Friday, May 31, 2019
Harmful Chemicals in Cosmetics Essay -- Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics
Although cosmetics became widely popular in the 1900s, tombs from 3100 B.C. pee revealed that makeup originated in the first Egyptian Dynasty (The History of Makeup, 1). Researchers set in motion that these cosmetics contained ingredients that ranged from virtuoso to cat dung both of which are toxic. The use of toxic chemicals in cosmetics, such as coal tar, negatively impacts a persons wellness. Cosmetic companies put consumers health at risk due to the use of toxic chemicals, marketing ploys and failure to properly regulate their own products and the chemicals they contain. While cosmetics pose dangerous risks to the human organic structure in general, pregnant women and their fetus are especially vulnerable to the consequences of being exposed to these toxins. If some women are not willing to give up their cosmetics during pregnancy, the ingredients in makeup can be lethal to the fetus. Nail polishes and hair sprays contain substances called phthalates, which is more commonly known as a plasticizer and can be found in the material to make rain coats and garden hoses, and its purpose is to make plastic more flexible but still strong ( strife Over Phthalates in Cosmetics tally 1) .When phthalates are absorbed into the skin, they could harm the fetus and, in baby boys, they could cause irregular genitals. Another ingredient, methylisothiazoline (or MIT for short), can be found in everyday shampoos and body washes such as Head and Shoulders, Suave and Pantene hairs-breadth conditioner, products a pregnant woman may very well use, and tests have shown that exposure to this ingredient could cause abnormal brain development in the fetus (Popular shampoos contain toxic chemicals linked to nerve damage par 2). However, these chemicals can cause health defi... ...rench, Christy T. History of Makeup (2004) Authors Den. 20, September, 2011. Web. Mercola, Joseph. How Dangerous are Your Cosmetics? (2011) Take Control of Your Health. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. Re id, Brian. Controversy Over Phthalates in Cosmetics (2011) Our Stolen Future. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. Rudow, Barbara. go Green (2008) California Scobre Press Corporation. Pages 3, 14, 33. Print. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (2011) Environmental Working Group. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. Coal Tar Hair Dyes Hair Care Cautions (2011) Hairfinder Hair Styles, Hair Care & Fashion. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. Cosmetic and Personal Care Products Can be Cancer Risks (2011) Cancer Prevention Coalition. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. Natural and Organic Beauty Products posterior the Facade (2011) Articlesbase Free Online Articles Directory. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The First Amendment Essay -- essays research papers
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the step down exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people to assemble peacefully, and to petition the Government for e redress of grievances. The prime(prenominal) and inargueably the most significant of the amendments to our Constitution is the First Amendment. The amendment that established our freedoms as citizens of our new confederation. The First Amendment insured, among other things, freedom of speech and of the press. Since the establishment of these rights, they arrive often been in question. People have debated over, "What is in like manner much freedom?", and "When is this freedom not enough?" I believe that these rights were established to protect the people, and as a society, we moldiness try to determine whether they are. One of the major organizations that exercises fr ee speech is the press. The press has coined the phrase, "It is the peoples First Amendment right to know." This first example best relates to a situation we have now that of national crisis. The press has the right to issue information to the public, but they must use judgment in what they release. Certain news that they might release could put people in danger, therefore taking away the right of all people to be safe. For many years, the idea of the press telling too much has been made fun of. In popu...
The Civil War :: essays research papers
The Civil WarOn paper the North was far stronger than the South. It had two and a fractional times as many people, and it possessed far more ships, miles ofrailroad, and manufacturing enterprises. Southerners, however, had theadvantage of fighting on home ground with better military leadership. But summation superiority in manpower was non so great as the gross figures suggest.Half a million people scattered from Dakota to California, could make nosubstantial contribution to Union strength. And every year Union regimentswere sent to the West to fight Indians. Hundreds of thousands of Americansin loyal border states and in southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois workedor fought for southern independence. Though, every state furnished men forthe other side, there was little doubt that more Federals than Confederates"crossed over."The South had superior officer personnel. For twenty years beforeLincolns inauguration, southern officers had dominated the U.S. Army. Another source of southern confidence was cotton. Secession leadersexpected to exchange that staple for the foreign construct goods theyneeded.The Souths most important advantage was that it had only to defendrelatively short interior lines against invaders who had to deal with longlines of communication and to attack a broad front. The partnership alsohad no need to divert fighting men to tasks such as garrisoning capturedcities and holding conquered territory.In a short war, numerical superiority would not have made much of adifference. As the war continued, however, numerical strength became apsychological as well as a material weapon. During the closing years of theconflict, Union armies, massed at last against critical strongholds,suffered terrible casualties but seemed to grow stronger with every defeat.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
General James Longstreet :: essays research papers
Longstreet was born in Edgefeild District in South Carolina on January eighth, eighteen twenty dollar bill one. He graduated from West Point in eighteen forty two and went straight to service. There he served until eighteen sixty one. He start saw action in the Mexican War, he was wounded in Chapultepec Mexico. For his services he received two brevets and the staff rank of a Major. He resigned his commission on June first eighteen sixty one andjoined the Confederacy. He became a General in the Civil War. His nickname was Old Pete inwardness sturdy and trustworthy. He led most of the major battles in Virginia including Bullrun, Freddricsburg, and Chickmauga. He was under Robert E. leewards command, and led the First Corps under Lee also. Longstreet was a General in Gettysburg. but lost because he did not follow Lees plan of action.Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle and that had the most casualties ever fought on American soil. He was blamed in the south for the loss of the battle at Gettysburg. Gettysburg was the mostcrutial mistake. Many things caused the outcome of the battle like Longstreets soldiers and officers got confused and were backtracking for fractional the day. Longstreet saw the union position as nearly impregnable. Lee sawbelieved his army was invincible. One of his officers Jeb Stewart went on a wild goose chase, he was sospost to specify Lee but didnt. Lee had no eyes and ears to tell him what was going on.After the war he befriended with Ulysses S. Grant and joined the Republican party. He was criticized by former confederates for losing the war and befriending with Grant and the Republican party. He served as Grants minister to Turkey. He also became a political apostate in the south. Later he served as a commissioner of the Pacific Railroads from eighteen ninety seven to nineteen o four. In the summer of nineteen o four he became very ill and was diagnosed with Rheumatism. His ear was also damaged and was forced to use an ear horn when spoken to. He traveled to Chicago for a cancerous right eye, his weight dropped from two hundred pounds to one hundred thirty five pounds.
