Monday, September 30, 2019
Moral Simplification in Disney’s The Little Mermaid
Disney’s Portrayal of Women and Simplification of Morals For most people, the first image that comes to mind when the subject of Walt Disney’s animated movies comes up is the studio’s popular princesses. Ever since Snow White made her debut in 1937, Disney has cornered the market on princesses. One primary topic that critics have discussed in Disney’s films is the way princesses are portrayed. The roles of the female characters are especially drawing the interest of academic critics.Jack Zipes, author of Breaking the Disney Spell, believes that the Disney princesses have regressed. On the other hand, Libe Zarranz, author of Diswomen Strike Back? The Evolution of Disney’s Femmes in the 1990s, and Rebecca Do Rozario, author of The Princess and the Magic Kingdom: Beyond Nostalgia, The Function of the Disney Princess, believe that the Disney princess has progressed. Another aspect of Disney’s movies that catches the eyes of critics is the moral s implification in the films.They believe that the morals from the original fairy tales are being manipulated and simplified in the Disney films. A. Waller Hastings, author of Moral Simplification in Disney’s The Little Mermaid, and Finn Mortensen, author of The Little Mermaid: Icon and Disneyfication, both agree that Disney’s simplification of morals is giving viewers the wrong depiction of life. Disney’s portrayal of women and simplification of morals are giving viewers the wrong impression of life and women. Many critics call the process of simplification in Disney movies, â€Å"Disneyfication. Disneyfication is especially shown in The Little Mermaid. In Disney’s version of The Little Mermaid, Disney retains elements of Hans Christian Andersen’s original fairy tale. A. Waller Hastings notes, â€Å"In the Disney adaptation, the elements of the fairy tale remain recognizable, but superimposed are typical elements of Disneyfication and a happy endi ng that contravenes the moral intention of the original tale†(85). The resistance towards Disneyfication is an agreement between academic writers.Zarranz also notes, â€Å"The dramatic transformation of literary fairy tales, nonetheless, has been problematic, since Disney’s animated fairy-tale adaptations have systematically undergone a process involving sanitization and Americanizaion, two distinctive features to compound the so-called ‘Disneyfication’ of folklore and popular culture†(55). Many critics believe that Disneyfication takes out the sting and variety of the real world. In the Disney world, everything is the same, everything is happy, and everything is full of everlasting hope.Zipes states that, â€Å"The great ‘magic’ of the Disney spell is that he animated the fairy tale only to transfix audiences and divert their potential utopian dreams and hopes through the false promises of the images he cast upon the screen†(2 3). The process known as Disneyfication seems to be giving viewers the wrong depiction of life. Original morals that are shown throughout the original fairy tales are left out when they become â€Å"Disneyfied. †The conclusion that Disney’s â€Å"watering down†of morals of the original fairy tales is an overwhelming agreement among academic writers.Most people applaud Walt Disney and his predecessors for their creations, however many critics have found a particular flaw of moral simplification in Disney films. Mortensen notes, â€Å"The message of the fairytale is conveyed in terms suitable for a modern public but is integrated into a product that cheats its intended public of small children†¦ †(449). Because the morals in the original fairytale’s are seemingly left out of Disney productions, critics view the Disney films as nothing more than simplistic reproductions that give viewers wrong impressions of life.Hastings writes, â€Å"While generally praising Walt Disney’s technical contributions to animated film, critics have been troubled by the studio’s treatment of classic children’s literature and fairy tales†(83). The producers at Disney are giving children an unreal sense of false hope. Disney films are simplified to an extreme that give viewers the wrong depiction of life. The simplistic portrayal of female characters is a specific by-product of Disneyfication. The roles of female characters in Disney movies have regressed compared to Walt Disney’s first films that featured female characters.In Disney’s earliest movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White takes on a maternal image. She instructs the dwarves in small, everyday routines such as manners and hygiene, and serves as a mother to the dwarves. The role of Snow White is very simple compared to the princesses of late, and much more realistic. In more recent Disney movies, female characters are shown as prin cesses. While the female characters, such as Snow White, used to be a bit submissive and worldly, over time some critics believe the female character has progressed. Zarranz notes,††¦ ven though it is still a long time before we can speak about successful feminist representations in a commercial icon like Disney, recent films incorporate complex females that are worth taking into consideration†(63). Some female characters are even seen as courageous women admired for their brave deeds in their films. Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Belle from Beauty and The Beast are the start of the more modern Disney princess. Do Rozario writes, â€Å"The Disney kingdom still may seem a man’s world, but it is a man’s world dependent on a princess†(57).While Rozario and Zarranz believe the Disney princess has progressed, Zipes strongly suggests that the princess of late has regressed. Zipes writes, â€Å"The young women are helpless ornaments in need of pr otection, and when it comes to the action of the film, they are omitted†(37). Rozario and Zarranz believe that the female character has progressed because of the role that has been given to the characters. However, they seem to overlook the fact that the princess role is very unrealistic.They also seem to overlook the fact that in almost every princess movie, the female character is relying on a male character. In The Little Mermaid, Ariel gives up her entire life to be with a man. Belle, too, lets go of her former life to be with the Beast. So as Rozario and Zarranz may believe that the more recent female characters are much more strong and courageous than those of earlier Disney films, they seem to have overlooked the flaws in the Disney princess. While Walt Disney and his studios are usually praised, multiple researchers have found flaws in in their creations.The inability to portray women in a more realistic way, and the simplification of morals that Disney produces in th eir films, are giving viewers the wrong impression of life and women in the real world. While Disney probably won’t take the critic’s suggestions into consideration, the critics do propose some very interesting arguments concerning the image of female characters and the simplification of morals. Works Cited Do Rozario, Rebecca-Anne C. â€Å"The Princess and the Magic Kingdom: Beyond Nostalgia, The Function Of The Disney Princess. †Women's Studies in Communication 27. 1 (2004): 34-59. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Nov. 012. Hastings, A. Waller. â€Å"Moral Simplification in Disney’s The Little Mermaid. †The Lion and the Unicorn 17. 1 (1993): 83-92. Print. Mortensen, Finn Hauberg. â€Å"The Little Mermaid: Icon And Disneyfication. †Scandinavian Studies 80. 4 (2008): 437-454. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. Zarranz, Libe Garcia. â€Å"Diswomen Strike Back? The Evolution of Disney’s Femmes in the 1990s. †2 7. 2 (2007): 55-65. Print. Zipes, Jack. â€Å"Breaking the Disney Spell. †From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture. Ed. Elizabeth Bell, Linda Haas and Laura Sells. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP 1995. 21-43.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
My Body
My Body When I face in front of the mirror, I can see a woman with short hair, round eyes, pale lips, and with an average height, â€Å"that†is my body. When I do things like brushing my teeth, eating dinner, walking, writing homework, sitting, and etc, â€Å"which†is what I am, I am a human because of what my body can do. But who or what am l? As simply as it sounds, it'll take time to internalize and answer this question. People would start to think from the simplest to complex things and varying answers would omen and go.Without looking in front of the mirror, without thinking the things that I can do, without thinking of what others might answer, but with my perception, experiences, and surroundings to answer the question – Who or what am l? Well, I have answers. With my body as a basis, I know that I am Marjorie Valiance Hamlin, 19 years of age, residing at Sat. Maria, Gambling City since 1995, the seventh child, fourth daughter of my mother and father, st udying at Western Mindanao State University, taking up Bachelor of Science in Biology.With my answer above, it seems like there is something lacking like a missing puzzle piece. With my intimate relation of myself to my body, I have also a spirit, which gives me the ability to control and claim my body in which Gabriel Marcel stated in his Second Reflection. With this body, I am able to interact with other people like having new friends and sharing experiences together. I am also able to participate in the events that have been happening like family gatherings, celebrating holidays, and even supporting organizations.I am also able to e and appreciate God's creation with my own two naked eyes. With this body, I am able to express myself to the other people. I can say what I feel inside of me. I may also show it along with my gestures. With all the experiences of my body and my soul, it formed me to become the ‘me' of today. To answer who am l? I am ‘me'. A creation of God , a soul embodied, a steward of His creation. I am in this body to serve others and the world. I am a unique independent member of human race like everyone else with an essential purpose living on earth.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Health Care Organizations, Mayo Clinic Case Research Paper
Health Care Organizations, Mayo Clinic Case - Research Paper Example This research paper examines health care organizations such as Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic positions itself in the topmost position in the market among many other rival players. Other than this, Mayo Clinic also enhanced its brand image and reputation in the market due to its vision to offer high preference to the needs and requirements of the patients as compared to others. However, in order to fulfill the needs of the patients in effective way, it works in collaborative way in diverse teams. As a result of which, Mayo Clinic became successful in amplifying its brand image and sustainability in the market among many other existing contenders. Furthermore, due to its honest work ethics, it became successful in attracting a wide range of patients of varying income groups and cultures that amplified its prosperity and profitability to a significant extent. Due to which, the consistency and popularity of the organization of Mayo Clinic increased that amplified its market share among others . The paper shows strengths of the Mayo Clinic: highly skilled Work-Force, 24 hours services, high quality of care and high advanced machines. It also describes Mayo Clinic's weaknesses: human resource roles need to be evaluated, confused signals to the patients, high experienced staffs need to be recruited. The research paper explores opportunities of this organization, gives overview and assessments of services provided by Mayo Clinic, explains competencies and resource of Mayo Clinic, identification of stakeholders of Mayo Clinic etc.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business Aquisitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Aquisitions - Essay Example Whenever an acquisition takes place, there is a wide range of motives behind it but the three most important ones are managerial, synergy and hubristic (Du & Boetang, 2014). A detailed review of the situation highlights that CEO has made the decision for attaining synergy as it lacks few resources possessed by the foreign organization. It is even mentioned that this decision will allow it to be the market leader and such initiative will prove to be beneficial for the entire company. Moreover, it appears that there is managerial motive behind this choice because the person is expecting an increase in salary coupled with bonuses and other fringe benefits. As a result, there will be ample growth opportunities for the existing employees as they will be allowed to enhance their competence. Traditionally, the classical approaches have been followed in such type of corporate decisions. The situation at hand is in alignment with the resource-related approach as the acquiring of the foreign company will offer the firm an opportunity of employing the proficient resources available with the enterprise. The present decision is in accordance to this tactic as it will make sure that the company has access to those sources which were unavailable with the firm. Also, it will allow the resulting corporation to gain leading position within the industry. In addition to the capital sources, the company will have access to the competent management team and employees who will be able to share their international business experience.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Privatization of Solid Waste Management Case Study
Privatization of Solid Waste Management - Case Study Example Since time immemorial, the government (federal and state) took primary responsibility of dealing with the management of solid waste; however, this has since changed due to a lot of factors. One of these factors is the fact that most governments have been incurring huge amounts of costs in providing such services for the benefit of the public despite the minimal revenue generated after provision of these services. In order to cut down on expenses, most governments have resulted to privatization of such services. This in turn, facilitates the government’s ability to concentrate on providing services that are more crucial to the public such as security. The private sector can easily provide these services at low costs and even offer better and more efficient services as compared to the state.There are various ways in which privatization of solid waste management can be carried out. One of them is through the ownership of entire solid waste system by the private sector. Another wa y could be through ownership of portions of this system by the private sectors. This in turn, will enhance the government’s focus on providing more crucial services to the public (Bel & Warner, 2008).Over time, privatization’s appeal continues to increase with other sectors embracing the trend. Various reasons support the shift in thought among within different fields. This change is through the use of firms which have broad experience in solid waste management as compared to those in the public sector; as a result, such firms tend to offer better services.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
FASB Codification System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
FASB Codification System - Essay Example professionals along with investors and analysts a professional view where many state of the art utilities offers wide feature, search facility and navigating contents. It gives information on the accounting standards, cross referencing and navigating. Also there is printer friendly source utility for viewing source references. So basically it allows the professionals to keep update on accounting standards, information, and location of member, conduct research and locate professional around the network. 3. The nine contents areas located in the FASB codification system are General principles, presentations, assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, broad transactions and industry. Thus the codification system is an organized structure with comprehensive topics. These subdivided nine topics have sections and paragraphs. 4. The nine contents have types of items and general principles detail on all the accounting principles and laws to simplify users access. The presentation offers guidance on the preparation of income and financial statement purpose and calculating earnings per share. The asset content has information on investments, accounting receivables and inventory. Liability section has assets retirement and environment obligations, contingencies, distinguishing liabilities from equity and accounting principles. The equity section explains status, recognition and SEC material required to record equity based payment to non – employees. The revenue area informs accounting professional about revenue recognition and accounting standard updates. Expenses guides on procedures to report stock compensation, compensation research and development with regard to preparing income taxes. The broad transaction gives information on business combination, consolidation, fair value measurement and disclo sure, leases and financial instruments. Finally, the industry section gives user in regard to industries including oil and gas, dealers, brokers and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Thesis driven paper on an aspect of the vietnam war Essay
