on the way goals and objectives are formulated and implemented. This is due to the fact philosophy, goals, and objectives of an organization provides direction (Lorenzi, 2011). In other words, the organization is able to identify areas to direct resources as well as attention in order to achieve the intended results. In a nutshell, organizational philosophies, goals, and objectives guides the decision making process as it helps the organization identify where to direct
Monday, July 22, 2019
Women Empowerment Essay Example for Free
Women Empowerment Essay Since the older times, women have been treated as second rate citizens of all across the globe. This situation is almost same evrywhere irrespective of the developed countries or the developing countries. Women have been relegated to secondary position despite the fact that they constitute about half the worlds population today. This situation has caused immense loss to their self-respect and dignity. But now the perspective of the society has changed and a general thinking to work for the empowerment of women is being developed so that they colud also contribute in the enhancement and welfare to the society. The freedom of women is not without challenges. Breaking the age old barriers and storming into a predominantly male bastion are something they have to fight for. Even as they are becoming aware about their rights and demands, the voilence and crime againt women is increasing. History is the witness that the women had enjoyed a privileged position in the ancient India. It is a matter of pride that there existed a culture. Women also struggled for Indias independence. They too have a great contribution in getting India independent like Rani Lakshmi Bai who sacrifised her life as to get India free from Britishers and slavery. When the constitution was formed,there the constitution makers introduced various measures in the constitution to held womens rightful place in the society. They were given freedom to partivipate in the social,political, economic and cultural life of the nation. However,in spite of the constitutional and legal guarantees aiming to eradicate the inequality and discrimination in any form, the plight of women still remained far from improved. Even today evils like child marriage, beating, female infanticide and gender discrimination are widely, prevalent in the society. The realisation is taking place in the various structures of the society and the women themselves try to raise their voice against the discrimination and the violence by the male dominated society.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Comparison of Education Reports of Behavioural Symptoms
Comparison of Education Reports of Behavioural Symptoms Running Head: Teacher, children, and parents reports of behavioral symptoms Comparison between teacher, children, and parents reports of behavioral symptoms associated with disruptive behaviors. Karelyn M. Gonzà ¡lez-Cruz, M.S., Josà © J. Cabiya., Ph.D., Lymaries Padilla, Ph.D. Jovette Sà ¡nchez, M.S. (The project/study described was supported by Grant Number 1 R24 MD00152-01, from the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. It’s contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.) Key Words: School age children, aggressive behavior, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, impulsiveness depression. Abstract The goal of the present pilot study was to compare the teacher, children, and parents reports of behavioral symptoms associated with disruptive behaviors using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule of Children-Parent version (DISC-P), the Diagnostic Interview Schedule of Children-Youth (DISC-Y) and the Bauermeister School Behavior Inventory (BSBI). The parents of 52 children consented to participate in the DISC-P and DISC-Y interviews. The results showed that parents and children had a moderate degree of agreement in answering symptoms of major depressive episode, symptoms of traumatic stress disorder, and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. The results also showed that teachers had a high degree of agreement with children in their report of disruptive symptoms while no agreement was found between teachers and parents reports. Teachers’ reports of disruptive behaviors such as irritability, hostility, distraction, and low motivation had a moderate correlation with children re ports of symptoms related to conduct disorders and ODD. These results might suggest that parents identify more efficiently affective disorders than teachers. On the contrary, teachers appear to identify more efficiently disruptive behaviors than parents do. Comparison between teacher, children, and parents reports of behavioral symptoms associated with disruptive behaviors Assessment of child psychiatric disorders traditionally relies on information obtained from multiple informants, usually the parent, the child, and sometimes others such as teachers and additional family members. These informants may provide different information about the presence, severity, and duration of a childs symptomatology or behavior (Achenbach, McConaughy, Howell, 1987). Several studies have compared parent and child reports of the children psychiatric symptoms in structured diagnostic interviews like the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents (DICA; Herjanic Reich, 1982; Reich, Herjanic, Welner, Gandy, 1982; Welner, Reich, Herjanic, Jung, Amado, 1987), the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC; Edelbrock, Costello, Dulcan, Calabro Conover, Kalas, 1986; Loeber, Green, Lahey, Stouthamer-Loeber, 1989; Weissman et al., 1987), and the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-age Children (K-SADS; Chambers et al., 1985; Orvaschel , Puig-Antich, Chambers, Tabrizi, Johnson, 1982). These studies have documented low to moderate agreement between parents and children report of psychiatric symptoms. In general, these reports have found that parents report more behavior symptoms about their children than the children report about themselves, whereas children report having more affective and neurotic symptoms than their parents report about them (Edelbrock et al., 1986; Herjanic Reich, 1982). In addition, a meta-analysis of more than 200 studies examined agreement among informants, and reported moderate to poor agreement for most studies, including those in which agreement was assessed along symptom dimensions rather than by categorical diagnoses (Achenbach, McConaughy, Howell, 1987). Somewhat better agreement between parents and children has been observed in clinical samples when semistructured interviews were used by clinicians (Orvaschel, Thompson, Belanger, Prusoff, Kidd, 1982) and for externalizing as compared to internalizing symptoms (Reich, Herjanic, Welner, Gandhy, 1982). Asymmetrical reporting of certain types of symptoms has been found to be the most frequent source of disagreement. Parents tend to report externalizing behaviors or problems more often while children tend to report internalizing depressive or anxiety symptoms with greater frequency Edelbrock et al., 1986; Reich et al., 1982). In addition, a study completed by Bravo, et al. (2001) with a Puerto Rican sample found that parents were generally fair or moderately reliable informants when reporting about their children. Children (11-17 years) were excellent or moderately reliable informants on disruptive and substance-related disorders, but were unreliable when reporting about anxiety and depressive disorders. For lifetime diagnoses, they found that parents were fair reporters of their childrens conduct disorder, as well as substance-related disorders, whereas their children were excellent or moderately reliable reporting about most of these disorders. However, no study was found that have assessed the relationship between the teachers, parents and children report of clinical symptoms related to disruptive disorders. The goal of the present pilot study was to compare the teachers, children, and parents reports of behavioral symptoms associated with disruptive behaviors using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule of Children-Parent version (DISC-P), the Diagnostic Interview Schedule of Children-Youth (DISC-Y) and the Bauermeister School Behavior Inventory (BSBI). Method Participants Fifty two (26 boys and 26 girls) from ages 9 to 12 (mean age was 10) from the San Juan metropolitan area, who were referred by their teacher for disruptive behavior in the classroom, were administered a symptoms checklist based on the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for disruptive disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Informed consent to participate in the study was then requested from the parents of these children. The socioeconomic status of all of these children was low. The mean age was 10.06 (SD = 1.07). Of the 52 referred children, 17 children (9 boys and 8 girls) were evaluated with the DISC-Y. The mean age of this group was 10.12 (SD = 1.16). Instruments Bauermeister School Behavior Inventory (BSBI). This inventory consists of six scales for male children and five for female children completed by the teachers that evaluate anxiety symptoms, social alienation, depression, irritability-hostility, distraction-motivation and activity impulsiveness. Internal consistency fluctuates between .74 and .96; test-re-test reliability (four week period fluctuated between .52 to .89. This instrument was developed, validated and standardized for Puerto Rican population (Bauermeister, 1994). Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (C-DISC) (Shafer, D. et al. 2000). The DISC is the most widely used and studied mental health interview that has been tested in both clinical and community populations. It is a comprehensive, structured interview that covers 36 mental health disorders for children adolescents, using DSM-IV criteria. The version used in this study was the most recent Spanish translation of the DISC-IV (Bravo et al., 2001), with parallel youth (DISC-Y) and parent (DISC-P) versions. The test-retest reliability of the DISC-IV has been reported in both Spanish and English-speaking clinic samples yielding comparable results (Bravo et al., 2001; Shaffer, Fisher, Lucas, Dulcan, Schwab-Stone, 2000). The disorders assessed by the DISC were: Generalized anxiety, Panic, Post-traumatic stress, Major Depression, Dysthymia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, Oppositional Defiant, Conduct Disorder, Alcohol Abuse / Dependence, Marijuana Abuse / Dependence, Nicot ine Dependence and other Substance Abuse / Dependence. Socio-demographic interview. The questionnaire used in the Research Scientific Institute at the Carlos Albizu University was administered. The questionnaire provides socio-demographic information about the child and his/her family. Procedures Teachers completed the BSBI after the parents consented to participate in the study. The project’s director selected advanced doctoral students in clinical psychology to be trained as interviewers. These students received two day intensive DISC workshops from trainers certified by the Columbia University original developers of the DISC. They were blind to experimental hypotheses. Interviewers contacted by phone the principal caretaker of each child to arrange for the DISC-P interview in the school. They administered first the DISC-P to the parent and afterwards they administered the DISC-Y to the child. The principal caretaker received an compensation of twenty dollars for their participation. The interviews took place in a classroom with comfortable chairs, illumination, tables, and non distractions. Quality control procedures were established to guarantee the integrity of the data gathering process. The project’s director conducted weekly meetings for the supervision of recorded practice DISC interviews according to the DISC instructions manual. The interviewers received recommendations from other trained DISC interviewers, specifically on how to deal with ambiguities, which did arise, and clearly define â€Å"do’s†and â€Å"don’ts†in various situations. Specific situations that lead to deviations from the interview were discussed in the weekly supervisions. Results The correlations between the quantity of symptoms of the different disorders on DISC-P and DISC-Y were as follows: symptoms of inattention on DISC-P and symptoms of inattention on DISC-Y was r = .57 (pr = .70 (pr = .64 (pr = .67 (pr = .75 (p The correlations between the BSBI distraction-motivation scale and ODD symptoms on DISC-Y was r = .87 (pr = .92 (pr = .64 (p Discussion The goal of the present pilot study was to compare the teacher, children, and parents reports of behavioral symptoms associated with disruptive behaviors using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule of Children-Parent version (DISC-P), the Diagnostic Interview Schedule of Children-Youth (DISC-Y) and the Bauermeister School Behavior Inventory (BSBI). Results indicated that parents reported more behavioral symptoms (such as ODD symptoms and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms) than the children reported. Also, parents reported more affective and anxiety symptoms than their children reported. Even more, the results on DISC-P and DISC-Y showed that parents and children had a moderate degree of agreement in answering symptoms of major depressive episode, symptoms of traumatic stress disorder, and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. The results also showed that teachers had a high degree of agreement with children in their report of disruptive symptoms while no agreement was found between teachers and parents reports. Teachers’ reports of disruptive behaviors such as irritability, hostility, distraction, and low motivation had a moderate correlation with children reports of symptoms related to conduct disorders and ODD. These results might suggest that parents identify more efficiently affective disorders than teachers. On the contrary, teachers appear to identify more efficiently disruptive behaviors than parents do. These results are consistent with previous research that documented low to moderate agreement between parents and children in their report of disruptive symptoms (DICA; Herjanic Reich, 1982; Reich, Herjanic, Welner, Gandy, 1982; Welner, Reich, Herjanic, Jung, Amado, 1987; Orvaschel, Thompson, Belanger, Prusoff, Kidd, 1982). In addition, a study with a Puerto Rican sample found similar results, in that parents were generally fair or moderately reliable informants about their children’s affective symptoms (Bravo et. al, 2001). One limitation of the present study was the small size of the study sample. The main reason for this was the fact that many parents that were contacted refused to participate in the study. One possible recommendation for future research is to develop specific strategies to engage more Puerto Ricans in order for them to participate in the phases of research with little immediate benefits that requires extended interviews or evaluations. These strategies could include increasing significantly the monetary compensation. Another strategy is to train the research assistants on specific ways of engaging the parents in a culturally sensitive manner like appealing to â€Å"familism†which Muir, et al. (2004) have found to be essential in engaging Latinos in general including Puerto Ricans in research. Nevertheless, engagement of Latinos including Puerto Ricans in research appears to be a significant challenge and future research needs to address this area by itself in a systematic and comprehensive manner. References Achenbach, T. M., McConaughy, S. H. Howell, C. T. (1987). Child/adolescent behavioral and emotional problems: implications of cross-informant correlations for situational specificity. Psychological Bulletin, 101, 213-232. Bauermeister, J. (1994). Desarrollo y utilizacià ³n del Inventario de Comportamiento Escuela (IDC-E) en la evaluacià ³n de nià ±os puertorriqueà ±os [Development and use of the Bauermeister School Behavior Inventory (BSBI) in assessing Latino children]. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Author. Biederman, J., Faraone, S. Mick, E. Moore, P. (1996). Child Behavior Checklist findings support comorbidity between ADHD and Major Depression in a referred sample. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 35 (6), 734-742. Bravo, M., Woodbury-Farina, M. A., Canino, G., Rubio-Stipec, M. (in press). The Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children DISC): Its translation and adaptation in Puerto Rico. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. Bravo, M., Ribera, J., Rubio-Stipec, M., Canino, G., Shrout, P., Ramà rez, R. (2001). Test-retests reliability of Spanish version of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children DISC-IV. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 29(5), 433-444. Chambers, W. J., Puig-antich, J., Hirsch, M., Paez, P., Ambrosini, P. J., Tabrizi, M. A., Davies, M. (1985). The assessment of affective disorders in children and adolescents by semistructured interview. Archives of General Psychiatry, 42, 696-702 Cohen (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. (2nd.ed) Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Edelbrock, C., Costello, A. J., Dulcan, M. K., Calabro Conover, N., Kalas, R. (1986). Parent-child agreement on child psychiatric symptoms assessed via structured interviews. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 27, 181-190. Herjanic, B., Herjanic, M., Brown, F., Wheatt, T. (1975). Are children reliable reporters? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 3, 41-48. Herjanic, B. Reich W. (1982). Development of a structured psychiatric interview for adolescent: Agreement between child and parent on individual symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 10, 307-324. Kashani, J. H., Orvaschel, H., Burke, J. P., Reid, J. C. (1985). Informant variance: The issue of parent-child disagreement. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 437-441. Loeber, R., Green, S. M., Lahey, B. B. Stouthamer-Loeber, M. (1989). Optimal informants on childhood disruptive behavior. Development and Psychopathology, 1, 317-337. Orvaschel H., Puig-antich, J., Chambers, W. J., Tabrizi, M.A., Johnson, R. (1982). Retrospective assessment of prepubertal major depression with the Kiddie-SADS-E. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 21, 392-397. Orvaschel, H., Thompson, W. D., Belanger, A., Prusoff, B. A., Kidd, K. K. (1982). Comparison of the family history method to direct interview: Factors affecting the diagnosis of depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 4, 49-59. Pliszka, S., Carlson, C. Swanson, J. (1999). ADHD with comorbid disorders: Clinical assessment and management. New York: Guilford Press. Reich, W., Earls, F. (1987). Rules for making psychiatric diagnosis in children on the basis of multiple sources of information: Preliminary strategies. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 15, 601-606. Reich, W., Herjanic, B., Welner, Z., Gandhy, P. R. (1982). Development of a structured psychiatric interview for children: Agreement on diagnosis comparing child and parent interviews. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 10, 325-336. Shaffer, D., Fisher, P., Lucas, C. P., Dulcan, M. K., Schwab-Stone, M. E. (2000). NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version IV (NIMH DISC-IV): Description, differences from previous versions, and reliability of some common diagnoses. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 28-38. Weissman, M. M., Wickramaratne, P., Warner, V., John, K, Prusoff, B. A., Merikangas, K. R., Gammon G. D. (1987). Assessing psychiatric disorders in children. Archives of General Psychiatry, 44, 747-753.