Patriotism Aided in Socrates Acceptance of His Death Essay -- History
THESIS STATEMENTPatriotism aided in Socrates acceptance of his death, although believing he was unjustly convicted of corrupting the youth of A thuss and creating divinities in place of the gods.PURPOSE STATEMENTThrough books and essays about Socrates, research, and analysis it shows that he was truly guilty of his crimes and accepted them willingly although he believed he was innocent. INTRODUCTIONA member of the jury watched as the defendant, tense and nervous, looked over at the Kleptsydra, or the water-clock, and realized time is of the essence. When the Kleptsydra is empty, the jury of five hundred, who are expected to make a decision, look puzzled and confused on which side to vote for. After counting the votes, the verdict, guilty. The defendant had only lost by a slight adjustment of 260 against to 240. Each party, accusers and defendant, proposes a penalty the accuser proposes death, but astonishingly, the defendant proposes to be treated as an Olympic victor. The year is 399 BCE.Socrates was a simple man, famous, seventy years old, and had been doing his ruler routine when he was confronted with an obstacle, which changed the course of what was left of his life. He had seen something similar in his time which also happened coincide with the obstacle he faced. What he did not cheat was what was gong to happen next. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of capital of Greece and creating new divinities. The new accusers, as Socrates called them, were Meletus, Lycon, and Anytas. He was name guilty, but many today and then argue for his innocence, including Socrates himself. He thought himself innocent, but still accepted his death with courage out of his patriotism for Athens. Socrates could have avoided his d... ... accepted his penalty out of patriotism. Socrates is the subject matter of Patriot when it comes to Athens. Nothing means more to Socrates than Athens, and, more importantly, than the Athenians within it (Hughes xxii). Socrates s erved in the military and the assembly, having an active role in politics. He did this to fashion Athens to be the best it can be. Even when Athens turned against him, he still had a deep love for it, by carrying out his sentence of death, believing he had done a favor for Athens by removing the sickness.Socrates was a visionary of a greater Athens, but was quietly targeted and gun down by those who found fault in him. At the end of Socrates life, he was not honorably discharged, nor did he receive a corona civica for his attempt in changing Athens for the better, but was condemned to death for stepping out of line, marching in plain site.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Special ed is not a Scandal Essay -- essays papers
Special ed is not a ScandalSpecial Education Is Not A ScandalArticle 33I think the biggest most important law having to due with reproduction and the general public is PL 94-142. It is because of this laws effect on the school system and the impact that it go forth in the history of special education that I chose to write about it. Implemented in the 1970s PL 94-142 is responsible for a change in which every(prenominal) handicapped children are entitled to a free appropriate public education (FAPE), a change that gave the disabled a fighting chance towards education in a world that was very discriminating. This law was amended in 1983, 1986 and reauthorized in 1990 ensuring that every child receives an individualized appropriate education in the to the lowest degree restrictive environment at no cost to the parents.Although PL 94-142 is a great law and has protected many Americans since it first went into effect in 1975 times were not always so good. In the early days of educatio n it was not uncommon for the mentally challenged to be sent home from school denied their right to learn. Parents would reserve to find alternative methods or institutions for their childs learning and usually pay a hefty price for what should of come for free. However, a steady attract of law suites continually bombarded local states. Famous cases like Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia, and Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania caboodle the way for transition in...
Special ed is not a Scandal Essay -- essays papers
Special ed is not a ScandalSpecial Education Is Not A ScandalArticle 33I prize the biggest most important law having to due with education and the general public is PL 94-142. It is because of this laws effect on the school system and the impact that it left in the account statement of special education that I chose to write about it. Implemented in the 1970s PL 94-142 is responsible for a change in which all handicapped children be entitled to a free appropriate public education (FAPE), a change that gave the disabled a fighting chance towards education in a world that was very discriminating. This law was amended in 1983, 1986 and reauthorized in 1990 ensuring that every child receives an individualized appropriate education in the least restrictive surroundings at no cost to the parents.Although PL 94-142 is a great law and has protected many Americans since it first went into effect in 1975 times were not always so good. In the early days of education it was not uncommon for the mentally challenged to be sent home from school denied their right to learn. Parents would have to find choice methods or institutions for their childs learning and usually pay a hefty price for what should of come for free. However, a steady line of law suites continually bombarded local states. Famous cases like Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia, and Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania set the way for transformation in...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Analysis of Hawk Roosting
Analysis of Hawk Roosting Hawk Roosting is a poem written by Ted Hughes (1930-1998). Hughes was a British poet who often described the destructive aspects of animal life, survival instincts and the brutality of temperament. His poem Hawk Roosting deals with the themes grievous, power and human nature told from the point of view of a tilt. This poem therefore coheres with Hughes other work. In my analysis I will be focusing on a eccentricization of the first person and what this hawk symbolizes.I will also be mentioning the message of the poem and end the analysis with a contextualization, where I also will be answering and commenting on the two following enquirys Is man fundamentally evil or good or do we all posses both elements? and What triggers evil? What prevents it from surfacing? I would like to start my analysis with a char effecterization of the main(prenominal) character and the symbol of that character. This poem is told in first person through the eyes of a hawk .We ar not told directly in the text that it is a hawk only if we know this partially beca engagement of the title of the poem Hawk Roosting and somewhat because of the description we are given of the main character (the I). We are informed in stanza 1 that the main character is sitting on the top of the wood1, which could indicate a bird or a rodent (i. e. squirrel or chipmunk) of some sort. The main character also has a hooked head and feet, which still could insinuate both bird and rodent. The reader is however convinced that it is a bird by use of the sentenceThe airs buoyancy which tells us that it can fly thus it is a bird.If not for the title one could still model it was a bird of prey as we are told that it kills2. Hughes uses the simple present tense to describe what the hawk is doing I sit, I kill3 with the effect that we generalise that this is what the hawk does every day and that it is not an unordinary circumstance but a regular situation. A hawk is a bird of prey, a predator, a royal bird and it is at the top of its food chain. It has the power I kill where I please because it is all mine4, and it sees itself as perfect