Thesis driven paper on an aspect of the vietnam war - Essay Example The victims, soldiers, commanders, and political leaders who were directly involved obviously have their say. In the same way those who were at the opposite end of the spectrum- the dissenters, the war protestors, draft dodgers as well as the super-patriots - do have their own readings on the war and its outcomes. There are many who really believe that United States’ intervention in to the war was quite unnecessary and that the incompetent foreign policy of the US has adversely affected the lives of many ordinary Vietnamese, caused them poverty, misery, and anguish. The U.S did have its own political motives and ideological stand- that of preservation of human rights, liberty, democracy and the spread of capitalism. Thus, in a wider perspective the Vietnam War can be read as the battle of ideas – communism of North Vietnamese supported by the Soviet Union and its allies versus the capitalism of South Vietnamese supported by the U.S and its allies. The essay attempts to make a probe not so as to who won this battle of ideas –whether the triumphant North communist or the well-thought Americans who finally retreated from the battlefield; rather it focuses on who lost the battle with a special reference to the foreign policies of America during the various stages of the war- the reaction of American citizens in particular to the whole issue, how the international community viewed the foreign policy of America in the Vietnam war, how it affected the political atmosphere of the country , and up to what extent the motives of the American Government can be justified. For ages, America’s foreign policy has been one of intervention and domination; it has always tried to assert its supremacy over other nations politically, economically and ideologically. One always tends to seek the ultimate result of such a step and one comes to realize that the great nation has faltered in its treatment of the Vietnam people. Even though, Americas
Monday, September 23, 2019
Develop a public relations campaign Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Develop a public relations campaign - Article Example This paper will outline Riordan's PR campaign including its defined target audience, an overview of public relations issues, and implications of ethical issues. In addition, Riordan has implemented a marketing research plan and sought to align its marketing and public relation strategies The Riordan staff consists of 550 people and the company seeks to become a leader in embracing diversity in the workplace. Riordan has conducted research and believes that a strong business case exists for the employment of a diverse workforce. Effectively adopting and practicing diversity policies will benefit the company image, create greater attraction to potential employees, and reduce employment costs through improved retention in the workplace. A website reviewed by Riordan staff ( states that, "A diverse team is a team in which every member of staff regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and regardless of how they operate, or what they look like are valued as an individual and not as a member of a group." Adopting guidelines is the easy portion of the task, with approximately 550 employees, implementing a company wide diversity initiative and gaining acceptance will prove to be difficult tasks. Riordan will have to place resources behind this initiative including Public Relations professional, support staff, and a measurement system. Currently Riordan's tracking and financial systems are not merged, meaning each facility operates independently and there is a very manual process to creating reports and accessing company information. This issue will need to be resolved and can be as a new software operating system has been identified but not approved for purchase. The diversity implementation can be used as further justification for the software. Additionally, Riordan has four manufacturing facilities with one located in China and the other three located in various regions in the United States. Specific Public Relations strategies and tools must be used to ensure a seamless diversity integration process. Target Audience Riordan Manufacturing strives to be a solution provider for its customers and not be a part of its customers' challenges. The company will maintain an innovative and team oriented working environment. By assuring that its employees are well informed and properly supported, it will provide a climate focused on the long-term viability of the company. Riordan must be focused in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The security threats and their strategic implications Essay
The security threats and their strategic implications - Essay Example Although the application of technology in different activities and practices in organizations is associated with a lot of benefits, there are also security threats that go hand in hand with it (Balogun and Hailey, 2004). This piece of work examines the security threats suffered by organizations that utilize social networking networks and the strategic implications they have on the particular organizations. The essay also tries to identify the means and approaches adopted by organizations in their effort to achieve strategic change using ICTs, the key issues associated with the approaches, and practical examples of effectiveness of the ICTs in bringing about strategic change through case examples, (Coca-Cola Company Ltd.). There is a lot of relevant literature from research undertaken in this field which can help us in the understanding of this topic more specifically the security threats associated with social network applications and their implications in organizations. According to Jenny (2010), social networking is a tool that has helped organizations meet their goals for instance through the establishment of business contacts. Jenny also names the four best social networking free applications as the Fishbowl, Flexamail, Tweetdeck, and Microsoft Silverlight 4 client for Facebook. Fishbowl is an application that helps in the integration of social networking with the computer desktop. Flexamail on the other hand allows for easy access of different social network sites like Facebook and Twitter while Tweetdeck.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Phenomenology and the Eucharistic Mass Essay Example for Free
Phenomenology and the Eucharistic Mass Essay In the study of communications, reaching a common consensus on how to apply a shared and common understanding of communications seems to be a near impossible task. After being introduced to the seven traditions of communications by Craig in his essay â€Å"Communication Theory as a Field†, I choose to explore the tradition he categorizes as Phenomenology. My initial understanding on the study of communications were quite limited to the transmission view, dominated by a sender and receiver framework. Interestingly, the transmission model in it’s origin was culturally rooted in religion, and used as a tool for the dissemination of Euro centric religious values and practices globally. With advancement in technology, especially in the 1920’s, the North American perspective on communication shifted the transmission model from religion to science to reflect a multidisciplinary approach in to the study of communications. As a practitioner of what was once the transmission view, the Catholic Church had experienced tremendous religious propagation of its message through forcible transmission all over the world. Based on Craig’s essay, the Catholic Church of today then embodies traits of a ritual view of communication, and is aligned with religious communication, and expression such as fellowship, participation, community, communion, and common faith. The phenomenological model of communication shares characteristics with the ritual view that I will be exploring through the Roman Catholic Eucharistic liturgy. The phenomenological tradition described by Craig, â€Å" conceptualizes communication as dialogue or the experience of otherness†(p. 217). Communication in this tradition is not rooted in verbal transmission but instead a shared experience on plains that extend beyond tradition verbal or textual communication. For the purpose of this paper phenomenological tradition can be seen as a form of communication expressed metaphysically as well. Gadamers’ theory from â€Å"Truth and Method†, focus on tradition and language as a primary form of communication. His ideology is that: we are only able to make sense of ourselves and the world around us because our consciousness has been shaped by history and traditions in ways we are largely unaware of wareness expands our understanding of the tradition. His description of an I-Thou relationship as the question-answer logic that underlies hermeneutic experience creates communication by identifying, hermeneutics, â€Å"that lead to a dialectical process of interpretation and growth of understanding. As a phenomenological practitioner, this theory has very intrinsic value. Communication in this practice provides a very meaningful and existential experience that I am to able to engage in with my Creator, in the absence of any other person. As a Roman Catholic, I have had many questions about the way we participate in mass. My parents grew up on the island of Trinidad, in a devout Catholic community. The Spanish, that had at one time colonized Trinidad, were very committed to their mission of converting the indigenous people of the island. The spread Catholicism throughout the country was profuse, with community churches everywhere, (even building one across the street from my mother’s house), and adding a monastery and seminary college a mile further up the mountainside where my father lived. Catholicism was not just a religion in our community, it was a part of the culture, and employed many of the villagers as they worked for the seminary. My grandparents were in fact Hindu, and converted to Catholicism because of the strong influence and presence it had within the community. As a Roman Catholic child, I had been told to repeat, chant, and act with humility, adoration and reverence during mass. I did not understand what we were doing or what the intention was. I became harder and harder to find meaning in going to church. In my late teens I stopped attending mass because there was no intrinsic connection for me in my faith practice. I remained a spiritual and deeply rooted faith based person, but I could not come to terms with many of the teachings of my church. I stayed out of church for many years. At some point, I became curious about what it meant. I was not looking for a theological understanding per se, but instead, what did â€Å"it†mean? The chanting, the collective response in unison, the prayers itself. What was I blindly repeating every Sunday? I chose to study the teachings of the Catholic Church in university at Newman Theological College to gain a scholarly perspective. Many things became clear, although I did acquiesce on some ideological points, (my own hermeneutical experience). Inspired by my academic insights, I returned to church as a knowledgeable participant of the mass, understanding that as part of the community, I would belong to the collective voice of the fellowship of Christ. The Catholic mass is deeply enriched with both Phenomenological Theory as well as Semiotic Tradition. In some regard you must look at the semiotics in order to fully understand what is being communicated during certain points in the eucharistic liturgy. For the purpose of this paper I will focus on the phenomenological aspects. The Eucharistic liturgy is a two century old tradition, considered the real presence of Christ at the last supper carried out each Sunday, and is considered an integral part of Catholic worship. As Catholics we believe Jesus began a significant new fellowship meal that we observe to this day. It causes us to collectively and intrinsically share in the experience of his sacrifice through his death and resurrection. The description of the liturgy I’m presenting here reflects a very basic summation of the ritual. At the start of the liturgy we are asked to offer ourselves up, and surrender to God. As we participate in the Eucharistic Prayer we are in the act of giving thanks. The congregation is humbled as Christ is transubstantiated from man into the elements of bread and wine. We collectively mourn as Jesus is offered to the Father in sacrifice for the sins of man. We participate in the Lords Prayer, and a prayer for peace. The Holy Spirit is invited to come down upon us and unite the community of worshipers into one body as we prepare to accept the communion, and offer each other a sign of peace. As a community we should be considered one body, ready to receive Christ as a single body in the form of the host. Prior to accepting the communion we collectively humble ourselves stating our unworthiness and asking for compassion and forgiveness for our transgressions. As members of the congregation travel to the the altar, it represents a pilgrimage in this life from a journey of birth to death, and to the heavenly Father. Once each individual receives the host, we communally belong to the larger body of Christ. An aspect of the phenomenological theory of communication as seen by Buber can be practically applied in this example. The I-Thou relationship is present when looking at the relationship each individual member of the ongregation has with their Creator, or even Catholicism itself. The act of worshiping communally creates an experience and awareness of each other that reflects dialogue in Gadamer’s model of phenomenology. Prayer itself is a great example of the I-Thou relationship the Buber describes. Although it contradicts Gadamers â€Å"parallel concept of conversation emphasiz[ing] the object or subject matter of conversation that brings people together in dialogue†(p. 219). Buber also notes that, â€Å"dialogue can be entirely wordless, yet deeply meaningful†(p. 19), and talks about how sacred silence itself can be on page 227, which is evident throughout the moments of the liturgy in which individuals respond on an emotional level through reverence, humility, sorrow, or repentance. Burber’s theory of a person living life with an open mind, open to experience and in essence living the life of dialogue is what resonates most for me. My critical exploration into understanding the Catholic mass has supported my dialogue in prayer with my creator, as well as my participation as a member of the Catholic church. It would be assumed that since developing a clearer understanding of the mass, that I would be regularly attending. That is not the case. What I grew to understand is that I cannot effectively belong to the congregation if I am not intrinsically communicating through action, intention and prayer when I attend. For that reason, I go to church when I have a deeper calling to do so. My I-Thou relationship within my faith is not compromised as I connect to my creator in conversation and prayer every day, however, my I-Thou relationship with the other church goers would be compromised and lacking authenticity if I attend mass out of obligation.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Gladiator Historical Accuracy