How can music be an influence?
How can music be an influence? Entertainment can be categorised into few different ways such as dancing, vacation, and watching movie. Nowadays, most of the people have been focus more on listening to musics. Music is one of the entertainments that commonly focus by young people such as teenagers. Besides that, music has bring a lot of advantages for the teenagers to try to communicate with one and other and to be more update in the world of teenagers. In the other hand, music also is the one of the tools that can try to express people from their stress. Under music, it has combined different types of culture into one society. It has been combined together in one of the most popular and advances towards creating a better society. The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context. Music ranges from strictly organised compositions, through improvisational music to be forms be divided into genres and subgenres. Although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle but sometimes it was open to individual interpretation, and occasionally controversial. Music also brings a lot of fun, joy and other benefits towards human mankind. It has been created a wonderful memory for each of every one to enjoy it and it also is one of the tools to produce a future star and artist to let people notice. Besides that, music is the one of the tools to get more networks for social activities. This will helps people to build their popularity in the society. Through all kinds of music, it could bring all kind of people in a one big family. One of the ways to develop a person characteristic is through all kinds of music; it can help people to develop what kind of the person they are. Hence, it could help to make a great person through listen to the music. There are several types of musics that make people feels peaceful such as pop, hip-hop, jazz, country, classical, rock and also RB music. 2.0 Types of music that influence people 2.1 Jazz Jazz is a type of music that begins in 20th century. Jazz music is started with some African American community in the southern of United State and most of it was confluence of European and African music tradition. Jazz music origin from Ragtime and it culture is origin in early 1910s New Orleans. Jazz is kinds of music that can be define as a combination between European tradition music with African tradition music. The words jazz began as a west coast slang was first used to refer as music in Chicago around 1915. From the beginning Jazz is Jass but slowly it transfer to Jazz. In Jazz they have few ways to perform, some of them are used to be performing individual, never playing composition and never play exactly the same way twice. 2.1.1 Peaceful Nowadays, jazz music brings a lot of benefits to us. One of the most effective ways that jazz music had brought to us is that, when we listen to jazz music we will feels more peaceful in our mind. According to scientist say that when a person is listening to Jazz music it has brought up some brain emotion and make it feel relax and will go by the rhythm on it. It will keep a certain amount of peaceful moment and it could help a person to remain a better conscious on what he is doing on. By putting jazz music on in daily life could help a person to improve in their behaviour, jazz music can avoid bad behaviour that leads to bad destruction. This could help a person to develop creativity, artistry, humanity, individually, intelligence, and also will have a better chance to deal with an issue at hand more easily and more positive ways. Jazz music also can lead a person to go towards a positive ways in a peaceful manner on dealing with a person. 2.1.2 Release painful emotion Through Jazz music it could help a person to release painful emotion. By listening to jazz music, it has a great impact of mind, body and spirit to bring a healthful charge on our painful emotion. According to doctors, using jazz music for music treatment could treat a patient to stay and healthy and even faster to recovery from their painful emotion. Listen to jazz music can also help a person to release their anger and also boost their happy feeling to the maximum. The mind will start to stimulate and through jazz music could also obtain the high mental alertness on the part that will help people think of the goods and forget the bad part. In the middle of time, it could help people mind to active the brain on, and enhances the best is to make a person to feel more relaxing. Through jazz music can help a person to reduce pain sensation and also distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain. Jazz music also promotes relaxation of tense muscle, and enabling a person can easily release some of the tension that carries on the day. Jazz Music, especially upbeat tunes, can take people mind off all stresses, and help people feels more optimistic and positive. This helps release stress and can even help people keep from getting as stressed over lifes little frustrations in the future. Researchers discovered that music can decrease the amount of the cortical, a stress-related hormone produced by the body in response to stress. Hence, jazz music can brings peaceful when a person hear it and it will also help to maintain the comfort of the day that made a person to be alert on what he or she is doing. Besides that, through jazz music also helps people to release painful emotion and it could help a heart hurting person to feel more relax on the pain. 2.2 Country Country music is one of the most popular music genres that all American had notice. It is a blend traditional and popular musical that origin from Canada and southern United State. Country music has produced two of the top selling solo artists of all time. The term country music gained popularity in the 1940s when the earlier term hillbilly music came to be seen as denigrating. Country music was widely embraced in the 1970s, while country and Western has declined in use since that time, except in the United Kingdom and Ireland, where it is still commonly used. 2.2.1 Fairly wholesome Listen to country music could more fairly wholesome then other, why is that so? According to the specialist that through country music, it could help a person to bring back a wonderful story. Through country music, it could help to explain a very interesting story. In other words, they are not songs that would not want to bring children to hear or would feel embarrassed playing in front of their parents. So, through country music could help some of the children to presented out by singing some country music on the song that have play to display out what are the fairly wholesome story they have believe in. In the other hands, it could help to keep some of the interesting history in the past and passed it to the next generation. Thus, they will understand what the histories are on the past and keep it on the good wants and be reminding that their do not make the same mistake again and again. 2.2.2 Connection to culture Country music historians typically stress of the musics close connection to the culture of the rural and working class white south while acknowledging the importance of New York record companies and other commercial structures, they are happiest. Besides that, country music helps people to bring out the culture of American. It help others to understand how the style of living and also to present the ethnic of that culture. Modelling behaviours and understandings that have helped in the refashioning of southern white culture and identities, and there is another parallel. A Diasporas story lurks deep in the heart of country music. It could help to strengthen the culture and also to help to promote the culture to others through country music. Therefore, country music can help a culture to build their image on fairly wholesome things and it also can connect to the other culture in this world through this country music. 2.3 Hip-Hop As the world move on to a modern time, hip hop music has become the most important music that has been focus on by the teenagers nowadays. Hip hop music is origin from hip hop culture and it has been missed up with four key element which is rapping, scratching, sampling, and beat boxing. The root of hip hop culture is also from African American music and ultimately African music. Some hip hop music influence by the disco, others hip-hop music influence by many other different such as new school hip-hop and also some rapping material are included. 2.3.1 Innovation In the lately 2000s, hip hop music has secure in the mainstream of music line. People have given a name for hip-hop music as Golden Age Hip-Hop. This innovation motive the hip-hop music lover to be more advance in the. That time is a time when it seemed that every new single reinvented the genre. Referring to the golden age of hip-hop music, there were so many important, ground breaking album has been brought up right about that time. Many artist has been found out on that period of time where hip-hop music has bring a great success towards bringing more talented artist on during the hip-hop music. While innovation in hip-hop music is been a great motivation for every hip-hop singer that it could made a great improvement on their song and also teenagers recently has using the hip-hop music to do their dance on the hip-hop culture. 