because it is the final yield of evolution It took the whole of cr expelion to produce my foot, my each feather5.The hawk is nature at its purest intent because there are no lies or arguments in this poem there is simply the lawfulness ab divulge the nature of the hawk. Hughes points this out firstly by using the sentence No falsifying trance6 and second by the sentence There is no sophistry in my body7. When passel aspiration it is often of a consorted reality where anything can happen, because it is your imagination. A dream is often something you desire or cant face in the real life, so one lives it through in a dream. A dream therefore consorts your reality or falsifies it.This Hawk does not dream of things that are not real. It only dreams about specific things that are a part of its reality. mundanity is false re asoning intending to deceive. The hawk therefore only tells the truth and explains reality and how things are, no arguments just facts. The hawk knows what it is and is content with that. I conceive that the hawk represents the truth behind human nature. How manhood deep down are instinctive creatures and that there is a primitive evil in all of us. I believe this because the hawk is like us at the top of the food chain, the ultimate creation and it is driven by power.The only difference really is that the hawk is forgive of committing evil deeds because it is its nature and it is therefore acceptable. Humans on the other hand discombobulate morals, ethics and a society which holds these norms in place and an act of evil is therefore unforgivable and non relatable. In stanza 6, line 2 the hawk also states that nothing has changed. I think this is referring to the true nature of humanity, which is to a definite extent evil, and how it has always been a part of the human kind and it will always be a part of us. Even though humanity has receive better over time (e. the Middle Ages) it is only due to societies with norms, rules and values which without, one would quicker descend into evil. I believe the message of this poem is that the nature of humankind never changes and evil is a part of us, just waiting below the surface, where if pressured, we will show our true nature. I would like to end dark my analysis with a contextualization and a comment to the mentioned questions. I thing this poem has a lot in common with the article Bad or wild. In Bad or Mad it is discussed what defines evil where they distinguish between inbred and moral evil. Moral evil is defined as the evil humans do, by hoice, knowing that they are doing wrong and natural evil is the bad things that just happen such as natural catastrophes. I would like to reveal the term natural evil to comprehend the evil acts of animals as well. The hawk is an animal and kills because it must to s urvive and it would therefore belong to the natural evil. However, the hawk is a symbol of the natural/instinctive evil that is in all mankind, which is harder to define. If man commits evil acts we see it as moral evil, because they have chosen to do so out of lust, fascination or even for fun in some cases. On some level the humans are hardly like the hawk.If you took past society and said every man/woman for themselves, you would have chaos and people would do whatever it took to survive. I have thereby already answered the question What triggers evil? What prevents it from surfacing? I agree with Hughes opinion that we all have evil inside of us but it would be defined as natural evil or the will to survive which one would not necessarily depict as evil but simply the human nature. To point it out I believe that this so called evil is triggered if you are threatened or as a result of the fear of losing your life or a love one etc. This answer is one side of it.Another thing t hat has been seen to trigger a certain level of evil is power. The hawk as mentioned also symbolizes exactly that. The Zimbardo experiment is an example of power taking over and of course the lack of a society with norms which I believe is one of the main reasons that why evil does not normally surface. In murder cases where the plaintive committed the act out of grief or rage (emotions) they are penalized less because most people can relate to it and you are not fundamentally evil as for a planned murder where you could get into a more black and clean-living conversation about good and evil.As for the question Is man fundamentally evil or good or do we all posses both elements? I have to some extent discussed this but I will lay it out further. I believe that everyone has the capacity to commit evil acts if they are pushed to their furthest limits and boundaries but I would not like to think of myself as a cynic and say that man is fundamentally evil. I believe that we posses bot h elements and that we are able-bodied of both.I think that is one of the main differences when one talks about evil in for example animals and humans. The fact that we understand evil because we understand compassion, love and are capable of empathy whereas animals act on pure instinct. You can therefore not define evil or claim that something is evil if it does not have the potency of righteousness and goodness. Your language is very convuluted in places and sometimes thus also a bit difficult to follow see orange sentence.Do not use contractions. 12. 1 Stanza 1, line 1 I sit in the top of the wood . . . 2 Stanza 1, line 4Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat and stanza 3, line 2 I kill where I please. 3 Stanza 1, line 1 I sit in the top of the wood and stanza 4, line 2 I kill where I please 4 Stanza 4, line 2. 5 Stanza 3, line 2-3. 6 Stanza 1, line 2. 7 Stanza 4, line 3.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
CHief Matenge’s Character Sketch Essay
This assignment is based on Bessie Heads classic refreshed, When Rain Clouds Gather. It gives an legal opinion of one of the novels main typefaces, Chief Matenge and in the process exposes him as an undoubtedly corrupt leader. This is supported by the many intertwined facts and quotations that portray his section as such a leader and these are selected and presented from the novel.Byrne, Kalua, Scheepers and Kane (2012100) provide the foundation for the readers agreement that Chief Matenge is a corrupt leader which in turn shapes the whole negative perspective of his personality when they describe him as representing the Old Africa at its worst moral degeneration. Going through the whole novel the reader struggles and eventu whollyy loses the battle in finding anywhere where any positive notions are associated with Chief Matenge. Bryne et al (2012100) present Matenge as a villain, a bad person who is openly corrupt.He is indubitably the antagonist and the opposer of Gilbert Balf our and Makhaya who generally stand for good in the name of make headway and development in the novel. Head (198718) introduces Chief Matenge as Paramount Chief Sekotos trouble rough and unpopular younger br separate. This already gives the reader an thought of what sort of personality Chief Matenge has. This description of him sets the tone in the whole novel as he is further described using such adjectives and phrases as overwhelming avariciousness and unpleasant personality, (Head 198718).It soon becomes apparent that Chief Matenges brformer(a), Paramount Chief Sekoto does not like his own brother, as the account nothing upset Chief Sekoto more than a visit from his brother, whom he had long classified as belonging to the insane part of mankind (Head 198748) clearly displays. Paramount Chief Sekoto is said to have always sided with settlementrs who his brother constantly upset. Head (198718) presents Matenge as having a devil that drove him and would subside after some chast ising from Chief Sekoto only to awaken its clamouring and howling a few months later.Matenges wickedness is further unfolded in the wish of Chief Sekoto to destroy him for all the family feuds and intrigues he had instigated (Head 198720). Ironically, Paramount Chief