Gladiator Historical Accuracy The movie gladiator revolves around the life of Maximus Decimus Meridius. Maximus was the greatest Roman General in the Roman Empire. Marcus Aurelius was the emperor of Rome and near his death he told Maximus that he wanted the power to be shifted back to the senate, and not to his son, Commodus. The reason Marcus Aurelius did not want his son to rule is because he believes that Commodus will destroy the Roman Empire. When Commodus finds out that he will not become emperor, he suffocates his father. After Marcus Aurelius death, Commodus tells the Romans that he is the new emperor, but Maximus knows the truth. Commodus tells the soldiers to kill Maximus and his family before the power is given to the Senate. Before the soldiers could kill Maximus, he defeats all of the soldiers trying to murder him, and he escapes. Maximus goes home to see his wife and son murdered and hung in front of his house. He knows he cant stay in his house, so he starts to find somewhere else to live. While in the desert, Maximus collapses and he is captured by slave trainers. While in the slave camp, the captured slaves were tested to see what level they could perform. Maximus was called Spaniard because he refused to tell his name. When he finally showed the slave traders how well he fought, they immediately knew that they had an amazing fighter. In Rome, Commodus reopens the gladiatorial games in honour of his deceased father. A significant scene in the movie was when the gladiators were supposed to re-enact the battle between Rome and Carthage. The gladiators did not want to be defeated so they killed the defenders and the crowd enjoyed the twist. Commodus demanded the identity of the best fighter. Maximus removes his mask and Commodus is shocked to see that he is still alive. Commodus is unable to kill him because the crowd loves him. Commodus decides to force him to fight the Tigris of Gaul, the best fighter in Rome. While Maximus battles the Tigris of Gaul, Commodus releases the t igers on him. Maximus almost defeats the Tigris of Gaul when he saw Commodus vote for death. Maximus decided to spare the Tigris life to oppose Commodus. Commodus is angry to find out that the Romans start calling Maximus, Maximus the Merciful. After the battle, Maximus meets one of his former servants, Cicero and him tells him to tell his former soldiers that he is still alive, and wants them to battle for his freedom. Maximus plans an escape with Gracchus and Lucilla to reunite with his army. Commodus fears that his sister, Lucilla is betraying him so he threatens Lucius. Commodus discovers the plot and he sends his soldiers to kill Maximus and the other slaves. While in battle, Proximo, the trainer of the slaves, and Hagen are murdered, but Juba and the rest of the survivors are imprisoned. Maximus escapes only to find Cicero hung by Commodus soldiers. Maximus becomes captured and imprisoned again and has to face Commodus in battle. Commodus talks to Maximus before the battle and stabs him in the back to weaken him in the battle and he orders the guards to cover the wound with armour. While in battle Commodus tries fighting him but at one point Commodus sword is taken from his hand. Commodus orders Quintus to give him another sword, but Quintus refuses. Maximus kills Commodus while the whole Coliseum stayed silent. As the life of Maximus begins to fade, he tells the Romans to free Proximos slaves and let Rome be controlled by the Senate again. The movie ends with Maximus meeting his family in a field in his afterlife. Juba is at the end of the movie burying two statues of a woman and a boy that belonged to Maximus, and Juba says he will meet him in the afterlife. Historical Analysis- Gladiator Characters: Lucilla: In the movie, Lucilla is the daughter of Marcus Aurelius, and the sister of Commodus. In the beginning of the movie Marcus Aurelius tells her he wished she was a boy because she would rule Rome appropriately. Lucilla is very smart and is very interested in the politics of Rome. Commodus is in love with her and does not want anyone to have her. She understands his love and uses it to her advantage. In the movie, she does anything she can to distract Commodus and keep him happy in order to save Maximus. Lucilla, Maximus and Gracchus plot to kill Commodus The romantic relationship between Lucilla and Maximus is clearly evident, and it truly angers Commodus. Commodus becomes very suspicious and threatens Lucius. Lucilla informs Commodus about her plans in order to save her son, and Commodus captures Maximus. Maximus: In the movie gladiator, Maximus Decimus Meridius is a loving father and husband. He is the greatest Roman General in Roman history, and no one can defeat him. The character of Maximus was created by the writers of the movie, Unfortunately, there are no portraits with which to compare the Hero of Gladiator, the Spanish general Maximus. He never existed at all. (Ward, 2005). All of the scenes in the movie that involved Maximus were written in to make the movie more exciting and the love affair between Lucilla and Maximus never existed. Commodus: Commodus character was supposed to portray a mixture between the Caesars Nero and Caligula. Historians believe that he was worse. In the movie, Commodus is hated by the Senate and the people. In history Commodus is only hated by the Senate, he was quite loved by the people. In Gladiator, Commodus is murdered by Maximus during battle, but that is not true since Maximus never existed. Commodus had many attempts on his life, but only one man succeeded. Role of Different Groups: Caesars: In the movie Gladiator, the Caesar Marcus Aurelius had the most power and he was a noble Caesar. He did not want Commodus to gain power because he feared Commodus would ruin the city of Rome. Some Caesars shared their power with the Senate, some Caesars became dictators. Generals: A general had a very important role. The job a general was to lead their army to victory. During the ancient Roman times a legion would serve his general first and his Caesar second. This is demonstrated in the film when Maximus tells his former servant Cicero to get his army to fight for his freedom. Maximus knows the army will obey him. Gladiators: Gladiators were the lowest form of humans during the ancient Roman times. Gladiators were men who were mostly captured during war and were forced to fight. There is also a high accuracy in the way that the life of a gladiator is portrayed. Gladiators were men who were trained to die for the publics entertainment. They not only fought other gladiators but animals too. (Ilic, 2004). Government Structure/ Politics: The government during the ancient Roman times was based on the Caesar and the Senate. Many of the Roman people loved the Senate, but after seeing how corrupt they could be the Romans started to love Caesars more. For example Commodus was one of the emperors who although despised by the senatorial classes was loved by the military and lower classes. The reason is mainly financial. Commodus taxed the senators and was generous with the others. (The struggle between the Senate and the Caesars continued until the fall of the Roman Empire). (Ward, 2005) Work Cited Gil, NG. (2010, October). Economic reasons for the fall of rome. Retrieved from Ilic, KI. (2004, June). Gladiator fact vs. gladiator fiction. Retrieved from Ward, AW. (2001, August). The movie gladiator in historical perspective.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Sex and Death in A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams :: A Streetcar Named Desire Essays
It’s just a little after sun set as Blanche Dubois sets foot off a train in New Orleans. She is visiting her sister, Stella, & brother-in law, Stanley. Well she is actually moving in, because she has lost their family’s homestead, Belle Reve, and as well as her job, as a high school English teacher. Her husband shoots himself after she told him that he disgusted her, because he was homosexual. Blanche is so afraid of her past that she does her best to lead the life of an elegant lady and does her best to keep up appearances. She is an alcoholic, but tries to hide it from everyone. Blanche takes a liking to Stanley’s friend, Mitch. He evenly finds about her past and wants nothing more to do with her. Then Blanche wants Stella to leave Stanley and go with her to leave with a rich â€Å"man†named, Step Huntleigh, who turns out to someone she made up. Stanley rapes Blanche during the time Stella was at the hospital having their baby. She tells Stella about th e rape, but she does not believe her. Blanche becomes deeply disturbed, so they decide to put her in an insane asylum (Williams). Blanche Dubois is a mid-age high school English teacher. She is very naà ¯ve and thinks highly of herself. She has became very promiscuous since her husbands death, which she caused by telling him that he disgusted her because he is homosexual. She puts on the airs of a woman who has never known indignity, even though she has had many lovers and strong sexual urges. She was forced to leave Laurel, Mississippi because of her affair with a young student. Soon after Blanche arrives in New Orleans at the Kowalski apartment and eventually reveals that she is completely destitute. She avoids reality, preferring to live in her own imagination. As the play progresses, Blanche’s instability grows along with her misfortune. Stanley sees through Blanche and finds out the details of her past, destroying her relationship with his friend Mitch. Stanley also destroys what’s left of Blanche by raping her and then having her committed to an insane asylum (Williams). Stella Kowalski is Blanche’s younger sister, about twenty-five years old. Stella left Laurel, Mississippi in her late teens and moved to New Orleans. She then met and married Stanley Kowalski, who is lower-class, but she loves and cares for him dearly.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Snow & Cold Weather :: essays research papers
Snow and Cold Weather      My essay will focus on the topic of snow and the cold weather that happen during our Minnesota winters and how that affects us in our everyday life.      I will begin with the water freezing which happens often in this area when the water freezes you can’t take showers, do the dishes, flush the toilet, or even cook and it can also be very costly to have repaired. Also many car accidents occur during the winter months due to the sloppy and icy road conditions caused by freezing rain and snow which can give you very little control while you are driving a few of these accidents result in death or serious injury.      Another factor in cold weather is depression it can very easily happen to anyone when it gets so cold outside that you don’t want to leave your house. And it is often very dark or gloomy outside and that can also make you feel down and out and depressed.      When you get a big snow eventually you have to shovel. Last winter sixty people in New York alone had heart attacks and died from shoveling. People need to know when to stop and take a break to prevent this from happing. Sickness is yet another factor you find with the cold weather the flue and pneumonia are some of the most common illnesses we see during these months they both can be fatal.      The last factor I will discuss although there are many more is hypothermia which is caused by being exposed to the cold for a long period of time and your bodies core temperature drops at a rapid rate. It can happen if you happen to get lost in the woods, get stuck in the ditch for a period of time, and camping in the winter months although there are many other instances for with this could happen.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
My Journey With Reading and Writing :: Education Teaching
My Journey With Reading and Writing There have not been many obstacles that have gotten in my way for me to be a successful reader. I am able to confidently read "Hope in the Unseen" because it keeps my interest. I like the story. I feel for Cedric. I imagine and picture the story in my mind. When a large amount of reading is assigned, sometimes my brain gets exhausted and I have to take a break. Literally my brain gets tired. The reason why I have trouble getting all of my assignments in for "Writing and Being" is because the book does not hold my interest. I find it boring at times. I really like "Higher Learning" because the stories are like short stories, and they are adventurous in a weird way. I have gained some insight from certain readings. "Who Shall I Be" really struck me in a good way. It talks about the reality of positive and negative consequences resulting from some sort of change. Changes can be dangerous at times. Not physically, but mentally. I guess it could be physical in some situations. I feel I have become a more mature reader since high school. Reading experience leads to reading success. That’s my opinion. I used to not be able to focus when I read, but you just have to stick it out and read and read and read. I feel I am a focused reader now, I try hard. I have also gained mental reading confidence. You break that down. The greatest difficulty that I came across doing the first essay was retracing the past, retracing the sadness. Having to bring back sad memories that made my life terrible at the time. Doing the essay, I learned that I have gone through a lot of crap. I was sinking in quicksand and now I stand on the quicksand like it is rock solid. I am proud of myself. I was able to turn my life around and be the person that I am today. I might have the potential to be a good writer someday. People compliment on my writing skills every now and then when I write something long. That makes me feel like a real student. I say that because an old History teacher of mine used to tell kids to be students when they were not doing their work. My biggest concern these days, is whether I will be able to survive in college.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Important Event in Chinese History Essay
The May Fourth Movement (traditional Chinese: ä ºâ€Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ© ‹å‹•; simplified Chinese: ä ºâ€Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ¨ ¿ 动; pinyin: WÇâ€sà ¬ Yà ¹ndà ²ng) was an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement growing out of student demonstrations in Beijing on May 4, 1919, protesting the Chinese government’s weak response to the Treaty of Versailles, especially the Shandong Problem. These demonstrations sparked national protests and marked the upsurge of Chinese nationalism, a shift towards political mobilization and away from cultural activities, and a move towards populist base rather than intellectual elites. The broader use of the term â€Å"May Fourth Movement†often refers to the period during 1915-1921 more often called the New Culture Movement. Backgrounds: Following the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, the Qing Dynasty was overthrown. This marked the end of thousands of years of powerful imperial rule, and theoretically ushered a new era in which political power rested with the people. However, the reality was that China was a fragmented nation dominated by warlords, who were more concerned with their own political powers and private armies than national interests. The Chinese Beiyang government was occupied with suppressing internal affairs, and did little to counter the influence exerted by imperialist foreign powers. The Beiyang government made various concessions to foreigners in order to gain monetary and military support against their rivals. Defeats by foreign powers and the presence of spheres of influence inflamed a sense of nationalism among the emerging middle class and cultural leaders. Leaders of the New Culture Movement believed that traditional Chinese values were responsible for the political weakness of the nation. This created a rather peculiar situation, in which Chinese nationalists called for a rejection of traditional values and the selective adoption of Western ideals of science and democracy. May fourth Movement (Chinese Students Protest) In 1989 there were growing economic hardship caused by high inflation set the ground for a large-scale protest movement by students intellectuals and other parts of a disaffected urban population. University students and other citizens in Beijing camped out at Tiananmen Square to protest against those who slowed reform. Protests also spread to many other cities including Shanghai and Guangzhou.Martial law was declared on May 20 1989, military units were deployed in Beijing. Demonstrators were suppressed brutally, most observers believe that casualties numbered in the hundreds.The entire world expressed horror at the brutal suppression of the demonstrators, the central government eliminated opposition, held in custody large numbers of protesters and urged for required political re-education not only for students but also for party cadre and government officials.