2.3.2 Express teenagers in a proper manner Nowadays, hip-hop music brings different culture, beliefs, races, ethnicities all together such as young and medium age stay together to express teenagers in self-determinant manners and also collectively. Besides that, through hip-hop music and culture has not just influenced the Americans but also influenced the whole world to come together as a one big hip-hop music. By listening to hip-hop music, it will help people to develop a good personality and also help people to deal with one and other. Thus, this will help a person to build a good perspective and get along with others and eventually will build up more networks so that it will help people to build their popularity. Furthermore, listen to hip-hop music will easily to express teenagers in a proper manner and will not be shy to present in front of public and also can building up confident. Thus, hip-hop music has been brings benefits to people also such as the innovation motive and express teenagers in a proper manner when in front of people. 2.4 Classical Classical music in European was begun in between year 1750 and 1820. It is the art produced in, or rooted in the traditions of Western liturgical and secular music. It was encompassing a broad period from roughly the 9th century to present times. Besides that, classical music contains that few or not genres of music contain because it is difficult to list the characteristics that can be attributed to the all work of that type. Classical music also meant to be experienced for its own sake. It is not likely with other forms of the music that can serve merely as a vehicle for poetry or other lyrical content. 2.4.1 Reduce Crime Classical music has a penchant for deterring crime. This is because classical music can make people reduce stress and anxiety. When people are facing a lot of problem, they will easily make crime. The reason is they cannot express their feelings when they are in stress or anxiety. Through listening to classical music, the problems that their faces will reduce and the crime within them will also reduce. Furthermore, listen to classical music such as Mozarts and Beethovens songs also can make people relax, not only body relax but also spiritual. When listen to classical music, people will intoxicated in that with peaceful. Their will enjoying on listen to the music and strengthen their heart when they feelings down. So, listen to the classical music can have positive effects toward society and peoples. 2.4.2 Strong bonds with family members Moreover, all kids are like to listen to certain kinds of music such as classical music. As parents should not be afraid of helping them to experience something different by take them to a few concerts to watch and listening to live music together. Through this actions, it can helps a family to get a better understanding of what is around them and it also will help them to appreciate the kind of music that they listen too much more. Besides that, during the free time, parents also can drive their children around once in a while. Tour them around the community while listening to the classical music that all the family members love more by radio. In addition, family members also can stay at home, strum the guitar and sing with other family members. All this actions can strong the bond with the family members when listening to the classical music. Thus, listening to the classical music has been brings a lot of benefits to people, not only can reduce crime but also can strong bond with family members. 2.5 Rock Rock is a form of popular music and it is usually featuring vocals but often with vocal harmony, electric guitars and a strong back beat. It is also known as Rock and Roll. Rock music is a genre of popular music that originating in the 1950s in America. It also is a popular music style that developed in the United States and Great Britain in the late of 1960s. Besides that, it is a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western and also is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock and roll. Not surprisingly, rock music was extremely difficult to apply a straightforward definition to such a restless musical format. 2.5.1 Drugs In the early year, the rock lifestyle was popularly associated with the drugs. This is because some musicians are using hallucinogenic drugs as enhancements to the listening experience. Teenagers who listened to the rock music were more inclined to use drug, though they were not more likely to use them excessively or become addicted. This is because some rock music has interrelated with drug-related values. Besides that, using drugs by parents has the greatest influence on adolescent drug use. The popularity and promotion of recreational drug that used by musicians may have influenced to the people. Thus, the use of drugs and the perception of acceptability of drug use among the youth of the period will also have negative effects toward people. 2.5.2 Violent Listen to the rock music will make people have violent behavior. This is because some rock music video will have aggressive lyrical content and this is often discernible only to the most attentive of listeners. Besides that, video based media which including music videos that make their violent content abundantly and graphically clear. In addition, some rock music songs have such garbled lyrics that they have given rise to debates about what the lyrics are. The angry-sounding of rock music will also increase aggressive thoughts and feelings regardless of the specific content of the music lyrics. Through this, people have been influenced by that, so they will act and do the violent behaviour after their listened and watched the music videos. Therefore, using drugs and violent behaviour were very common in this modern world and it is also has the bad influences after listened to the rock music. 2.6 Pop Pop music also is considered as popular music that has been knows by world. Through pop music, it helps a community to build a popular music on the starting career that everyone will be familiar with. For examples, Michael Joseph Jackson is the pop music artist and he was known as the King of Pop. Besides that, we also have the latest pop singer which is Justin Timberlake. As you can see the pop music singers are the most attracting singers throughout the world and all of their songs have almost been recognized. In addition, pop music also give an understood recorded music often oriented towards teenagers but usually pop music consist only short and simple love story. Pop music also has absorb others form of popular music, but as genre is particularly rock and roll on the later stage is rock style. 2.6.1 Gain Confidence Pop music is another way to gain more confidence. As a lot of experience pop artists, one way to gain more confidence is through sing pop music in front of the audience. Singing pop music song will helps a person to release their tension or stress. On the other hand, it will also give a person to have confidence and go after those long sought after goals. Listen to pop music will also help people out to release the fear that they have been attempt and help a person to gain more confidence on what they are doing. Besides that, pop music also is the one of the best way to gain more confidence and eventually will build a person talent or skills that will prove that they are capable of something and can contribute more to the society. For example like King of Pop Michael Jackson, he built up his confidence by singing all his pop music songs when he was at the stage. 2.6.2 Motivated to seek people dream Apart from that, pop music will help a person to seek their dream out. How is that so? According to some specialist through pop music, they can find person ability on what he or she can do. Pop music will easily let a person to show what hidden talent or skill they have inside more than other. Besides that, it is easier to let a person to focusing on that power to seek on the dreams they want to seek in he or she wanted. It is a very high possible that a person can be success through listening to pop music. It will bring out more and more people to motivate their dream. Therefore pop music not just only to help to gain more confidence when facing all kind of things such as in front of others but also will help a person to motivate themselves to seek their own dream easier to make a success in their life time. 2.7 RB The full name of RB was rhythm and blues. It is a genre of popular African-American Music that originated used by record companies to describe recordings marketed predominantly to urban African-Americans. It was at a time when urbane, rocking, jazz based music with a heavy and insistent beat was becoming more popular. Besides that, it also had a number of shifts in meaning. In the early year 1950s and beyond, the term rhythm and blues was often applied to blues records. After rhythm and blues, this style of music contributed to the development of rock and roll. The term of RB became used to refer the music styles that developed from and incorporated electric blues, as well as gospel and soul music. Today, RB was defined as the modern version of the soul and funk that influenced African-American pop music that originated with the demise of disco in year 1980. 