Sekoto was not what one would call a shining example of morality. Chief Sekoto, although he was widely known as a good chief (Head 198719) just like his brother Matenge lived off the slave labour of the little and his lands were ploughed free of charge by the poor, and he was washed, bathed and federal official by the poor (Head 198719). In turn Matenge also strongly despised his brother Paramount Chief Sekoto.Head (198742) discloses this when she reveals his thoughts about his brother who he in secret thought was an amicable, pleasant nitwit of a brother in the supreme position. Matenge coveted is brothers position of Paramount Chief. Matenge is referred to as evil myriad times in the novel. Dinorego further exposes this evilness or corruptness when he confides in Makhaya that he (Matenge) was the evil force delaying progress in the village. Dinorego reveals Matenges machinations to disability and delay the starting of the farm and the cattle co-operative which are projects that are supposed to push development in the village.Matenge is said to have particularly sabotaged Gilbert Balfour on the cattle co-operative because he was personally benefitting from buying the poor villagers cattle at a low price and making huge profits by past selling them at a much higher price. Matenge took advantage of the poor villagers inability to hire railway trucks to transport their own cattle because they could not succumb it. Matenge fought Gilbert Balfours cattle co-operative because it would put him out of business. Matenges falsehoods and cunningness are clearly portrayed when he lies to the villagers that Gilbert precious to enslave them,Was it true they wanted to know, that Gilbert had secretly purcha sed land from the paramount Chief and was using the name co-operative to enslave the people? That was what Chief Matenge had told them (Head 198735). The reader would not hesitate to label Matenge as greedy and selfish. Head (198741) reveals that Matenge lived alone (before Joas Tsepe joined him) in a big cream-painted mansion. The other villagers are said to have lived in small and primitive mud huts and were in fact not allowed to build brick houses without permission from the Chief which was rarely given, if at all.Head (198741) goes on to mention that the central village where Matenges mansion was situated contained one very poor general have it offers shop which supplied the villagers with the bare necessities like sugar, tea and cheap materials and shoes among other items. The location of Matenges big mansion was also in proximity to a three-roomed shack which serves as the village primary school. The jarring contrast of Matenges seemingly luxurious life style and his surroun dings nauseates the reader and speaks loudly of his greediness and selfishness.The reader can safely accuse Matenge of being a tribalist. Byrne et al (1987100) describe tribalism as the practice of advancing ones own tribe above others and judging other people on the basis of their tribal origins. Matenge is described as a die hard traditionalist (Head 198742). He wanted things to remain the same. He is said to have understood tribalism and that it was essentially the territorial dominion of the illiterate man who when he was in the majority, feared and despised anything that was not a part of the abysmal darkness in which he lived.(Head 198765) further portrays his disgust for other tribes when he is said to have dismissed Dinoregos greeting at some point with a slight gesture of the head which contained in it an hereditary pattern of centuries of contempt for the ordinary man. His shaky and opportunistic relationship with Joas Tsepe is another revelation of Matenges lopsided an d corrupt character. Joas Tsepe was also corrupt and this is revealed in the sponsor that was shrouded in mystery who supplied him with money which enabled him to remain unemployed and to travel every six months by air as a very important person. Matenge also has afraid(predicate) tendencies.His wish to chase Makhaya out of the village very much smelt of this. This is revealed when George Apple-by confides in Makhaya that Matenge wants him removed from the village because he is a refugee. Refugees were generally not like in Botswana at the time of the books setting when many came from South Africa running away from Apartheid, but Matenges particular hatred for Makhaya as a refugee and all like him comes out when he referred to him as a South African swine who always needs to run after his master (Head 198766), referring to Makhayas close association with Gilbert Balfour.To say Makhaya was thoroughly offended by this is an understatement for unbeknown to Matenge, he secretly formed thoughts of murdering him. In conclusion Head (198743) could not have summed up Chief Matenges character better when she described him as the epitome of darkness with his long gloomy, melancholy, suspicious face and his ceaseless intrigues, sour jealousy and hatred.Makhaya also equates him to several unsavoury items such as a lout, cheat, dog and swine and he reckoned the Matenges everywhere got themselves into a position over the poor (Head 1987136) The reader agrees with Mma Millipede when she quietly but unsuspectingly accurately predicts Chief Matenges demise. She tries to calm Makhaya after his dramatic encounter with Chief Matenge where he is label a South African swine and says, People who err against human life like our Chief and the white man (referring to Apartheid in South Africa) do so only because they are more blind than others to the mystery of life.Some time life will catch up with them and put them away for good or change them (Head 169137). In Chief Matenges cas e, he was unlucky to not suffer the later of these predictions, but the former. After he comes back from a kinda long absence from the village, he immediately gets back to what he knows best and summons Pauline and six village elders to be tried. Unbeknown to him, the whole village was excited that the day had arrived that they would face their persecutor of many years (Head 169184).Because Matenge was not expecting a crowd, he panics, retreats into the house, and rather than facing the crowd, commits suicide, and the reader discovers another hidden character that was lurking in Matenge all along, cowardice. Not even his servants stand by him at his time of need they beat a hasty retreat and leave him to deal with his issues alone and his eyes are opened and perhaps he finally sees himself for the monster that he is. The saddest part is not even his brother is quiet queer by his demise. Chief Sekotos digestion is said to have been upset the whole day by Matenges death, Head (19871 89).The reader is sure it is not because he is grieving for his brother but he is unappreciative of the fuss and inconvenience that the death causes. Such is the fate of the antagonist of When rain clouds gather. The reader applauds Bessie Head on successfully creating a fitting villain who one cannot help but hate. SOURCES CONSULTED Byrne, D, Kalua, F & Scheepers, R. 2012. Foundations in English Literary Studies. Only study Guide for ENG1501. capital of South Africa University of South Africa Head, B. 1987. When Rain Clouds Gather. Heinemann.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Microfinance in the Philippines: An Overview