Bank Management Chapter 7
Suggested end-of-Chapter Practice Questions: Chapter Seven Chapter 71, 2, 3, 7, 11, 13, 19, 22, 29, 32, 33, problem similar to HW 1. What is the process of asset transformation performed by a financial institution? Why does this process often lead to the creation of interest rate risk? What is interest rate risk? Asset transformation by an FI involves purchasing primary assets and issuing secondary assets as a source of funds. The primary securities purchased by the FI often have maturity and liquidity characteristics that are different from the secondary securities issued by the FI.For example, a bank buys medium- to long-term bonds and makes medium-term loans with funds raised by issuing short-term deposits. Interest rate risk occurs because the prices and reinvestment income characteristics of long-term assets react differently to changes in market interest rates than the prices and interest expense characteristics of short-term deposits. Interest rate risk is the effect on prices (value) and interim cash flows (interest coupon payment) caused by changes in the level of interest rates during the life of the financial asset. . What is refinancing risk? How is refinancing risk part of interest rate risk? If an FI funds long-term fixed-rate assets with short-term liabilities, what will be the impact on earnings of an increase in the rate of interest? A decrease in the rate of interest? Refinancing risk is the uncertainty of the cost of a new source of funds that are being used to finance a long-term fixed-rate asset. This risk occurs when an FI is holding assets with maturities greater than the maturities of its liabilities.For example, if a bank has a ten-year fixed-rate loan funded by a 2-year time deposit, the bank faces a risk of borrowing new deposits, or refinancing, at a higher rate in two years. Thus, interest rate increases would reduce net interest income. The bank would benefit if the rates fall as the cost of renewing the deposits would decrease, wh ile the earning rate on the assets would not change. In this case, net interest income would increase. 3. What is reinvestment risk? How is reinvestment risk part of interest rate risk?If an FI funds short-term assets with long-term liabilities, what will be the impact on earnings of a decrease in the rate of interest? An increase in the rate of interest? Reinvestment risk is the uncertainty of the earning rate on the redeployment of assets that have matured. This risk occurs when an FI holds assets with maturities that are less than the maturities of its liabilities. For example, if a bank has a two-year loan funded by a ten-year fixed-rate time deposit, the bank faces the risk that it might be forced to lend or reinvest the money at lower rates after two years, perhaps even below the deposit rates.Also, if the bank receives periodic cash flows, such as coupon payments from a bond or monthly payments on a loan, these periodic cash flows will also be reinvested at the new lower (or higher) interest rates. Besides the effect on the income statement, this reinvestment risk may cause the realized yields on the assets to differ from the a priori expected yields. 7. How does the policy of matching the maturities of assets and liabilities work (a) to minimize interest rate risk and (b) against the asset-transformation function for FIs?A policy of maturity matching will allow changes in market interest rates to have approximately the same effect on both interest income and interest expense. An increase in rates will tend to increase both income and expense, and a decrease in rates will tend to decrease both income and expense. The changes in income and expense may not be equal because of different cash flow characteristics of the assets and liabilities. The asset-transformation function of an FI involves investing short-term liabilities into long-term assets.Maturity matching clearly works against successful implementation of this process. 11. A money market mutual f und bought $1,000,000 of two-year Treasury notes six months ago. During this time, the value of the securities has increased, but for tax reasons the mutual fund wants to postpone any sale for two more months. What type of risk does the mutual fund face for the next two months? The mutual fund faces the risk of interest rates rising and the value of the securities falling. 13. What is market risk? How do the results of this risk surface in the operating performance of financial institutions?What actions can be taken by FI management to minimize the effects of this risk? Market risk is the risk of price changes that affects any firm that trades assets and liabilities. The risk can surface because of changes in interest rates, exchange rates, or any other prices of financial assets that are traded rather than held on the balance sheet. Market risk can be minimized by using appropriate hedging techniques such as futures, options, and swaps, and by implementing controls that limit the a mount of exposure taken by market makers. 14.What is credit risk? Which types of FIs are more susceptible to this type of risk? Why? Credit risk is the possibility that promised cash flows may not occur or may only partially occur. FIs that lend money for long periods of time, whether as loans or by buying bonds, are more susceptible to this risk than those FIs that have short investment horizons. For example, life insurance companies and depository institutions generally must wait a longer time for returns to be realized than money market mutual funds and property-casualty insurance companies. 19.What is the difference between technology risk and operational risk? How does internationalizing the payments system among banks increase operational risk? Technology risk refers to the uncertainty surrounding the implementation of new technology in the operations of an FI. For example, if an FI spends millions on upgrading its computer systems but is not able to recapture its costs becaus e its productivity has not increased commensurately or because the technology has already become obsolete, it has invested in a negative NPV investment in technology.Operational risk refers to the failure of the back-room support operations necessary to maintain the smooth functioning of the operation of FIs, including settlement, clearing, and other transaction-related activities. For example, computerized payment systems such as Fedwire, CHIPS, and SWIFT allow modern financial intermediaries to transfer funds, securities, and messages across the world in seconds of real time. This creates the opportunity to engage in global financial transactions over a short term in an extremely cost-efficient manner.However, the interdependence of such transactions also creates settlement risk. Typically, any given transaction leads to other transactions as funds and securities cross the globe. If there is either a transmittal failure or high-tech fraud affecting any one of the intermediate tran sactions, this could cause an unraveling of all subsequent transactions. 22. If you expect the French franc to depreciate in the near future, would a U. S. -based FI in Paris prefer to be net long or net short in its asset positions? Discuss. The U. S.FI would prefer to be net short (liabilities greater than assets) in its asset position. The depreciation of the franc relative to the dollar means that the U. S. FI would pay back the net liability position with fewer dollars. In other words, the decrease in the foreign assets in dollar value after conversion will be less than the decrease in the value of the foreign liabilities in dollar value after conversion. 29. What is country or sovereign risk? What remedy does an FI realistically have in the event of a collapsing country or currency?Country risk involves the interference of a foreign government in the transmission of funds transfer to repay a debt by a foreign borrower. A lender FI has very little recourse in this situation unl ess the FI is able to restructure the debt or demonstrate influence over the future supply of funds to the country in question. This influence likely would involve significant working relationships with the IMF and the World Bank. 32. What is liquidity risk? What routine operating factors allow FIs to deal with this risk in times of normal economic activity?What market reality can create severe financial difficulty for an FI in times of extreme liquidity crises? Liquidity risk is the uncertainty that an FI may need to obtain large amounts of cash to meet the withdrawals of depositors or other liability claimants. In times of normal economic activity, depository FIs meet cash withdrawals by accepting new deposits and borrowing funds in the short-term money markets. However, in times of harsh liquidity crises, the FI may need to sell assets at significant losses in order to generate cash quickly. 33.Why can insolvency risk be classified as a consequence or outcome of any or all of the other types of risks? Insolvency risk is the risk that an FI may not have enough capital to offset a sudden decline in the value of its assets. This risk involves the shortfall of capital in times when the operating performance of the institution generates accounting losses. These losses may be the result of one or more of interest rate, market, credit, liquidity, sovereign, foreign exchange, technological, and off-balance-sheet risks. 34. Discuss the interrelationships among the different sources of FI risk exposure.Why would the construction of an FI’s risk management model to measure and manage only one type of risk be incomplete? Measuring each source of FI risk exposure individually creates the false impression that they are independent of each other. For example, the interest rate risk exposure of an FI could be reduced by requiring customers to take on more interest rate risk exposure through the use of floating rate products. However, this reduction in FI risk may be obtained only at the possible expense of increased credit risk. That is, customers experiencing osses resulting from unanticipated interest rate changes may be forced into insolvency, thereby increasing the FI’s default risk. Similarly, off-balance sheet risk encompasses several risks since off-balance sheet contingent contracts typically have credit risk and interest rate risk as well as currency risk. Moreover, the failure of collection and payment systems may lead corporate customers into bankruptcy. Thus, technology risk may influence the credit risk of FIs. As a result of these interdependencies, FIs have focused on developing sophisticated models that attempt to measure all of the risks faced by the FI at any point in time.Practice 1. A bank has the following balance sheet structure: AssetsLiabilities and Equity Cash$10,000Certificate of Deposit$90,000 Bond$90,000Equity $10,000 Total Assets$100,000Total Liabilities and Equity$100,000 The bond is a Eurobond; it has a te n-year maturity and a fixed-rate coupon of 6 percent. The certificate of deposit has a one-year maturity and a 4 percent fixed rate of interest. The FI expects no additional asset growth. a. What will be the net interest income (NII) at the end of the first year? Note: Net interest income equals interest income minus interest expense. b.If at the end of year 1, market interest rates have increased 100 basis points (1 percent), what will be the net interest income for the second year? Is the change in NII caused by reinvestment risk or refinancing risk? c. Assuming that market interest rates increase 1 percent. (i) What will be the market value of the bond? (ii) What will be the market value of equity? (Assume that all of the NII in part (a) is used to cover operating expenses or is distributed as dividends, so that there is no addition to retained earnings. ) a. What will be the net interest income (NII) at the end of the first year?Note: Net interest income equals interest income m inus interest expense. Interest income$5,400$90,000 x 0. 06 Interest expense 3,600$90,000 x 0. 04 Net interest income (NII)$1,800 b. If at the end of year 1, market interest rates have increased 100 basis points (1 percent), what will be the net interest income for the second year? Interest income$5,400$90,000 x 0. 06 Interest expense 4,500$90,000 x 0. 05 Net interest income (NII)$900 The decrease in net interest income is caused by the increase in financing cost without a corresponding increase in the earnings rate.The increase in market interest rates does not affect the interest income because the bond has a fixed-rate coupon for ten years. Note: this answer makes no assumption about reinvesting the first year’s interest income at the new higher rate. c. Assuming that market interest rates increase 1 percent. (i) What will be the market value of the bond? (ii) What will be the market value of equity? (Assume that all of the NII in part (a) is used to cover operating expens es or is distributed as dividends, so that there is no addition to retained earnings. Note: market value of equity falls due to lower market value of the bond If the coupon rate is 6%, yield to maturity = 7%, then using our financial calculator, N = 9 (only 9 years left), PMT = 540, I = 7%, FV = 90,000. Compute PV; find PV = -84,136. 29. Hence the market value of the bond fell from $90,000 to $84,136. 29 (a decrease of $5,863. 71). Since the interest rate on the CD has risen (it had only a one year maturity; so it gets a new interest rate when it is re-issued), the market value of the CD is $90,000 (interest rate = coupon rate on the CD).Consequently, it is the market value of equity that will decline. If the bank must sell the bond, it will sell it at the lower market value and realize the loss. The book value of equity has remained at #10,000, but the market value of equity has fallen by the amount of the decrease in the value of the bonds. This was a problem faced by banks in 200 8, when the market value of the mortgage debt and mortgage backed securities and CDOs (collateralized debt obligations) fell; some of them had negative equity in market value terms.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Comparison: Minority Report and 1984 Essay