2.7.1 Expose teenagers to crimes In the other hand, listening to the RB music has been brings some negative effects among the people such as expose teenagers to crimes. This is because of some dancehall artistes promote violence and it lead teenagers doing the criminal activities after listening and watching the RB music videos. It also has been alleged that some artists have been involved in some of these criminal activities. Teenagers were easily influenced by the lyrics and content of music and videos. If the music and videos were promoted violence or immoral behavior, it may affect teenagers to act and follow to crimes. It also will influence the teenagers risk for picking up the habit of that. It was the worst problems of listening to the RB music that have contained and promoted violence and immoral behavior. 2.7.2 Sex In addition, RB tells the stories of struggle, love, sadness, and happiness. It does not have necessarily rally people behind a cause, but it does help them related to the cause. In year 1995 study, Ernest Hakanen shows that the RB or soul music is the most related to the feelings of grief and pride. RB music has increasingly become about sex from its lyrics to its music videos, as much as it is about love. Not only that, it also has changed the self-perceptions and self-esteem of young people, especially for the women. Moreover, the young people began to loosen attitudes on issues that relating to morality and promoted immoral behavior caused the cases of sex happened. This is because of the RB music is included freely expressed sexual desires and other features that were not as prevalent in other forms of popular music. Hence, listening to the RB music actually will also have negative effects like expose teenagers to crimes and sex toward peoples in this modern world. 3.0 Conclusion As you can see the different types of music can be influence to different personalities and characteristics out. By listening to jazz music, it could bring a person peaceful and also to release their painful emotion. Country music can made a fairly wholesome imagination and also help to connect with culture easier. Besides that, hip-hop music can made a person to be innovative and also help to express teenagers in a proper manner. According to specialist, listen to classical music could help people to reduce crime and also strengthen their bond with the family members. The negative influences, it can be bad by listening to the rock music because it is much easier to bring in drugs and violent to the society. On the other hand, for the pop music, it could help people to gain confidence and also motivated a person to seek their dream out. Last but not least was RB music; it could lead the crime toward teenagers and also encouraged teenagers to have sex. In conclusion types of music are proven to bring more positive on people than its drawbacks. As we can see on the types of music that have discussed on the different influence that has been brought out when listen to music. Types of music are absolutely more than just enjoyment. Music is the most beautiful things in this world. It always calms down people mind of thinking and gives a person a rest when their need it. Since music has been became one of the parts of the human life, why not everyone just well utilised it to make their life more wonderful. Music speaks that what people cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest. It heals the heart and makes it whole and it was flows from heaven to soul. Therefore, do enjoy in music because it will changes people life become more interesting.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Harvard Admissions Essay: My Inspiration and Sanctuary :: College Admissions Essays
My Inspiration and Sanctuary We all have a sanctuary, be it a favorite book or song, or a special, private spot by the river. My sanctuary is somewhat unique, given that so few people are fortunate enough to have it. It is 5'2" with warm hazel eyes, a gentle smile, and the most beautiful soul I have encountered in my eighteen years of life. I call her Nona. My grandmother is one of the perpetually young at heart and it shows in everything she does. At family gatherings, she flits from table to table, laughing, talking (excessively, a family trait that seems to have skipped my generation) and bestowing kisses upon old and young alike. I can honestly say that I have never known her to back down from doing anything that it wouldn't kill her to try. Sweeping down the rapids on the Jordan River, she taught me how to handle our tipsy canoe, and how many children can claim to have a grandmother willing to go paint balling? Friends and family may laugh at her seeming inability to sit still, they may make the occasional quip about decaffeinated coffee or the Energizer bunny, but they respect her, just as we all respect and admire anyone who can take such obvious pleasure in merely being alive. Many individuals waste their early years pining to be "grown up," squander away their latter years in a fruitless quest to remain young, and as a result, never experience a single moment of contentment. Watching Nona has taught me the value of time. She has been instrumental in helping me to understand that these are the years that will shape me into an adult, and that I must give myself the time I need to establish my own identity. While I look forward to my future, I feel no desire to sprint forward to meet it; a walking pace is enough. Perhaps it's a skill inherent in all actors, perhaps it's one of the benefits of her many years of life, but Nona possesses an intuition the likes of which I have never seen elsewhere. She can sense when something is amiss, and more often than not she can determine what that something is with a few shrewd questions. She will never pry on the rare occasions when I wish to remain silent, and confidences given to her are always, always safe.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Comparing Piaget and Vygotsky :: Theories on Cognitive Development Process
Cognition is the process involved in thinking and mental activity, such as attention, memory and problem solving. In this essay on cognitive development I will compare and contrast the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, who were both influential in forming a more scientific approach to analyzing the cognitive development process of the child active construction of knowledge. (Flanagan 1996 P.72). I will then evaluate the usefulness of these theories in understanding a child's development. Both Piaget and Vygotsky agreed that children's cognitive development took place in stages. (Jarvis, Chandler 2001 P.149). However they were distinguished by different styles of thinking. Piaget was the first t reveal that children reason and think differently at different periods in their lives. He believed that all children progress through four different and very distinct stages of cognitive development. This theory is known as Piaget’s Stage Theory because it deals with four stages of development, which are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. (Ginsburg, Opper 1979 P. 26). In the first stage sensorimotor, which occurs from birth to the age of two is the time in an infant’s life when the child basically deals with what is presented to him. They learn about physical objects and are concerned with motor skills and the consequences of some of their actions. (Thomson, Meggit 1997 P.107). During this stage children will learn the concept of object permanence. This is where an object will continue to exist even if it is out of sight. (Ginsburg, Opper 1979 P.48) The preoperational stage last from two to seven years. In this stage it becomes possible to carry on a conversation with a child and they also learn to count and use the concept of numbers. This stage is divided into the preoperational phase and the intuitive phase. Children in the preoperational phase are preoccupied with verbal skills and try to make sense of the world but have a much less sophisticated mode of thought than adults. In the intuitive phase the child moves away from drawing conclusions based upon concrete experiences with objects. One problem, which identifies children in this stage, is the inability to cognitively conserve relevant spatial information. This is when, when a material is manipulated and no longer matches the cognitive image that a child has made, that child believes the amount of material has been altered instead of just its shape. (Jarvis, Chandler 2001 P.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Features of bluetooth technology Essay