Microfinance is often defined as the provision of small loans, usually called microcredit, to the underprivileged in stage to help them put up their own businesses and become self-reliant. In the Philippines, where the poverty incidence rate stands at 40%, microfinance has begun to play a major purpose towards helping the poor explore different methods of sustainable development. The government has since helped this happen by establishing the Microfinance Unit (MFU) within the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC).There are some(prenominal) major microfinance institutions in the Philippines, but among the largest is that of the Ayala Corporation and the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). These institutions work towards reducing poverty through the different means of microfinance and sustainable development by conducting financial programs that will benefit the poor. Specifically, they provide financial services such as microcredit, microsavings or microinsu rance to the poor. These different forms of microfinance are largely through by the aforementioned institutions with support from the national government in terms of building up their institutional capacity to support greater scales of financial service.It has been noteworthy that the presence of a national microfinance strategy, as well as the establishment of various related institutions will work towards improving the Philippine economy. As outline in the national strategy for microfinance, one of the end goals of the multi-faceted program is to achieve a liberalized and market-oriented economy where both the private and government sectors work together in order to sustain the continued development of appropriately-oriented financial and credit policies.Overall, the practice of microfinance in the Philippines has yet to reach its full potential and only time merchantman tell if it will be an effective tool as a method of poverty reduction. ReferencesPerformance Monitoring Repo rt (2005). Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc.Retrieved October 22, 2007 from http// Framework for Microfinance in the Philippines (2001). Philippine Department ofFinance. Manila, Philippines DOFRepublic of the Philippines National Strategy for Microfinance. Global DevelopmentResearch Center Governance of Microfinance Institutions. Manila, PhilippinesNational Credit Council of the Philippines
Thursday, May 23, 2019
History of Napkin Folding
History of Napkin Napkins have been in used from the times of ancient popish Empire and prior to them, in ancient Greece. References to word serviettedates back to 1384 AD. Spartans from ancient Greece (around 4th century BC)are cognise to have used bread slices do from a lump of dough as table napkins to wipe their hands and it is possible that they ate these bread napkins after use. The ancient Romans (first to 5th century AD) are known to have used cloth napkins (called Mappa) to protect from food spill and wipe mouth. The guests brought their own napkins and carried away left-over delicacies in their Mappa.With the fall of Roman Empire, napkins disappeared from the eat table. Napkins returned to adorn the dining table many centuries later and the classic paintingLast Supperfrom 1464-1467 AD by Dieric Bouts depicts the use of Napkins on the dinner table. By 16th century, napkins were part of lively dining experience and came in many sizes, known by various names like diape r, serviette, touaille (for towel) depending on the size and intended use. 17th century axiom the use of big sized napkins measuring 35inches by 45 inches to help accommodate the needs of eating with bare hands instead of spoon/forks.The size reduced when forks and spoons were accepted as part of regular dining experience in major parts of Europe in the 18th century including cracking Britain. The 17th century also saw French come up with elaborate rules for nobility class which included instructions on napkin usage, a predecessor to modern day napkin etiquette, including the one which instructs the guests to not use the napkin for wiping the face or clean teeth or worse, rub nose. Asians Japanese, Thai, Chinese and Indians have not been using napkins during the meal.While Indians are known to use bare hands for meal and rely on water to wash their hands ahead and after each meal, Chinese and Japanese use those magical chopsticks which seem to pick up e reallything they eat, kee ping their hands clean and stain free. Types of Napkins Napkins are make of paper or cloth that is made of cotton or linen. Clothes are quite popular in glob dining piece of music strong foods and certain restaurants too tend to serve paper napkins. Big occasions like espousalss often go for paper napkins since sheer number of guests attending the wedding makes cloth napkins less practical.In general, cloth napkins are usually the prize for those who care for ambience and the environment. To me, cloth napkins are environment friendly while exuding a scent of luxury. Paper Napkin with Monograms It is often possible to have paper napkins ordered for marriages (and other special meal occasions) with names or initials of the bride and bridegroom embossed on the napkin. Customers are given the option of having custom colors, custom patterns, custom monograms imprinted on the napkin. The size of napkin provided at table varies from occasion and place of dining.Smaller size napkins o f astir(predicate) 5 inches x 5 inches are used when serving drinks or starters/appetizers or snacks. For lunch, larger sized napkins measuring about 14 inches to 20 inches feather size are provided. Napkins supplied for dinner are even bigger, often of size 20 inches to 22 inches square. The idea is to increase the size of the napkin as the beat of food/drinks served/consumed increases. This helps take care of the increased risk of spillage with increasing quantity of food and drinks. As a host, when providing napkins to your guests or customers, you need a accomplish a good balance of size and utility of the napkins.Napkins which are too big in size for the purpose can only increase wash load for little or no soil/spills on the napkins. Napkins are made of cotton or linen or linen-cotton mix, although it is possible that a few napkins are made of other materials like synthetic or silk. They come in variety of colors although snow-covered seems to be the most popular choice o f color. I prefer white napkins over others since it is well-situated to detect stains early with white napkins. Restaurant set with White Napkins I often see white napkins being used in restaurants.White conveys cleanliness since it is easy for guests/customers to see the care you have taken to ensure the napkin is clean, fresh and washed. Often napkins and table cloths are change together as a set to form one matching set of clothes adorning the dining table. Napkin Folding Aside from being advised about color, size and texture of the napkin used for dining, discerning hosts who care for ambience often go for variousnapkin foldsthat help the guests feel very welcome, convey a feeling that you value their company, that you are willing to go the extra mile to make the occasion a happy one.A great napkin fold adds to the setting. Some of the folds can be so creative and nice that it is difficult for us to make up our mind to unfold them during the start of the meal. This internet site has a number of napkin folds which will provide for a warm, friendly environment at lunch/dinner time. A few are easy yet elegant while others could require a little more time and skill. Pyramid Napkin Fold Some are more formal while others are pretty casual ones. Some of the folds take just a few minutes of your time and even those who have never folded earlier can do them relatively quickly.Start with the easy ones and then move on to more difficult folds. Some of these folds require stiff clothing or starching while ironing or washing. Try out multiple folds to see which ones you like or prefer. Apart from the many popular napkin folds listed here, you may find it helpful to visit a resource dedicated to paper folding Origami for more ideas on how to fold napkins. If you plan to try out complicated Origami folds, be resonant of the fact that an elegant napkin fold on a lunch/dinner table is less about demonstrating your mind skills than it is about setting the sense of h umour for a hearty meal.In other words, do not overdo napkin folding. History * Creative napkin folding may have started during the reign of Louis XIV, when hoi polloi decided to present napkins as an art form. However, napkin folding really took off around the turn of the last century. Function * A creatively folded napkin can make the simplest meal classier, and dinner guests are always impressed by an artfully folded napkin resting at their table setting. * Straight Vinyl SkirtingVinyl with secure hook designed to drape over the foam edge to floor. www. tiffinmats. com Significance * The art of napery folding has been compared to origami, and many different types of three-dimensional figures may be produced. Types * You can learn to fold napkins into pyramids, pockets for flatware, flowers, hats, fans, slippers and various animals. Considerations * The best type of cloth napkin to use for napkin folding is crisp linen, as it holds its shape discontinue than other types of clot h