Is it inhumane to arrest and convict a person of terrible crimes, even if it is not yet committed, if it is certain that it will be? Utopia is an imaginary place in which everything is perfect; in comparison, dystopia is an imaginary state in which the condition of life is extremely bad as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. George Orwell’s 1984 (1949), is a novel based on life in a dystopian setting, with a totalitarian government centered on war and hatred. Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report (2002) is a film in a futuristic setting with a system which predicts future murders so that citizens live a homicide-free utopian life. Winston Smith is the main character in 1984. His rebelious views on his society and government cause his arrest for ‘thoughtcrime,’ for which he is brainwashed until he complies to his society’s views. In Minority Report, John Anderton (Tom Cruise) begins by completely trusting the system which allegedly predicts murders before they happen. In fact, Anderton is an officer of precrime himself, and is responsible for figuring out the specific details of the murders. However, when it is revealed in the film that Anderton will murder a man he has not even met, he tries to fight the system to prove his innocence. The idea that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is the central message of both 1984 and Minority Report. This is because technology is used to enforce power, it is purported to be infallible, and the result of the misuse of power is corruption. The use of technology to enforce corrupt power is comparable in both 1984 and Minority Report. Firstly, in both societies technology is used to give the citizens statistics about how much the state of living has improved since the source of power was created. In 1984, the announcer on the telescreen reads, â€Å"‘Attention comrades! We have glorious news for you†¦ the standard of living has risen by no less than 20 per cent over the past year. ’†(Orwell 61). Similarly, in Minority Report, the Precrime service announcer proudly boasts that â€Å"‘within three months of the precrime program, the homicidal rates in the District of Columbia had reduced 90%’†(Minority Report). In both societies, statistics are manipulated to citizens to encourage them to appreciate the government. Also, technology is used in both of these works so the government always knows where each individual person is. In 1984, this is done by the use of telescreens, which â€Å"received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard†(Orwell 5). In Minority Report, retina scanners are in every public place, and eye-scanning spiders can crawl into houses and apartments at any given moment to locate everyone. In both 1984 and Minority Report, technology is used to monitor people. The people in the novel 1984 are monitored so any thoughtcrime or illegal behaviour is detected by the use of telescreens in every room, as well as devices hidden in the outdoors which record sound. Similarly, the citizens in the film Minority Report are monitored to detect any sign of potential murder. In 1984 and Minority Report, technology is used by the government to enforce power reinforces the corruption of the government itself. As well as the use of technology, the believed infallibility of power in both 1984 and Minority Report leads to corruption. In 1984, as well as Minority Report, the leaders of the government system hold unquestionable authority. The god-like figure, Big Brother, in 1984, is loved by all his loyal followers: â€Å"Big Brother seemed to tower up, an invincible fearless protector†(Orwell 17). In Minority Report, the ‘precogs’ which predict homicide are the guardians of the people; â€Å"in a way†¦ they give us hope†¦ hope of the existence of the divine†(Minority Report). Secondly, the power source is purported to be â€Å"perfect†. In both societies children are brainwashed by the system so they grow to be adults with full faith in it. The children’s Spies program in 1984 â€Å"turned [the children] into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party†(Orwell 26). Comparably in Minority Report, children are seen touring the ‘Department of Precrime’, on a school field trip to learn more about the system. When people are brought up with only knowledge of one system, it results in generations of loyal supporters. Lastly, the systems in both societies continue to be foolproof due to their control of people by fear and influencing their daily lives. In 1984, the Party does this by the fabrication of the war, as well as pessimistic propaganda. An example of this is the poster that is plastered all across the city for ‘Hate Week’: â€Å"from whatever angle you looked at the poster, the muzzle of the gun magnified by the foreshortening, seemed to be pointed straight at you†(Orwell 156). The method is more subtle in Minority Report, but it is still present; the show â€Å"COPS†is shown on television to emphasize the horror of crimes, so the public will support the Precrime program. Due to these factors the source of power is impossible to be fought against; consequently, corrupt governments maintain complete control. A source of power which is infallible has the same effect on its citizens in 1984 and Minority Report alike. In both, the main characters are forced by their society to do whatever they can to survive. As Iris Hineman (Lois Smith) in Minority Report says, â€Å"‘When the chips are down, when the pressure is on, every creature on the face of the Earth is interested in one thing and one thing onlyâ€â€its own survival’†(Minority Report). This is relevant in 1984 when Winston is discussing with Julia what will happen when they get caught; Julia says, â€Å"Everybody always confesses. You can’t help it. They torture you†(Orwell 173). Similarly, in Minority Report, John Anderton is being hunted down for the crime he has not committed and he says, â€Å"Everybody runs†(Minority Report). The source of power has the same effect on the citizens in the different societies. Secondly, the offenders of crime in 1984 and Minority Report are sent to similar places. In 1984, â€Å"thoughtcrime†offenders are sent to the Ministry of Love, which is â€Å"a place impossible to enter except on official business, and then only by penetrating though a maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors, and hidden machine gun nests†(Orwell 7). In Minority Report, ‘precrime’ criminals are sent somewhere which resembles this; in both places people are essentially brainwashed so they cannot commit any more crimes. Lastly, the people in power by the government are corrupt because they use unethical tactics to arrest ‘supposed’ criminals. In 1984, the children are turned against their parents if they suspect them of ‘thoughtcrime’ and they are rewarded for this: â€Å"‘child hero’ was the phrase generally used†(Orwell 32). In Minority Report, the government is in the wrong because they arrest people who may have no, or little, intention of carrying out the murders that have crossed their minds. The people in power are corrupt because they use unethical tactics to keep the society as they believe it should be. The result on the people exposed or involved in the government’s power is similar in both works. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; Orwell’s 1984 and Spielberg’s Minority Report are two works which support this, due to the similar uses of technology to enforce power, the way power is seemingly flawless, and the effect the corruption has on the people. The idea that power corrupts can directly relate to occurrences in real life, such as Hitler taking over Germany and effect that had on the whole world. Corruption means to act dishonestly in return for personal gain, specifically power. Power and corruption are an endless cycle with fatal effects on society.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Barangay Management Information System
More specifically, what is a project? It’s a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product, service or result. A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources. And a project is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a singular goal.So a project team often includes people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizations and across multiple geographies. The development of software for an improved business process, the construction of a building or bridge, the relief effort after a natural disaster, the expansion of sales into a new geographic market  all are projects. And all must be expertly managed to deliver the on-time, on-budget results, learning and integration that organizations need. Project management, then, is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projec ts effectively and efficiently.It’s a strategic competency for organizations, enabling them to tie project results to business goals  and thus, better compete in their markets. It has always been practiced informally, but began to emerge as a distinct profession in the mid-20th century. PMI’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide) identifies its recurring elements: Project management processes fall into five groups:InitiatingPlanningExecutingMonitoring and ControllingClosingProject management knowledge draws on nine areas:IntegrationScopeTimeCostQualityProcurementHuman resourcesCommunicationsRisk managementAll management is concerned with these, of course. But project management brings a unique focus shaped by the goals, resources and schedule of each project. The value of that focus is proved by the rapid, worldwide growth of project management: as a recognized and strategic organizational competence as a subject for training and education as a career path.
Friday, September 13, 2019
UFC Business Applied Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
UFC Business Applied Project - Essay Example The technologies of Nokia have also been considered in the paper along with its impact on the targeted customers of the brand. Various practical strategies have been considered by Nokia in order to sustain in the market which has also been presented in the paper. From the study, it has been observed that Nokia implements different technology strategies for different countries based on the variances of the targeted customer groups. One of the key success factors achieved by Nokia in its global operations is its competency in developing appropriate technology strategies with due consideration towards the market requirements and trends. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Mobile Phone Technology Evolution 5 Past, Present & Future of Nokia’s Technology Strategies 6 Brand Specific Case Study 8 Brand Strategy 10 Conclusion 11 11 References 13 Introduction The Caucasus regions include a number of countries like Russia, Georgia, Iran and Turkey. Among these, Russia an d Turkey are identified as the main target markets of Nokia. The reason behind Russia and Turkey are the targeted markets for Nokia among the Caucasus regions because the countries share huge population in comparison to Georgia and Iran. The customers of Russia and Turkey have more customer preference for Nokia with respect to Georgia and Iran. ... ched its business in the late 1980s Nokia has expanded its successful business in Turkey also offering target customers with a varied product range including Near Field Communication (NFC) and mobile phone accessories (Nokia, 2012a; Nokia, 2003). Similarly in the CIS region, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are the major targeted markets of Nokia. In the markets of Ukraine and Kazakhstan Nokia provides the customers with its updated technology products such as Nokia 808 Pure View and various kinds of popular applications. Customer service is important in these markets along with offering updated products at frequent intervals to its targeted customers (Nokia, 2012b; Nokia, 2012c). It is in this context that these regions have been identified to witness rapid technology evolutions in the mobile phone industry. With due regards to this fact, the prime objective of the paper is to identify the process through which technology evolution took place in the regions of Caucasus and CIS. The discussion will further intend to develop an understanding of the role played by Nokia in the process with regards to its brand strategies in these regions. Mobile Phone Technology Evolution The evolution of mobile phones instigated with the launch of 1st Generation (1G) mobile tools launched in the year 1978 and developed through the analogue system. The 2nd Generation (2G) mobile phones were launched in the 1990s. The mobile phones had Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) and the kind of service initially started from Europe. The 3rd Generation (3G) mobile phones were an added advantage to the then available systems. The 3G technology bought facilities like video, audio and graphics application. The purpose behind developing 3G technologies was to set up a single network other than different
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Lululemon exploration of England Internal Analysis Case Study
Lululemon exploration of England Internal Analysis - Case Study Example VRIO Analysis VRIO framework is a tool for analyzing a business’s internal strength to cater a particular market. When a firm uses VRIO framework for its internal analysis, it evaluates all the resources and capabilities of a business, ignoring the strategic position of the business. The term VRIO is an acronym for: 1. V: Question of firm’s value 2. R: Question of firm’s rarity 3. I: Question of firm’s Imitability 4. O: Question of firm’s organization (Kazmi, 2012). VRIO Analysis of Lululemon Athletica Question of Lululemon’s Value Lululemon is multinational sports apparel brands incorporated in Canada, Australia and United States of America. The strength that the company has gained by operating in these three countries has added to the experience and skills required to compete at international level with sports specialty brands. Moreover, the work force that the company possesses also provides an opportunity to Lululemon to prosper in England’s premium sports market. The financial strength of the company at the moment also adds to the value of its capability to compete with other premium brands in England. Keeping in view the trends in the English premium sports apparel market, a number of opportunities are present to be exploited by Lululemon such as technological advancements, cultural fusion, strong economic outlook and opportunities for international marketing through international events in the country (Lululemon Athletica, 2012). ... Moreover, Lululemon also provides its customers on-sight physical exercise facility, running clubs and yoga sessions to familiarize the customers with the athletic environment and why it is necessary for them to have yoga and athletic sportswear of Lululemon. Moreover, Lululemon also creates rarity in the sense, that it offers its products in its own stores, thus establishing a vertical retail strategy that allows the company to have more control over its operations than others (Lululemon Athletica, 2012). Question of Imitability of Lululemon’s Products and Strategies Lululemon is a premium brand offered at premium prices which makes it near to impossible for the competitors to imitate. Lululemon believes on community involvement in its business and thus allows others to imitate its products or technology used to manufacture products. This business practice is in alignment with Lululemon’s â€Å"doing-the-right-thing†initiative. The aim was to support comm unity members to take active part in achieving excellence in healthy habits. But the competitors find it difficult to imitate Lululemon’s products or strategies because it is very costly and requires great set of skills to produce a Lululemon’s product (Lululemon Athletica, 2012). Question of Lululemon’s Organization The way Lululemon has structured its organizational hierarchy facilitates smooth functioning of the business. The head-quarter is stationed in Canada where the product designing and concept manipulation is carried out. Moreover, the headquarters also handles the financial controlling function of the business. Whereas the business in Australia,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Position Paper - Essay Example This paper will serve to look into the reasons as to why animal testing should not be tolerated and should be banned altogether from use in our highly advanced 21st century society of animal rights activists. According to NAVS, the reason that animals became the de-facto choice for testing of human products was really quite simple, the animal body closely resembled that of humans. For the early scientific community, that was the only criteria they needed in order to justify animal testing. The first documented use of animal experimentation dates back to the 4th century. But our modern society no longer has a need to use animal testing now that we understand the human and animal body a lot better than our ancestors ever did. Many doctors agree animal experimentation should be taken with a grain of salt, because it is outdated, inaccurate, and an unnecessary evil needing to come to an end. Fergie Woods M.D. states, â€Å"Animals tend to react differently than humans to drugs, vaccines , and experiments which can consequently be very harmful to humans’ health.