The logo for Bluetooth is based on Runes surrounding the legend of Harald Bluetooth. Bluetooth the technology is based on communications central to man’s own personal space. Fundamentally Bluetooth operates within the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band at 2. 4 GHz. It is a short-range wireless communication standard defined as cable replacement for a Personal Area Network (PAN) (see â€Å"Bluetooth†. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, pp. 87-94). Figure 1 is the Bluetooth Logo. A cable replacement standard has been defined because cables limit mobility of the consumer; they are cumbersome to carry around, are easily lost or broken. Often connectors are prone to difficult to diagnose failures; or are proprietary. To counteract these limitations Bluetooth is designed to be light and portable. It can be embedded to take the riggers of physical knocks and shocks. It includes standards and protocols to make it mobile, robust, reliable and not limited to one manufacturer (see â€Å"Bluetooth†. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, pp. 87-94). The operating band also fits the goals of Bluetooth, imposing requirements as a cable replacement. The cost needs to be comparable with cable. Reductions can be achieved by operating in the licence free 2. 4 GHz ISM band, keeping backward compatibility wherever possible lowers the cost of ownership by avoiding upgrades and having a relaxed radio specification enables single chip integrated circuit solutions. It also needs to be as reliable and resilient as cable and cope with errors and degradation caused by interference. For mobile devices it must be compact, lightweight, low power and easy to use (see â€Å"Bluetooth†. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, pp. 87-94). A. 1 Frequency Hopping We have addressed the reasons for the Bluetooth without delving into the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the technology to discover how it operates. For the majority of countries the ISM band used by Bluetooth is available from 2. 40-2. 4835 GHz, although some countries impose restrictions. In this band Bluetooth uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) techniques in order to improve its immunity from interference (see J. Bray and C. F. Sturman, Bluetooth: Connect Without Cables†, Prentice Hall). In unrestricted countries the radios hop in pseudo random sequences around all available channels, this equates to 79 RF channels with a channel spacing of 1 MHz. Starting at a base frequency of 2402 MHz then the frequency of the channels, f, can be expressed as: f =2402 + n MHz where, n, is the channel number with an integer value in the range of 0 to 78. In restricted countries a limited frequency hopping schemes with just 23 channels is used and is catered for in the Bluetooth specification. Both hopping schemes have a 1 MHz channel spacing making it possible to design a simple radio interface whereby the baseband only has to specify a channel number and the radio multiplies this up to the appropriate frequency offset (see J. Bray and C. F. Sturman, Bluetooth: Connect Without Cables†, Prentice Hall). In this FHSS scheme there are 1600 hops per second, which is a hop every 625  µs. Part of this hop timing is taken up by the guard time of 220  µs allowing the synthesizer time to settle. The frequency hopping implements time division multiplexing as shown in Figure 2. The basis of the scheme has the Master device transmitting in the first 625 us slot, k, and here the Slave receives. In the next slot k = 1 the Slave is permitted to transmit and the master listens (see J.Bray and C. F. Sturman, Bluetooth: Connect Without Cables†, Prentice Hall). Figure 2: Frequency Hopping, master and slave interact on corresponding slots The radio must be able to retune and stabilise on a new frequency within tight time constraints. This is pushed further when establishing a connection; the hop rate can be shortened to every 312. 5 us. As the radios are constantly hopping to different radio channels, this ensures that packets affected by interference on one channel can be retransmitted on a different frequency channel. To further enhance resilience both ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest) and FEC (Forward Error Correction) form part of the specification (see J. Bray and C. F. Sturman, Bluetooth: Connect Without Cables†, Prentice Hall). One drawback with the normal hop sequence is the time taken for production testing. Bluetooth ensures adequate frequency coverage with a test sequence allowing the radios to be tested at a faster rate (see J. Bray and C. F. Sturman, Bluetooth: Connect Without Cables†, Prentice Hall).
Leadership order
NO. I differ with him since unmatched should non fill a problem while hoping that solutions get out be found after some clipping. The confederacy had grown from having 2 to 27 community in integrity town and has mobilise into three separate towns. The partnership universe a law true has change magnitude the play of attorneys to 18 terminationing into increased count of cases being handled by the firm, increased keep abreast in of employees and increased number of customers. Hiring a familiar Manager-operations (G.M) was intended to assist in forwarding of production in the connection. preferably he was sending away clients without accepting the liabilities. pull ahead efforts showed be put into place into book them as healthy as act back those who had already left.These clients have been with the comp any(prenominal) for a long cartridge holder and the firm could not afford loose because of a mistake of one individual. This is because the firm was apt(predi cate) to face problems key among them being, loss of jobs for its employees as a result of reduced number of clients. Addition every(prenominal)y, the company will not be able to run its twenty-four hour period to day business since there will be reduced income. The partners should insist on sort out meeting the clients and ask them to return to their firm since they k parvenue their services. The partners should archetypical deliberate on the issue of retaining the public manager because he was not result oriented.The G.M-operations overstepped is mark and instead of improving the guest relations, expanding the customer base as surface as enhancing the relations with the local communities he severed both the customer and client relations. The top management team should prevail genuinely libertine and replace the superior general manager immediately so as to save the company. Power sharing is a very important aspect of loss draws since, the problems facing the junior s taff, decision-making and implementation is increased. De-concentration of function also promotes efficiency and effectiveness since the leaders involved will have a few(prenominal) responsibilities to shoulder and thus they will perpetrate their duties to the maximum for the advantage of the throng.Leadership is not about directing and guiding hoi polloi to do a particular occupation but is an issue where a group phallus influences the rest of the group to satisfy an objective. A leader should direct the validation towards greater cohesiveness and coherence (Schriesheim, Chester A. 221-228, Lewin, K, LIippit, R and White R.K. 271-301). The authority that a leader possesses should be directed to accomplishment of the groups goal. levelheaded lead should be one that makes the pursual and the junior staff proclivity to touch higher goals sooner than to simply jaw over the juniors.The manner and approach in which an individual provides direction, implement plans and motiv ate large number normally defines the leadership bearing his/her leadership behavior. A General Manager-operations of a fast growing firm should be one not limited to a particular proposition leadership style. He should however be ready to employ all styles depending on the situation. Participatory/democratic leadership style which involves one or more members of the group in making decisions has been found to be very appropriate. This style should have worked very well since the G.M-operation was new in the efficacious firm as he had come from insurance company where he had worked for long.Instead of spending a lot of time of learning about the organization, its members and books of account he would have instead involved the womb-to-tomb serving employees in decision making. This style would allow members to own the decisions reached upon since the were part of their generation. This leadership style is so pronounced in individuals who are cooperative, dedicated and team playe rs as well as solely actuate to achieve tangible results not for their public assistance but that of the larger firm. However, since a nut organization is prone to have employees of varied skills, personalities and temperaments, a leader should be well conversant with all leadership styles which take authoritarian/ coercive, participative/democratic and delegative/free manage and be ready to use any of them alternately depending on the surrounding situationAlthough I have used all the leadership styles very successfully the well-nigh pronounced style that I posses is autocratic/authoritarian which I demonstrate without a lot of struggle .With this style I prefer being a leader of newly formed group member of whom giving directions and receiving advice is never a problem. I also prefer conduct new team members since I derive a lot of pleasure in wake off my capacities. It also reduces deliberation time and decision making since the members are rarely consulted and decision making is top down. However, I will never prefer leading a group composed of exceedingly skilled and knowledgeable members since they have a potential of critiquing my style. They may require betrothal in decision-making as well as delegation of duties. Additionally since I desire being recognized as a boss I will rather be a leader for an inexperient group.References Schriesheim, Chester A. The Great game Consideration High initiating structureLeadership myth tell on its generalizability. The journal of favorablePsychology, April 1982, 116, pp 221-228 heed tools Leadership styles, using the right one for your situation.Accessed online onLewin, K, LIippit, R and White R.K. Patterns of strong-growing behavior in experimentallyCreated social climates. Journals of social psychology 1999, 10, 271-301
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Caribbean Sociology Essay