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Cloudstreet Essay
How is your personal interpretation of Cloudstreet governed by its treatment of enduring values? Cloudstreet, a sprawling saga composed by Tim Winton, explores the enduring values of satisfaction, hope and the required unity of family that forms the basis for our existence. Through the overarching techniques of context and the use of the Australian vernacular, Winton presents his nostalgia for the traditional Australian life, as well as encouraging the responder to consider ordinary issues which lie at the core of human experience, such as the select to treat others equally.By passing the Pickles and the Lambs through a series of trials and tribulations, in concurrence with the strength of sagaic novels, Winton examines important ideas and philosophies about humankind. Through the examination of pivotal moments in spite of appearance the text, such as Fishs near drowning in the river, the responder is adequate to gain their interpretation of the book and its treatment of the u niversal values of reconciliation, hope and family unity.Cloudstreets treatment of the theme of reconciliation highlights the need for people to find reconciliation within their existences, hence showing individual reconciliation with the forces of existence to be a central thematic concern. In Cloudstreet, this idea is expressed through surface-to-air missiles meeting with the blackfella after he returns from voting. While Sam implements splitic Australian colloquialisms in his complaints about some rich bastard, he simultaneously plots to sell the house for some real money.This use of irony highlights Sams (symbolising the typical white man) ignorance of the fortune which he holds and which he considers to be mainstream. As a result, Sam is portrayed as a representative of white ignorance, and while he seems to be an average Australian, Winton portrays him to be a manifestation of what is wrong with Australia as, while Sam is able to sense the otherworldliness of the blackfella, he perseveres with his callous plans to exploit home and to be disconnected from his spiritual existence.This idea is save exemplified through Sams gesture of offering a cigarette to the blackfella. The symbolism in this image presents Sam as the epitome of all that the class that he represents is able to provide. Reconciliation provides the basis for the emergent and disturbing spiritualism of the house. The origins of the horror and ominous spirituality that exudes from the house lies in the misguided and ignorant need to socialise Aboriginals, evidenced in the horrendous treatment of theAboriginal girls in the house that emerges from this ignorant misunderstanding. Hence, through the metaphor of Sam, Winton comments upon contemporary social and political problems and especially the culture of denial within Australian culture at the time. This idea of the need for reconciliation is also expressed through the idea of family. The importance of family is another(prenominal) consis tent theme throughout the novel. In Debts, Winton explores the instinctive force that drives members of a family to protect one another, notwithstanding all previous conflict.This is evidenced through Lester and promptlys feelings of responsibility for Fish, which, particularly in the case of Quick, is driven by the guilt of Fishs near drowning. As Lester says, We owe him thingsdont forget Fishdont pretend to Fish. The despairing, beseeching tone represents his instinctive desire to help Fish, in order to find reconciliation within himself. This idea is further expressed in Ghostly sensations, where Rose supports Sam during his desperate attempt at suicide.Despite Roses feelings towards her fathers burden on the family, which Sam himself recongises, Im a weak stupid bastard. Rose assumes responsibility and protects her father. This is expressed through the motherly image of She grabbed his peak and pulled it to her breast. The characters demonstrate the almost primeval urge that drives family members to protect one another, effectively communicated through Wintons use of language.Thus, Winton shows his nostalgia for earlier times, when these values were at the core of Australian society. The theme of hope in Cloudstreet is expressed primarily through the Pickles stringent belief in the presence of the shifty touch. The motif of the shifty shadow runs throughout the novel, presenting itself as a satirisation of the ideas of conventional religion and its affiliated dogma, and establishes a means by which characters such as Sam and Rose justify the abysmal forces which govern their lives.The imagery of the spinning knife, which is used to decide whether the Lambs will start a shop or who is washing up, presents the idea that, for these characters, religion is more significant as a social context than as any element of a resolution of faith. The dislocation that the Pickles and the Lambs feel from the idea of God echoes Wintons view that the contemporary working class could not relate to Christian ideals because of their own lack of fortune.Sams own nterpretation of the shifty shadow reflects non-Jew views of the world, in that he maintains a respect for rituals that is fundamental to all societies. You stay right there till the shadows fallen across whoevers lucky or unlucky enough, and then when its all over, you go out and get on with your business. The colloquial tone of this sentence emphasises to the responder that, despite his working class background, there are ritualistic ideas bred into him and which he will not contravene.As such, Cloudstreets treatment of the theme of the shifty shadow examines spirituality as well as the unknowable. Cloudstreets treatment of the values of individual reconciliation, the importance of family and hope reflects its contextual situation, that of late 20th century Australia. Moreover, it reflects Wintons desperate longing for an era of post war Australia. Through a close examination of the text, the responder gains insight into the central and enduring values of Wintons society.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Net Present Value, Mergers and Acquisitions Essay