†A clear example of the huge difference in results between animal and human testing can be seen in the conflicting results of Thalidomide testing during the 1960's and 1970's. Although the sedative had no visible and long term effect on the animals it was tested upon, it caused massive physical damage upon the human babies whose mother's were unlucky enough to have taken the drug during the pregnancy. Of the mothers who had taken Thalidomide, at least ten thousand children were born throughout the world with severe deformities (Woods). Then there is also the Digitalis case wherein the dogs who took the drug were found to have elevated levels of blood pressure. However, the drug did not have the same effect during human testing. Rather, the drug helped to lower the human heart rate whenever necessary. Another example of the inconsistency between human and animal reaction is digitalis, a drug whic h can be credited in saving countless cardiac patients’ lives by lowering their heart rate. When digitalis was tested on dogs, it raised their blood pressure to dangerously high levels (Woods). NAVS members point out in a study Mark Levin, Ph.D. presented results regarding the inaccuracy of animal models in drug testing. Levin found that in twenty-eight new drugs tested for liver toxicity in rats, seventeen were shown to be safe. Of the drugs cleared during testing, eight proved to be safe for human use and six were found to be toxic to humans. In another study, spanning over ten years, the FDA found out of one hundred and ninety-eight new medications developed, one hundred and two were either recalled or had side effects not predicted in animal tests (NAVS). Since the results of animal testing these days no longer confirm the same effects to be probable in humans, the need to test drugs and other medical related items on animals has become an archaic and moot point. It no lo nger serves in man's best interests. â€Å"Experimenting on animals in order to understand the drug or disease response in humans is an archaic and scientifically invalid research method†, states NAVS. Animal rights organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) argue that the cruelty animals endure during
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Marketing plan - Essay Example The third objective is to increase customer loyalty significantly and turn at least 30 percent of its customers into repeat customer during the season. The company will use television advertisements, bill boards, and social media to market its brand to its main target market which is the young population of Hull City. The strategy of market penetration will be adopted by the company to increase its market share. The company will also use the occasion of Christmas and the tradition of gift giving in its marketing messages to the young population of Hull City. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Marketing Objectives 5 Target Markets 6 Product Offering 7 Brand Positioning 8 Marketing Strategies 9 Consumer Behavior 9 Marketing Mix for the Marketing Strategy 10 Implementation and Control 13 Budget 14 Appendix 16 Figure 2: Balance Scorecard of Chocolate Industry UK 17 Source: Trading Vision 17 Introduction The Christmas season is good for the retail industr y as it is a season where people exchange gifts. The season offer immense opportunities for businesses all over United Kingdom. Chocolate industry like other similar industries also experience significant increase in sales in the Christmas season (Holmes, 2009). Thorntons is a famous chocolate company of United Kingdom having presence all over the country (Thorntons, 2012). ... A detailed budget will also be presented in the marketing plan. In the marketing plan specific steps will be discussed that the company can use to increase its sales in the Hull City. The marketing plan will aim at increasing the sales of the company in the Christmas season. SWOT Analysis s Strengths Weaknesses Established Brand Name (See figure 2 in Appendix) Rich History Established Infrastructure in Markets Good Public Image Reduced Sales Confused Pricing Strategy Consistent Profitability issues Issues in Distribution Opportunities Threats Growing Chocolate Industry Young population of Hull City Seasons like Christmas and Easter Governmental regulation regarding food marketing and chocolate sizes Increasing competition in the industry Ethical issues reading Cocoa farmers Marketing Objectives The main marketing objective of Thorntons is to increase its sales in the Christmas season in the Hull City. As discussed above the sales of chocolate increase significantly in the Christmas s eason (Sweet Retailing, 2011) and therefore the company has a vast market in front of it. Thorntons should follow the strategy of market penetration in order to increase its sales in the Christmas season. Market penetration strategy helps the company increase its market share (Proctor, 2000). The strategy of market penetration is very appropriate for the company at this particular point because its overall sales are reducing and this strategy will help the company remedy this weakness. The company also has a rich history and well established brand name in the market and it can use it to attract more sales. The company should have three specific marketing objectives. The first objective should be to increase its sales by at least 25 percent from October to December. This is
Monday, September 9, 2019
Marginalized people of the Atlantic world Research Paper
Marginalized people of the Atlantic world - Research Paper Example First of all who are these marginalized people? Since, it is implied from its name that marginalized people are those who were living on margins or on edges. Yes, these are those people who are living on the lines of Atlantic coasts. These people adopted piracy as their only source of income due to many reasons such as racism, biasness, unemployment, unstable economic conditions, governmental ambitions, and many more. This paper discusses each of these reasons in fairly manner and in the justifies the role of pirates in an efficient manner. For years, pirates were the major cause of damage to the Atlantic world. Whatever it looks now, it is because pirates have done lots of destruction in that area. Their cruelties and inhuman activities last for almost thirteen years. It was all started in the end of 17th century and in the start of 18th century. Being accurate, it began in 1715 and ended up in 1728. It might not look a huge period to the listeners or readers but it was an era of ca lamities and disasters for all the victims around the Atlantic world. The piracy was so voguish in that epoch that in the history that time is termed as the Golden Age of Piracy. For pirates yes it was a very blissful and harmonious period of time when they achieved almost everything they aimed for. They gathered lots of gold, silver, and other treasures for them. They were very keen and focused towards their goal of being rich as early as possible. Therefore, they have adopted the shortest and illegal way to collect money for them. Now, let us explore what piracy truly is? And what were the major problems in the Atlantic history? In general terms, Piracy is an extremely criminal activity in which pirates plunder ships and communities around a certain area. The piracy executed in the Atlantic region is remembered even today and is considered as the most terrifying act of that eon. In that area, piracy was at its peak because there were lots of opportunities for this kind of inhuman activity. All the trade from the Europe to Africa went through this passage and pirates found it an excellent occasion for themselves. This trade between Europe and Africa has truly flourished piracy in its actual means. The pirates of that area were mostly belonged to Europe i.e. from Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, and so on. Few of them were from Africa i.e. France, Portugal, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, and so on. I think that is enough of what piracy is? Now let us bend the discussion of the paper towards the other side of story and that is what made these pirates, actually pirate? And also, why those people preferred piracy as their occupation and rejected all other reputable vocations? Generally, being a common man we just comment on what happened and do not think about why this happened. Whereas there is a valid reason behind everything, that is why whenever we talk about a crime, we should keep in mind that there are few things that should not be overlooked while considerin g anyone a criminal. Firstly, what is the mental condition of the person who has committed the crime? Secondly, what crime has been committed and in what scenarios? And last but not the least, the location where the crime has been committed? Though laws for all sorts of crimes are there and it does not accept these things but as we are human beings, we can think the other way and thus we should keep in mind these things while coming to any decision regarding any person. There were many reasons for which people of the Atlantic world have chosen piracy as their profession instead of doing otherwise. The later part of this
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Infrared spectroscopy structural determination Lab Report
Infrared spectroscopy structural determination - Lab Report Example These regions are named relative to their position on the spectrometer. From the graph, the boiling point is 151Â °C which makes the unknown organic compound to be isopropyl benzene. This works on the basis that molecules tend to take in specific frequencies that can be related to their structure. The type of bond vibrating is directly proportional to the absorption rate. The amount of energy can also be determined by the shape of the molecular potential energy surfaces, the atomic masses and the vibrancy coupling. When laboratory findings are being investigated, gaseous sample are usually taken through various processes in order to be ready for tests. Gaseous materials need samples with a long path length. The long path length is necessary for the diluteness. The path length is then reflected on the graph creating the motions (Soderberg 86). The path length determines the can be used to determine the concentration of the compound under investigation. This technique is widely used both in organic and inorganic chemistry and has proven lots of help to s cientists. The technique has been applied also while checking the level or concentration of gases in green
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Media Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Media Relations - Assignment Example the rules of the press releases using succinct statements, subject line, vis-à -vis the 6Ws: who, what, when, where, why, who cares (Howard & Mathews, 2006). The first paragraph informs the people of the salient points and the rest follows it with clear history of the issue, giving links to the parties involved and to the organization concerned. The least successful release is the one promoting new store opening. The main reason being that it is neither important for people in general nor does it have potential of a news worthy story. It is a local event that is best served by advertisement and not by a press release that would require further investigation or reporting. The release also has no headline/ subject line and is also not backed by hard figures of company’s sales and performance record. Cutler (2012) strongly believes that these are essential elements of public relation strategy that must be reflected in the press release. Moreover, it is full of generalities and advertising junk which fail to make it a news item worth
Friday, September 6, 2019
Example of Argumentative Essay Essay Example for Free
Example of Argumentative Essay Essay History shows reiteratively throughout the recorded times that the mark set for students will be predominately that which they aim for and mostly stop therein. If students are not shown any higher level of knowledge the students should at no time be expected to aim for that which they did not perceive. Students will indeed float to the mark you set. History has shown us many valuable illustrations; one of them would be the vast comparison between students during the Ottoman empire and students in the reign of the Spartan empire, the Spartans were taught that knowledge is crucial, if it helps you to fight, whilst the Ottomans were taught that knowledge was imperative if it was beneficial in any way. Because Spartan pupils were finite to knowledge that did not pertain to warfare, they were infinitesimally limited in any other area, and to no degree were able to match the heights of knowledge of the Ottoman student body, the mark for these learners had been set considerably inferior than that for the under-graduates of the Ottoman empire, and so the students attained the mark that was set and were prescribed no reason to surpass it. Therefore it is clear to recognize that the objective a teacher sets for their pupil is all that their pupil will ever feel the demand to accomplish. Students are comparable to a kayak in the sea trying to reach an island to anchor on, and the teacher is the equivalent of the current, the stronger they push to try to reach and help the students, the closer they get to the island. Because students are reliant on their instructors to provide them with an objective to grasp, the supervisors specified a mark, and the students float to the mark that was decided. Therefore the students need only fulfill that which their instructor has itemized for them, and that would be the mark that was stipulated. Since pupils will only feel the need to do what was required in distinction to them, they will inevitably isolate themselves to the mark that was set before them.