OVERVIEW all converse has a stage setting. Every discourse has a motive. The Sociology that real in nineteenth century France was a response to the companionable crisis that was experienced on that point at that time. The Sociology that give riseed in nineteenth century France had a context. The man who is considered to be the founding military chaplain of Sociology, Auguste Comte was convinced that a science of ordination was realistic and would be capable of reconstructing cut ordination. The study disputable of France in the 19th century was the need to reconstruct French ordination. Thus, the motive of 19th century European Sociology was to develop principles that would guide the reconstruction of France. It is highly big to recognize that Auguste Comte was motivated by the need to make a ara to the growth of his association. As sociologists of the Caribbean, we commode non overlook this small component of sociological discourse. Sociologists of the Caribbe an essential focal point on making a piece to the upliftment of the people of the Caribbean. In coif to do this, we must identify the major worryatic of the region i.e. the context upon which a sincere sociology of the Caribbean is built.Caribbean Sociologists can make a positivistic contri nonwithstandingion to the development of the region. However, in come out to this, they must adopt a highly comminuted perspective. We can non continue to engage in what Holmes and Crossley (2004) match to as the un vituperative, intercultural transfer of familiarity and models of development. term sociological models of the Caribbean (plural, creole, grove society theses) focus on the outer-structural features of the Caribbean reality, it is entailmentant to appreciate that Caribbean society isreflected in a powerful commission in the k instantlyingness of Caribbean people. The eccentricity and complexity of the reality that is the Caribbean lies in the fact that making common maven of the Caribbean is non hardly around unravelling the denouement of complaisant structure moreso, it is slightly a homophile(a) and complex experience. The Caribbean experience is roughly serviceman beings struggling to find a sense of bum. This sticks out powerfully in the ready of Derek Walcott. In the poem A removed Cry From Africa, Walcott writesI who am poisoned with the telephone circuit of some(prenominal), where shall I turn divided to the vena? I who suck up cursed the drunk officer of British rule, how choose I surrounded by this Africa and the English tongue I love? I betray them both or outpouring back what they give? How can I face overmuch(prenominal) slaughter and be cool? How can I turn from Africa and live?Derek Walcotts resolve must be seen as a response to his experience of the Caribbean and as much(prenominal) must be strikeed as sociological. Sociology is a response to societal conditions. It does non tolerate to be a science. It has to be avowedly. We need to examine the Caribbean reality finished pure lenses. The Caribbean region is an invaded put a plaza invaded by upper- fount letterist parsimoniousness. The judgment invaded suggests that there is a fundamental difference between a genuine capitalist evidence and one that has been invaded. The Caribbean is yet to enjoy the benefits of capitalism as derived by real capitalist states such as the United States of the States and Great Britain. It is safe to cont revoke that the Caribbean is not a real capitalist space.The Caribbean is an end product of capitalism Mark Figueroa (2007) argued that the riddle of the Caribbean lies in the fact that the region has forever and a day been associated with capitalism. How then(prenominal) can we describe that space that has always been associated with capitalism? Related to the vox populi of invaded space is the notion of ill-shapen space. A distorted social space refers to that which is characteri sed by multiple distortions and contradictions. The psyche of distorted space has significant implications for the human beings that inhabit that space. Do we expect that the human beings of a distorted social space to have a healthy intelligence?Caribbean society was natural out of oppression. Slavery was an oppressive origin and therefore had a destructive exploit on the human being. Slavery did not serve to humanise. Slavery dehumanised. We must come to terms with this fact slavery had a dehumanising effect on Caribbean people. The question is what have we done to rehumanise Caribbean people?Our issue in the Caribbean is to reconstruct the human being whose social and psychological predilection has been built on the legacy of an oppressive and dehumanizing system. The notions plural society, woodlet society and creole society stress the preoccupation of Caribbean social scientists with the structure of society. What we need to be concerned about is not simply the structure of Caribbean society exclusively or else the state of the human being in the Caribbean. We should have developed perspectives on how to reconstruct the human being in the Caribbean. In so doing we would have been true(p) to our context. In so doing, we would have contributed immensely to the progress of the region.It was Professor Hilary Beckles (2004) who said that the circumstance in the Caribbean is grave. He went on to pronounce that we have not had frugal metre-up in the region for twenty years. He therefore asked a very weighty question What are we to make of our tale?I ask, what is the nature of the Caribbean development problem?THE INNERINNERNNER-DYNAMICS OF THE CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT PROBLEMThe development problem of the Caribbean extends beyond the parameters of Economics. It emerges from a unpaired set of historico-psychological conditions. Non-economic factors therefore represent major components of the Caribbean development equation. Don Marshalls (1998) exam ination of the West-Indian development experience illustrates the critical grapheme of non-economic factors. Marshall argues that the key economic players the plantation owners, the merchants and the royalists had no real stake in the trans fit upation of the region. It was not in the pursuit of these key players to trans random variable the local economy.Rather, it was in the expansion ofthe commercial sphere of the colonial economy that the planter-merchant elite could re make believe and fasten it self. The behaviour of the plantermerchant elite in West-Indian society is no doubt peculiar. It portrays the planter-merchant elite as a line motivated not solely by the need for capital accumulation but or else by the need to preserve its power of dominance.This typography contends that people of distorted social spaces do act in opposition to themselves. We now examine the link between capitalism and a poverty of consciousness. I refer to a study I conducted in 1998. The tit le dependence in a banana tree Producing community in uncouth St. Lucia A micro- take aim Sociological Investigation. The main engineer of the study was to unmask the meanings that banana grangers precondition up to banana farming.CAPITALISM AND CONSCIOUSNESS gatewayThe Shift from Sugar to Bananas in St.luciaCaribbean societies are very unfortunate in the sense that they do not own their spaces. While capitalism developed naturally in Europe, capitalism invaded our space at a time when we were not ready for it. Invasions such as these do not avail the natural progression of the consciousness of a people. The founding of the banana perseverance into the St. Lucian economy in the early 1950s equal a significant historical moment. It was the source-class honours degree successful cash crop since slavery. erst again, the space that we refer to as the Caribbean was invaded by capitalist interests. It was the post-second world war arrest when Britain had lost its hegemony of the world. Consequently, it became more expensive for Britain to import fruit from America. Britain then encouraged its colonies to produce bananas for the British market.At the time of the introduction of the banana constancy, St. Lucia had a livelinessed small fryry whose efforts resulted in a relatively diversified pastoral sector. Casimir and Acosta (1980) notemono- merchandise was not as discriminating in St.Lucia as in the new(prenominal) West-Indian islands. The country enjoyed a comfortable position as far as the productionof food was concerned.The radical shift from loot to bananas that occurred in the late 1950s was possible through the origination of a vivacious peasantry. Elsie Le Franc (1980) noted St. Lucias singularity in that it was the only Caribbean island to have switched all from one monocrop to another. In 1951, wampum be 47% of the essence value of St.Lucias exports, ten years later however, sugar represented a meager 1.3% of total exports.Pla ntation development in St.Lucia was relatively poor due to the instability created by the fourteen wars between France and Britain for its makeion. As a result, land was available for the ex-slaves to squat upon rather than work for subaltern wages. The planters were therefore labored to adopt the metayage system that cedeed them to reap the benefits of childbed without paying wages. Through the metayage system, peasants worked a piece of land, paying rent in the form of produce. This opportunity allowed the peasant class to develop a signifier of independent spirit from the early stages of emancipation.A severalize from being fit to the poor economic situation of the planter class, the system of metayage was also suited to the orientation of the rural population. Peter Adrien (1990) notes the strong sentimental attachment to the land and the practice of common ownership. By the late 1950s peasant production had replaced plantation production in St. Lucia. It was therefore the rise of the peasant