One financial goal of financial managers is to maximize the shareholders wealth. Therefore, unification and acquisition decisions should be consistent with shareholder wealth maximization, and financial characteristics of the targets to consider in the decision-making process. The crystallize present value method is one of the useful methods that swear out financial managers to maximize shareholders wealth. The slap-up budgeting decision mergers Acquisitions Net Present Value Financial managers are working for the shareholders and their primary goal is profit maximization in order to maximize the wealth of the company and the shareholders.The Capital budgeting decision focuses on the net present value method, the payback period, and the internal rate of return method. This root word has two parts, where the first aspect relates to the capital budgeting decision. This paper will recommend if Goggle should accept a new project by using the net present value method. Next, the pap er will hash out Googles authorization acquisition of Groupon and if it will bring in value to the shareholders of both corporations. Finally, this paper will sack a recommendation to Goggle and Groupon on the best course of action for a merger or acquisition.Part I First, a financial bowl has to make optimal decisions they will benefit the company. A financial manger has to know how to make money and smart investments in order to raise capital and put the money back into the company. The net present value is an important concept and useful tool to use to help financial managers make informed financial decisions. For instance, the net present value concept works with the capital budgeting decision to make an informed decision on a project and the potential for profits.In addition, net present value compares the value of a dollar today to the value of that same dollar in the future, taking inflation and returns into fib because dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the f uture. The time value of money concept takes into considerations that money has a different buying power in the future because of inflation and changes in interest rates. For example, if the net present value of a project is positive, then the company should accept the project, just now if the net present value of the project is negative then the company should not accept the project.Calculations 1) Calculate present value (PV) of interchange inflow (CF) sign Cash Outflow PV of CF = CF1 / (1+r)1 + CF2 / (1+r)2 + CF3 / (1+r)3 + CF4 / (1+r)4 + CF5 / (1+r)5 PV of CF= $1,750,000 (1+ 2) Calculate NPV NPV = Total PV of CF Initial cash outflow -Initial cash outflow + Total PV of CF r = Discount rate (14%) Part II Rumors about potential mergers and acquisitions are often a hot topic in the business press. Mergers and acquisitions can produce advantages and disadvantages for a company because it has both rewards and risks.Companies want to have in(predicate) and profitable mergers that would have value to their shareholders. One of the most common motives for mergers is growth. There are two broad ways a firm can grow. The first is through internal growth. This can be slow and ineffective if a firm is want to take advantage of a window of opportunity in which it has a short-term advantage over competitors. The faster alternative is to merge and acquire the demand resources to achieve competitive goals ( Googles potential acquisition of Groupon would add value to the shareholders of both corporations, especially Groupon.The recent footing per share for Google is $1,130. 18 and the recent price per share for Groupon is $11. 56. The Groupon company was a new company that made over one billion dollars in sale their first year in business. In 2010, when Groupon first started it was a new idea and a new rank that byeed daily deals. Google wanted to buy Groupon for six billion dollars but the deal the daily-deals site that became the quickest firm to rack up $1 bi llion in sales and the second-quickest, behind video behemoth YouTube, to hit a $1 billion valuation.Online acquisitions didnt get any bigger than this (Sennett, 2012). The impact on Google shareholders would be a negative impact on their stock. For example, in that location is also a cognizance in the market that Google would not acquire Groupon as it will have a negative impact on Googles stock. This cogency be dependable for the shorter-term but not for the longer-term period as Groupon grows and delivers better performance (Seeking Alpha, 2012). In addition, if Google was to acquire Groupon then Google will face tax losses.The impact on Groupon shareholders would add value to the company because Google would back it and the company could come up with more innovative ways to keep and attract new customers. The business concept for Groupon could wizard to duplications by other businesses. Groupon stock would increase and the company could have made millions of dollars off a m erger with Google, since Google is already a profitable company. The financial conditions of both corporations prior to the merger were outstanding. For example, Groupon had an annual revenue of more than $500 million and the company was estimated at $1.4 billion. On the other hand, Google was already a successful company with shares of over $600. Google Investors, however, seemed focused on Groupons valuation, which was estimated at 1. 4 billion during its last fund-raising round in April. Shares in Google fell 4. 5 percent, to $555. 71 the stock was battered by news that European regulators had opened an antitrust investigation (Rusli, Worthham, 2010). Google and the Groupon Company would be more profitable if they remain separate companies because Google was already very successful. For instance, Groupon business model could be easily copied.In addition, Groupon expanded to fast, and their stock sold for over $20 then dropped to $13 in little than a year. For example, the leader s at Grouon wanted to grow the company as fast as possible, and then cash out on the company. This was an outrageous offer for a company that had reported just $30 million in revenue for all of 2009, and any ordinary startup would have taken it. exactly Groupons growth in 2010 was off the charts, and bankers from Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs were salivating at the prospect of leading its public offering.Goldman chief Lloyd Blankfein made the trip to Chicago personally to woo Groupon. The bankers skint out all these charts, said a source familiar with the meetings. They showed Eric a growth matrix that projected Groupon would be worth $25 billion in a few years. When he saw that, Google was toast (Popper, 2013). Finally, a merger between Groupon and Google could take years because of the antitrust laws. An acquisition is successful when the company has a clear plan with specific objectives and a timeline to complete the deal.In addition, successful acquisitions also include a wa y to finance the acquisition whether it is equity financing, cash reserves, or debt financing. A merger is successful when there is effective communication, effective leadership, and clear objectives and planning. In addition, successful mergers also involves the elimination of power struggles and Potential pitfalls might the combined entity actually be less profitable than either company operating independently? What are the risk factors with this potential acquisition?Explain and discuss financing options for financing mergers and acquisitions Even though bidding firms will pay a premium to acquire resources through mergers, this total cost is not inescapably more expensive than internal growth, in which the firm has to incur all of the costs that the normal trial and error process may impose. While there are exceptions, in the vast majority of cases growth through mergers and acquisitions is significantly faster than through internal means Apply principles of risk and valuation depth psychology to mergers and acquisitions
Monday, May 20, 2019
Difference between Issues and Problems
Some business managers mistakenly use the endpoint affair and job interchangeably however, doing so may complicate the daily decision making processes by lumping all issues and problems together and possibly make a bad situation worse. Separating issues from problems helps to prevent smaller issues from worthy problems.This business practice is so important that there is an entire management discipline predictably called, issue management (IM). The Dow Jones says that successful issue management depends on addressing concerns before they become full blown problems.1Therefore, it is deduced that issues atomic number 18 smaller, less threatening and require minimal effort to find resolution but left unbridled could expose the organization to greater risk. There is an analogy to help put this concept into proper situation forgetting your lunch is an issue, but losing your job is a problem. 2 Therefore, the difference between an Issue and a problem can be explained this way, Pro blems are solved. Issues need to be resolved. To solve is to explain and to resolve is to key a thing into its component parts or elements, then determine a course of action.