Why Safeway Is Better Than Save a Lot Essay Example for Free
Why Safeway Is Better Than Save a Lot Essay There’s no place like Safeway that’s why Safeway is better than Save A Lots Safeway has a fantastic atmosphere were customers feel at ease, the friendly employees always had a smile they face on the other hand Save A Lot had a poor envirment were the shoppers were ignored workers didn’t have a pleasant attitude. I said to myself why have I shop at Save A Lot for so many years? Suddenly, I had an Oprah ,Aha! Moment which came over me, after that day I have not been back to Save A Lot First Safeway has quality luscious fruits the fresh vanishable are so scrumptious I can’t wait to get home to eat them. And endless variety of fresh fruit that never lacks quality that I am lookingfor Save A Lot did not have quality fruits the vanishable were brown and bruised and lacked freshnesss, fruit were always limed I was so happy that I switch stores because of that reason. Secondly Safeway has fresh meat which is top of line ,fresh tender meats also the quality of the the meats at Save A Lot lacked freshness. Most importantly the was not up par: refrozen, freezer burned and discolored. In addition, Safeway quality brand name products that I enjoy such as :Kellogg’s ,Special K and Progresso, just to name a few. Really make me feel good about safeway. Incontrast, I shopped at Save A Lot they lacked brand name products they did not have them in stock. Not only dose safeway have quality prices, but they have every prices. I save fifty dollars at Safeway and when I use my safeway card I always save. Also Safeway I spend only two hundred and forty dollars. Save A Lot the prices are extremely high; I spent over three hundrend dollars Also Safeway has a lot of women with there children, Save A Lot has college studans who think there saving . However Safeway has quality prices great coupons Save A Lot lacked quality prices ,coupons limed ,Safeway is the places for a girl like me who enjoys bargains In conclusion, most of all Save A Lot did not provide , and they did not have quality prices. And I said to my ,thank heaven for the Aha! Moment. That is when the light switch came on for me to start shopping at Safeway. My reason is simple, Safeway has quality prices and food.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
An Analysis Of Shaffers Equus
An Analysis Of Shaffers Equus The play is in two acts, the first consisting of twenty-one; the second of thirty-five scenes. It is not realistic in that it includes flashbacks performed onstage (like a movie). However, it is an explanatory one with Shaffers notes while read. It is a play consisting of individuals rather than types. Each character has his/her individuality along with his/her own perspective of life. We learn about the characters from what other characters tell about them; from what they tell about themselves; as well as from Shaffers explanation about them within parentheses. Although it is an open ended play it goes far from the lineer plot structure with its amazing climax. The forward and backward action of the play makes it a different one. Moreover while the play has speech when the time is present, it contains action when it is backward. It is a symbolic play and can be called a journey into the mind of Alan Strang, a seventeen year old boy. It analyzes Alans religious obsession with horses which is based on his complicated feelings due to his religious background and his increasing sexual side as a teenager. This confusion of religion, in fact, is a consequence of some signals from his religious, middle-class mother and his atheist, working-class father. Alans perception of religion and sexuality is conflicted and his way of praying becomes a fear of a horse spirit named Equus. He ends up with blinding six horses in the stable because of the fact that they have watched him with a girl. Rosefeldt states that Equus is inspired by a real-life event of which the author had very little details. Someone told Shaffer about a boy who blinded horses (Rosefeldt 89). Equus, the horse gradually becomes a source of freedom and worship for Alan. As he worships Equus passionately, Alan goes away from being normal. There are two main characters in the play, Martin Dysart and Alan Strang, the protagonist. While the play is Alans story, it soon becomes Dysarts story, too. Dysart is a psychiatrist and is asked to treat Alan Strang. Dysart admits to treat Alan as a patient, believing his lawyer friend Hesther Salomon that the boy has something special. In Act I, the audiences learn that Alan comes from a Christian mother Dora Strang and an atheist father Frank Strang who have argument in agreeing how to raise Alan. Alans mother tries to impose religion on Alan and does not avoid talking about sex as well. As he grows up and becomes a teenager, his mothers words become confusing for him. Alans obssesion with the horses is actually a typical result of his mothers words: Dora. I used to tell him a funny thing about falling off horses. Did you know that when Christian cavalry first appeared in the New World, the pagans thought horse and rider was one person? Dysart. Really? Alan. (sitting up, amazed) One person? Dora. Actually, they thought it must be a god. Alan. A god! Dora. It was only when one rider fell off, they realized the truth. Dysart. Thats fascinating. I never heard that before . . . Can you remember anything else like that you may have told him about horses. Dora. Well, not really. They are in the Bible of course. He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha. Dysart. Ha, ha? (Equus 11) Dora has also let Alan watch some Western films without his fathers knowledge (Equus 12). She is the one in the play introducing the word equus stating that it is a Latin word for horse by which Alan is fascinated since he has not heard a word with two Us (Equus 12). As for Frank, he has never approved of his wife teaching Alan Bible since he is an atheist. For Frank, Alans psychology has been corrupted because of Doras teachings of Bible. Alan has been having nightmares in which he keeps saying Ek! . . . Ek! . . .Ek! (Equus 14). Dysart first tries psychotherapy to learn the reasons for Alans problems. However, those therapies consequently reveal some interesting clues about Dysarts own problems. Alan is a clever boy and he tries to work on Dysarts psychology in the way Dysart does: Dysart. Do you dream often? Alan. Yes, do you? Dysart. Yes. Do you have a special dream? Alan. No. Do you? Dysart. Yes. What was your dream about last night? Alan. Cant remember. Whats yours about? Dysart. I said the truth. Alan. Thats the truth. Whats yours about? The special one. Dysart. Carving up children. (Equus 14) Shapiro who analyzes the play technically, suggests for the relationship between Dysart and Alan: [T]he symbolic aspect is in the phrases Dysart uses to set the scene in motion. What they symbolize is Dysarts dishonesty, as Alans symbolic event also revealsAlan is playing a symbolic event with an iconic, truculent aspect, the object of which is the audiences recognition of Dysarts dishonesty In this case the audience knows from the Nurses previous indexical event that Dysart knew about Alans nightmares. Thus, they should recognize that Dysart began the interview with a lie. Consequently, the interview cannot proceed until Alan turns indexical. He will do this once Dysart becomes truthful. Hence, Alan suggests that they interview each other. (Shapiro 111) In the tenth scene of the first act, the audience is again introduced to a flashback. During this second therapy, Alan goes back to the time when he was six years old: Horseman. Whoa! . . . Whoa there! Whoa! . . Sorry! I didnt see you! . . . Did I scare you? Alan. No! Horseman. (looking down at him) Thats a terrific castle! Alan. Whats his name? Horseman. Trojan. You can stroke him, if you like. He wont mind. (Equus 19) In this scene Alans parents arrive and warn the horseman. His father takes him from the horsemans shoulders and they get angry with the horseman. Frank who is strictly against riding horses is sad to see Alan hurt, however Alan is glad to have ridden a horse. He explains his act saying I wanted to laugh! (Equus 20). It is here clear that Alan as a boy, demands to have joy; no matter how his parents think. It is the passion destroyed by his parents. What Dysart really wants to learn is the reason why Alan blinded the six horses in the stable. As a psychiatrist, Dysart wants to go into the deepest places of Alans psychology in order to give some meaning to this act of Alan. However, Alan neither explains why he blinded the horses nor tells something that can help Dysart find some reason behind it. He continues playing with the psychiatrist. In the eleventh scene we are told that Alan, when he was twelve, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ insisted on buying à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ {the picture of Christ loaded down with chains} with his pocket money, and hanging it at the foot of his bed where he could see it last thing at night (Equus 21). However, Frank, the atheist father tore and threw it away. Instead of the picture, he put a photograph of a horse which made Alan happy. In the fifteenth scene, Dysart has finally managed to have more clues about Alans situation. He has learnt from Frank about a girl in Alans life and decided to ask some questions about the stable. Alan takes the audience to the previous year when he first talked to Jill a middle-class girl in her early twenties. At this time, Alan is working in a shop and Jill has come to the shop in order to buy some blades for a clipping machine to clip horses (Equus 29). Jill is working in a stable owned by Harry Dalton. She suggests Alan ride horses however Alan is here hesitant since he knows his parents would be against it. He finally agrees to go to the stable and meet Dalton. As soon as he arrives the stable, Dalton tells him about the horses and teaches him how to ride a horse. Here we are introduced to Nugget, a horse which will soon have an important part in the play. When Alan is left alone with the horses in the stable, his passion returns. What Dysart wants to learn is whether Alan ha d a date with Jill; however Alan is again escapist in his answers and he instead tries to question Dysart about his own dates. It is in scene seventeen where the audiences come to realize the inner conflict of Dysart. Alan tries to catch Dysart from his weakest point. Dysart has never had any sexual relationship with any women in his life, including his wife. He is nervous when he is asked why he does not have any children and suddenly needs cigarettes. His soliloquy in this scene is a clear evidence about this psychiatrists psychology: What am I, then? . . . Wicked little bastard [Alan] knew exactly what questions to try. Hed actually marched himself round the hospital, making enquiries about my wife. Wicked and of course, perceptive. Ever since I made that crack about carving up children, hes been aware of me in an absolutely specific way. Of course, there is nothing novel in that. Advanced neurotics can be dazzling at that game. They aim unswervingly at your area of maximum vulnerability. . . Which I suppose is as good a way as any of describing Margaret. (Equus 32) The next scene reveals Dysarts problems with his wife Margaret. Dysart explains Hesther why they did not have any children. He blames Margaret for this. He states that Margaret sits beside [their] salmonpink, glazed brick fireplace, and knits things for orphans; for him, his wife is a domestic monster who is the Shrinks Shrink (Equus 34). While Dysart likes to read about Ancient Greece, Margaret hates such things. Their marriage is including two different persons, being very similar to Alans parents marriage. Shaffer prefers to give this marriage from one point of view that of the husband. We never meet the wife. Dysart is unhappy and uncomfortable in his marriage. He tells his friend, Hesther: Do you know what its like for two people to live in the same house as if they were in different parts of the world? Mentally, shes always in some drizzly kirk of her own inheriting: and Im in some Doric temple clouds tearing throuh pillars eagles bearing prophecies out of the sky. (Equus 34) In this scene Dysart seems to cure himself; it is his confrontation with his own confused psychology. He is obsessed with the concept of normal. According to Hesther, Dysart is trying to restore Alan to a normal life and Dysart is confused when he thinks about the meaning of normal and being a normal person. For Hesther, it is the smile in a childs eyes (Equus 35), and for Dysart, [i]t is also the dead stare in a million adults (Equus 36). Rosefeldt explains Dysarts psychology as follows: More than any other character, Dysart is aware that he is trapped in a chain of substitutions. Dysart longs to reach the passion of pagan worship. His wife reduces the sacred acrobats to absurred [50] freaks and equates the heroes of the Iliad with ruffians [50]. He cries out, Oh the primitive world. . . what instinctual truths were lost with it [50]. Alienated and alone, Dysart knows he has lost contact with these primitive truths and is hopelessly trying to regain them. For communicating with the gods, Dysart substitutes the vicarious experience of reading books on the cultural shelf [50]. Instead of reaching up to the gods, he brings home Kodachrome snaps of Mount Olympus [50]. The power of the gods rests in the Hellenic pantheonAlso, Dysart touches a reproduction statue of Dionysus [50}. The power and essence of the god is replaced by the physical presence of the god, which is replaced by the statue of the god, which is replaced by a reproduction of the statue. (Rosefeldt 92) Dysart, in order to learn more about Alan, now chooses hypnosis technique and Alans problems are revealed as follows: Dysart. Now, Alan, youre going to answer questions Im going to ask you. Do you understand? Alan. Yes. Dysart. Good. Now I want you to think back in time. You are on that beach you told me about. The tide has gone out, and youre making sandcastles. Above you, staring down at you, is that great horses head, and the cream dropping from it. Can you see that? Alan.Yes. Dysart.You ask him a question. Does the chain hurt? Alan.Yes. Dysart. Do you ask him aloud? Alan. No. Dysart. And what does the horse