class that enabled the radical shift from sugar to bananas in St. Lucia. At that crucial point in St.Lucias history when a vibrant peasantry had overthrown the planter class, a banana manufacture invaded the possibility of the emergence of an autonomous peasant class that could have evolved into a true capitalist class. The invasion of the banana exertion disturbed the movement towards the establishment of a diversified agricultural sector in St.lucia. Consciousness and the Banana ExperienceIt was detect that the banana farmers under(a) study connected a very special sort of significance to specie. For them, bullion was not simply about the ability to satisfy real(a) needs and wants. Rather, bullion performed a racy function within thecontext of the barefaced self. The latter was confirmed by the fact that these banana farmers relied on away stimulants such as alcohol and marijuana. In fact, alcohol was the best selling trade good of the communit y.The research also revealed that the banana farmers under study saw themselves as leave out by society, they did not feel part of the society. They said to me that the general feeling in the society was that Castries, the capital was St. Lucia. They felt anomic particularly with regard to the phrase. The formal address in St. Lucia was English bit the language of the peasant was creole.The idea that farmers would do anything for money was exceedingly pervasive and is cogitate to the idea of the denuded self. This craving for money seemed to beassociated with isolation and neglect, as money helped to bridge the gap between the conditions of their existence and those to which they aspired. There was also a signifier of nakedness about the banana farmer that needed to be clothed as banana farming was perceived to be a low-status activity. As a low status activity, banana farming was regarded not for its own worth but rather for the money that was associated with it.It was ther efore not strong to predict that the collapse of the banana industry would lead to the direct movement of the younker farmers in particular into the illegal do drugs business. In addition, a significant symmetry migrated to neighbouring Martinique where they felt at home as far as language was concerned.It was reason out that while the farmers were earning a steady income and while we celebrated the importance of the banana industry to the economy using proclamations such as the banana industry is the bedrock/ spinal column of the society, banana farming created among the farmers a false sense of selfhood, one found on money/materialism. Their notion of self was based ontheir ability to possess material things their notion of self revolve around money. It cannot be said that this is united in any direct way to an upliftment of consciousness. It is unfortunate that the development discourse of the Caribbean does not adequately deal with the component of consciousness. discipl ineing has to do with the evolution of consciousness in the positive direction. When genuine development takes place in a society, it results in the upliftment of the consciousness of the people of that society. As stated earlier, the Caribbean region is characterized by a poverty of consciousness. What form then should Caribbean sociology take? The work of the sociologist of the Caribbean must be linked to the major problematical of the Caribbean. Caribbean sociology must be fundamentally diametric from other sociology. Caribbean sociology must be about raising the consciousness of Caribbean people.SOCIOSOCIO-POETRYAs a Sociologist of the Caribbean, I have identified a context and a motive for Caribbean sociology. The context is what I refer to as a poverty of consciousness. The motive therefore is to agitate the consciousness of Caribbean people. My response so far has been the development of a new surface area what I refer to as Socio-Poetry. Socio-Poetry is much more than p oetry that is stimulated by sociological issues the issues of poverty, crime, domestic violence, HIV/ AIDS, impaired social institutions, unemployment and so on. Socio-Poetry is also about re-defining the boundaries of research and cognition-making arguing for the great(p)er pulmonary tuberculosis of imagination in capturing the complex and peculiar contours of the Caribbean. Socio-Poetry emerges from the conviction that the complexity and peculiarity of Caribbean society cannot be captured in its entirety by scientific methodology. Socio-Poetry offers a critical perspective.With regard to a critical perspective, in sounding at Research instruction Initiatives in St. Lucia, Holmes and Crossley (2004) argue that the development agenda in small states such as those of the Caribbean lacks the critical dimension. Holmes and Crossley therefore make a case for forms of knowledge such as music, spring and art that are in harmony with the socio-cultural reality i.e. knowledge that i s sensitive to the meanings, determine and processes underlying events and actions. In addition, Dr. Bhoendradat Tewarie lamentsthe lack of precaution paid to critical opinion in the Caribbean. Speaking of the extent to which critical thinking is being practiced at the University of the West-Indies, Dr. Tewarie contends.I peculiar its not as general as it needs to be and mayhap we are not as inexorable at it as we should be given the current environment.Dr. Tewarie also argues that by physical composition about our own situation in the region, we will develop perspectives and insights about ourselves to cover with others in the rest of the world.Socio-Poetry is a step in that direction. Socio-Poetry is an alternative form of knowledge that represents the blend of sociological analysis and fanciful insight. Socio-Poetry is about writing about the Caribbean in an interesting way in order to reach a wider audience.To date, I have published two works of Socio-Poetry. My first w ork was called SEEDS that was a response to the crisis of identicalness of the Caribbean. SEEDS, was meant for adolescents and it was also aimed at portraying the role of the arts in human development. The reaping is about consciousness-raising. It is about writing about theCaribbean in interesting ways so as to stimulate dialogue, debate and go on critical analysis .Please allow me to expose you to a socio-poetic portrait of the Caribbean from The increaseLICKS phoebe bird womenat the lane nook frustration ice-cream,strawberry flavour.Five licking womenclutching cones in the sun.Tongues racing againstthe disappearing hills.Licks for banana,licks for cane-sugar.And then the hands,the hands thatserved tongues,fall below thewaists defeated, departure five lickingwomen in anger, inquisitive for sweetnesson cracked lips.Tongues neer win.Theyre trapped by dentitionthat delight intasteless carriers of cream.Licks for banana,licks for cane-sugar.Five licking women strandedat the s treet corner.Theyve lost the wayto the river, the sun a greater extent ice-cream on astrawberry streetcorner.Licks for banana,licks for cane-sugar.The poem LICK S, examines the situation of the Caribbean in the global economy. It highlights the way in which we reinforce our status of dependency by being the tongues of the world, ready to lick foreign produced goods at the expense of our own development. Essentially, the poem speaks to the notion that we are both the lickers of the world as well asthose who get licks.Dependency is a fundamental fact of liveliness in the Caribbean and we cannot wait till students get to the university level to expose them to it. Therefore, while, we may not be able to teach the work of Lloyd Best and that of Andre Gunder Frank to Secondary school students we can expose them to LICKS paying great attention to its theme. In so doing, we would be raising the consciousness of our secondary level students on the dependency status of the Caribbean . It is extremely important to expose students ofthat age meeting to these themes as they are integral to who we are and as many of these students will not move on to university.Through socio-poetry, a sociologist of the Caribbean is not merely focusing on teaching at the University level but is developing ways of taking her analyses of Caribbean society to the lower levels of the education system. The motive is to submit the consciousness of Caribbean people.A sociology of the Caribbean must be a practical project, one with a specific, practical purpose one that is linked directly to the major problematic of the Caribbean.BIBLIOGRAPHYAdrien, Peter. 1990. Capitalism, Metayage and Development A shifting shifting trope ofDevelopment in Dennery, St. Lucia, 18401840-1959.1959. Masters Thesis, University of the WestWestIndies, pocket billiards graduate School of Social Sciences, Jamaica.Beckford, George. 1967. The WestWest-Indian Banana Industry. Industry. Jamaica Institute of Social and Economic Research.Casimir. J and Y. Acosta. 1982 . Social Structural changes in St. Lucia.Holmes Keith and Michael Crossley (2004). Whose Knowledge, Whose value? The Contribution of Local Knowledge to pedagogy Policy Processes A Case occupy of Research Development Initiatives in the minor(ip) State of St. Lucia.Lewis, Arthur. 1993. The Evolution of the Peasantry in the British WestWest-Indies. LondonTewarie, Bhoendradat (2004), Critical Thinking. St. Augustine News, October 2003 establish 200410.200410.Walcott, Derek. Collected Poems. Faber and Faber, London. 1996.Walcott, Derek. Omeros. Farar Straus Giroux, New York. 1991.
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