say back? Alan.Yes. Dysart.Then what do you say? Alan.Ill take it for you. Dysart. And he says? Alan.It never comes out. They have me in chains. Dysart.Like Jesus? Alan.Yes! Dysart.Only his name isnt Jesus, is it? Alan.No. Dysart.What is it? Alan.No one knows but him and me. Dysart.You can tell me, Alan. Name him. Alan. Equus. (Equus 37) Alan is now unconscious with the effect of hypnosis. In his imagination, the horse is chained like Jesus. Now it is clear that Alans imagination has been influenced by his mothers teachings of Bible as stated before by Frank. For Alan, Equus lives in all horses and is chained because of the sins of the world (Equus 38). When Alan goes back to the time he was twelve, looking at the picture of Equus, Dysart asks him questions about the stable. The stable is the temple of Equus where Alan washes and brushes him. Equus wants to be ridden by Alan but he does not show Alan how to ride him: He showed me nothing! Hes a mean bugger! Ride or fall! Thats Straw Law (Equus 39). Equus is no pagan idol; he is unmistakably the Judeo-Christian God, born in the straw [39] (stable of Bethlehem) and wearing the sandals [40] of Christ. As Christ suffered for mankind, Equus takes the punishment for Alans sake. The Ark of the Covenant symbolizing the contract between God and man becomes the Ark of the Manbit [41], which Alan holds in his mouth. The lump of sugar becomes Equus Last Supper [42]. Alan beckons Equus, Take my sins. Eat them for my sake [43]. Equus is Jesus, the Son of God, the Redeemer who takes away the sins of the world. Just as Christ launched his attack against the House of Mammon, Alan launches Equus against their mutual foes: The Hosts of Philco and The Hosts of Remington, the rulers of the shallow and materialistic world of substitutions. Equus is Alans redeemer, the Godslave [43]. (Rosefeldt 92) Alan rode Equus every three weeks in Daltons stable. He stole the stables keys and went there secretly to ride Equus. Dysart wants Alan to remember a scene in the stable: He throws out his arms and shows himself fully to his God, bowing himself before Nugget (Equus 41). Alan is pleased to touch Nugget but he is distressed when he remembers his eyes. He gives Nuggets sugar, the last supper before Ha ha. Here [Alan] whispers his Gods name ceremonially: Alan. Equus! . . . Equus! . . .Equus! (Equus 42), and he says: Stay, Equus. No-one said Go! . . . Thats it. Hes good. Equus the Godslave. Faithful and true(42). The Equus voice increases in volume Alan. (Shouting) WEE! . . . WAA! . . . WONDERFUL! . . . Im stiff! Stiff in the wind! My mane, stiff in the wind! My flanks! My hooves! Mane on my legs, on my flanks, like whips! Raw! Raw! Im raw! Raw! Feel me on you! On you! On you! I want to be in you! I want to BE you forever and ever! Equus, I love you! Now! Bear me away! Make us One person! He rides Equus frantically (Equus 44) The end of Act I is the climax, a strange combination of religion and sexuality. Equus is now the god that rules Alan. The word AMEN! ends Act I (Equus 44). In Act II, Frank is interestingly absent in the play. (That may be symbolic but we do not know why). Dora seems to realize her faults in rising Alan. She comes to see that it is not the child but the parent who is faulty. She sees Alan as a little victim who has done nothing at all (Equus 47). However in her speech to Dysart, she strangely puts the blame on Alan and blames Dysart for questioning her family as if they are guilty: Dora. (ignoring him; more and more urgently) Look, Doctor: you dont have to live with this. Alan is one patient to you: one out of many. Hes my son. I lie awake every night thinking about it. Neither of us sleeps all night. You come to us and say Who forbids television? Who does what behind whose back? as if we are criminals. Let me tell you something. Were not criminals. Weve done nothing wrong. We loved Alan. We gave him the best love we could. All right, we quarrel sometimes all pparents quarrel we always make it up. My husband is a good man. Hes an upright man, religion or no religion. He cares for his home, for the world, and for his boy. Alan had love and care and treats, and as much fun as any boy in the world. I know about loveless homes: I was a teacher. Our home wasnt loveless. I know about privacy, too not invading a childs privacy. All right, Frank may be at fault there he digs into him too much but nothing in excess. Hes not a bully . . . (Equus 47) This speech of Dora reveals both her and Franks faults although she typically insists that they have been good parents to Alan. Shaffer uses this technique for many characters in this play in order to be effective: The character is here revealing herself through her own words; that is to say Shaffer lets the character talk about herself in order to achieve objectivity. Dora, the religious mother lastly puts the blame on the Devil thinking that Devil came to Alan. She is portrayed as a typical irresponsible mother who is unaware of the process her son grows up: I only knew he was my little Alan, and then the Devil came (47). Both of the parents fail in dealing with their teenager son. It is a step of Alan for adolescence in which Alan is learning about life. Parents quarrelling is not something as trivial as Dora thinks. It really affects the child since he stays between two different versions of beliefs, two different truths those of the mother and of the father. Alans crisis has in fact begun when Jill Mason attempted to seduce him one night when Alans horse god, Equus was there in the stable. Alan blinds six horses with a metal spike (Equus 3) in the second act of the play and it is seen as a consequence of his guilt and shame. Although he does not want to remember anything about Jill, Dysart makes him tell about all at last. It is the most important flashback after the one about Equus. Dysart encourages Alan to remember it in order to get over it. Everything begins with Jills inviting Alan out. Although he has to go home, he accepts her offer and they go to the cinema. At the cinema, Alan tells Jill, there was no girl except for her. Soon, it is understood that the film is a pornographic one. Dysart asks him: Was that the first time youd seen a girl naked? and Alan says Yes! (Equus 58). Then suddenly, Alan realizes that his father is at the cinema, too. With the fear of being caught at such a film, he tries to hide himself. When he is caught, Frank shouts at Alan and the three leave the cinema. Outside, Alan tries to speak to his father: Alan. I I Ive never been there before. Honest . . . Never . . .(to Dysart) He didnt seem to hear. Jill tried. Jill. Its true, Mr.Strang. It wasnt Alans idea to go there. It was mine. (Equus 59) Alan. (to Dysart) The bus wouldnt come. We just stood and stood . . . Then suddenly he spoke. Frank. (stiffly) Id like you to know something. Both of you. I came here tonight to see the Manager. He asked me to call on him for business purposes. I happen to be a printer, Miss A picture house needs posters. Thats entirely why Im here. To discuss posters. While I was waiting I happened to glance in, thats allI had no idea they showed films like this. Im certainly going to refuse my services. Jill. (kindly) Yes, of course. Frank. So long as thats understood. (Equus 59) Interestingly enough, Frank explains why he himself is there instead of asking Alan why he is there. He has certainly come to the cinema for the same reason with Alan and Jill. Thus Alan and Frank are scared of each other. Frank leaves them and Alan stays with Jill. More importantly, Alan has been now introduced to the adult life with the film. He wants to make love with Jill. She takes Alan to the Stables because they cannot go to Alans or Jills house. Alan does not want to go to the Stables; he prefers a home. Alan. Why not your place? Jill. I cant. Mother doesnt like me bringing boys back. I told you . . . Anyway, the Barns better. Alan. No! Jill. All that straw. Its cosy. Alan. No! Jill. Why not? Alan. Them! Jill. Dalton will be in bed . . . Whats the matter? . . . Dont you want to? Alan. (aching to) Yes! Jill. So? Alan. (desperate) Them! . . . Them! . . . Jill. Who? Alan. (low) Horses. Jill. Horses? . . .Youre really dotty, arent you? . . . What do you mean? He starts shaking Oh youre freezing . . . Lets get under the straw. Youll be warm there. Alan. (pulling away) No! (Equus 62) Alan does not want to be seen by the horses since he thinks it would be a shameful act according to his religion. Although Jill shuts all the doors in order not to be seen by the horses, he is not comfortable. Alan cannot help but think of Equus and he sees Equus instead of Jill. Thus, his attempt to make love with Jill fails. Angrily, he shouts at Jill: Get out! (Equus 65). His psychology in this scene is horrible: Alan. (to Dysart) He was there. Through the door. The door was shut, but he was there! . . . Dysart. Laughing? Alan. (to Dysart) Mocking! . . .Mocking! . . . Standing downstage he stares up towards the tunnel. A great silence weighs on the square. (To the silence:terrified) Friend . . . Equus the Kind . . . The merciful! . . .Forgive me! . . . Silence. It wasnt me! Not really me. Me!. . . Forgive me! . . .Take me back again! Please! . . . PLEASE! (He kneels on the downstage lip of the square, still facing the door, huddling in fear) Ill never do it again. I swear . . . I swear! . . . Dysart. And He? What does He say? Alan. (to Dysart whispering) Mine! . . . Youre mine! . . . I am yours and you are mine! . . . (Equus 67) Equuss Nuggets eyes are rolling and Alan is sure that he has seen them make love. Eyes! . . . White eyes! . . . never close! Eyes like flames coming coming! . . .God seest! God seest! . . . NO! . . . (Equus 68). Alan stabs out Nugget and other five horses eyes. He yells in hysteria as he collapses on the ground (Equus 68). Dysart is about to finish his process of normalizing Alan. However he does not know whether he should be happy to have this patient cured. He calls it madness (Equus 68). In the end, Dysart appears to have cured him. {Equus is a] troubling play about a psychiatrists struggle to understand the passionately conceived but torturous personal mythology of Alan, a disturbed adolescent. If a psychologist of religion had gone after the young mans associations to G-o-d, he or she might have retrieved references to the pallid secondhand God of Alans parents, but would likely have missed Alans dramatic psychic creation of a personal diety he called Equus. Although it might be argued that this is the kind of exceptional case that falls more into the psychopathology of religion and is no basis for generalization, I am more and more struck by how distinctive and sometimes quite original are the spiritual formulations of individuals. (Mc Dargh 90) The play really includes the idea of passion versus reason. It is about a psychiatrist who thinks he can solve everything by reason and at the same time about an adolescent who is filled with passion but forced by his family to leave his passion. The battle of passion and reason in the case of Alan seems to end with the defeat of passion; however, Shaffer certainly prefers a combination of two. It is not only Alans but also becomes the inner conflict of Dysart. While the horses represent freedom and sexuality, Martin Dysart represents reason as a doctor. During the play, the two characters have difficult times. Dysart shows a change in his attitude towards passion. As for Alan, he is treated by the psychiatrist to become normal. Alan is caught up between his own creation of religion and what is expected by him. He has to feel himself acceptable (Equus 68) since reason rather than passion is what is accepted by society. Dysart lacks passion and is jealous of Alan (Equus 50); he is u ncomfortable in this process of normalizing. He gradually gets worried that he should not cure Alan because this would be the end of Alans passion, so he does not want to give an end to that passion which he lacks but desires. Dysart confesses to Hesther, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that boy has known a passion more ferocious than I have ever felt in any second of my life. And let me tell you something: I envy it (Equus 50). Dysart is thus obsessed with passion saying Passion, you see, can be destroyed by a doctor. It cannot be created (Equus 69). It is a disturbing play in which Shaffer makes use of sound effects to make it psychologically effective. The horses are performed by actors who wear horse masks. As for the scene props, Shaffer makes use of light in order to emphasize his themes (Innes 228). Light is used in the play as an indication of Alans psychology. There are dream sequences, and a scenic structure that cuts across the logic of time as well as cause and effect following the irrational associations of the subconscious, plus ritual chanting, stylized masks and mythic archetypes (Innes 228). Shaffer ignores the three unities of Aristotle; there are scenes belonging to different places and different times; and there is no unity of action. However, Shaffer directly connects the past action of the play to the plot of present events; and the scenery connects more with the psychological life of the character than to the surface plot. As for the setting, it changes from scene to scene it is both internal and external; even in a single scene being both internal and external. It begins when Alan is seventeen years old and goes back to the previous years. The point of view is also variable; Shaffer lets the audience see the things from each characters point of view and Shaffer uses the omniscient narrator in order to emphasize each point of view. The play is about an adolescent who has deep complicated conflicts in his relationships with his parents and his first flirt Jill. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ {The play is not only} an extremely useful source book for an understanding of madness and family processes, it is also an affirmation of the dramatherapists long-held credo: that art can tell us things that science cannot (Davis xiii). Shaffer is successful at portraying the psychology of characters and Equus is a good work of drama in which the themes of passion, reason and worship and the idea of normal and abnormal are linked by Shaffer in order to make his audience question their beliefs and society.
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