Group 1 Syllabus
G R O U P I S E R V I C E S (HONS. DEGREE STANDARD) SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Minimum limiting marks for favor for oral examination Test SC/ST/ B. Cs Oth PH ers Minimum qualifying marks for consideration for filling SC/ST B. Cs. Othe /PH rs Maximum Marks Dura-tion Subject 1 SCREENING TEST ecumenical Studies & intellectual Ability (Objective Type) 150 Questions. WRITTEN EXAMINATION (CONVENTIONAL TYPE) A. COMPULSORY SUBJECTS full general English Paper-I. General Essay Paper-II. i. annals & Cultural heritage of India with emphasis on 20th century account statement of India. i. Social history of Andhra Pradesh i. e. , the history of various social and cultural movements in Andhra Pradesh iii. General overview of the Indian Constitution Paper-III i) Planning in India & Indian Economy ii) Land Reforms and social changes in Andhra Pradesh after independence iii) Andhra Pradeshs Economy, present status its strengths and weaknesses Paper-IV i) The occasion and impact of scientific dis cipline & Technology in the learning of India with emphasis on the applied aspects ii) General cognisance with the modern trends in life sciences. ii) Development and environmental problems Paper-V i) Data appreciation and interpretation ii) The candidates will be asked to draw their own conclusion from the data presented in the tabular form in graphical or otherwise iii) Problem solving punctually structured situation will be presented to the candidates and they will be asked to suggest their own resolving powers to the problem arising out of situation. Alternatively, they whitethorn be called upon to prove the understanding of the situation by answering indisputable searching questions based on the situation TOTAL 2 2? (Hours) 3 150 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 3 3 50 150 150 3 150 3 150 3 150 225. 00 262. 50 300. 00 750 75 B. ORAL TEST (INTERVIEW) 247. 50 288. 75 330. 00 GRAND TOTAL 825 1 Other significant Points 1. There will be a Screening Test (Objective type) comprising General Studi es and cordial Ability. This test is meant for short-listing the weigh of candidates to be admitted to the Written (Conventional Type) Examination i. e. , consisting of six compulsory papers. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Written examination (conventional type) would be 50 ms to the vacancies available at material time irrespective of Communities. . The papers except General English may be answered in English or Telugu or Urdu chosen by the candidates. However, a candidate is not permitted to write part of the paper in English and part of it in Telugu or Urdu. 3. Candidates must appear for all the papers in Main examination and Oral test, who qualified for the same. thoughtless in any of the above will be liable for disqualification. 4. The General English paper is for qualifying unity and the standard of this paper is that of S. S. C. The minimum qualifying marks in this paper are 40% for O. Cs. , 35% for B.Cs. and 30% for SC/ST/PH. These marks are not counted for Ranking. 5. In the event of the S. C. and S. T. candidates not orgasm up for selection with the existing minimum prescribed for the selection in the competitive examination conducted by the delegation, their selection shall be considered on the basis of Rank with reference to their performance in the Written and Oral competitive examination. 6. Hall Tickets for admission to the Written Examination will be sent to the admitted candidates. There is no need to submit separate application for this purpose.After Written Examination, eligible candidates will be called for an call into question at the ratio of 12 with reference to the number of vacancies duly following the special mental representation as laid down in General Rule-22 of A. P. State and Subordinate Service Rules. Sd/- Secretary 10/01/2008 2 GROUP- I SERVICES SYLLABUS GENERAL STUDIES AND MENTAL ABILITY (SCREENING TEST OBJECTIVE TYPE) 1. General Science Contemporary increases in Science and Technology and their imp lications including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made a special canvas of any scientific discipline. . Current events of national and international importance. 3. History of India emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, cultural and political aspects with a focus on AP Indian National Movement. 4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP. 5. Indian law and Economy including the countrys political system- rural development Planning and economic see the lights in India. 6. Mental ability reasoning and inferences. MAIN EXAMINATION (CONVENTIONAL TYPE) GENERAL ENGLISH (X CLASS STANDARD, QUALIFYING FOR INTERVIEW) . Comprehension 2. Precis-writing 3. Re-arrangement of sentences 4. bailiwick of sentences 5. Synonyms 6. Antonyms 7. Filling in the blanks 8. Correction of spellings 9. Vocabulary and usage 10. Idioms and phrases 11. Verb tenses 12 . Prepositions 13. Active voice and Passive voice 14. split of speech PAPER-I GENERAL ESSAY (Candidate should write three Essays one from each component compulsorily. Each section contains three topics. Each Essay carries 50 marks. ) instalment-I SECTION-II Crisis management, Social problems, Analysis and solutions. Current events of national and international importance. SECTION III Current events relating to State of Andhra Pradesh. 3 PAPER-II SECTION-I HISTORY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE OF INDIA WITH EMPHASIS ON twentieth CENTURY HISTORY OF INDIA 1. Indus complaisantization Vedic Civilization Distinction amid Indus polish and Vedic Civilisation Evolution of Varna, Jathi/caste system apparitional condition Emergence of Religious Movements (Jainism, Buddhism and other sects) parachute of Magadha Imperialism Rise of Mahayana and Development of Art (Gandhara, Mathura and other Schools). . Advent of Islam and its impact In fluence of Islam on Indian Culture Religious Mov ements Nature and significance of Bhakti Movements Growth of vernacular oral communications, publications, fine arts, architecture, monuments, Indo-Persian art and architecture Vijayanagara empire and their contribution to art, writings and culture socio-economic conditions, administration, fall of Vijayanagar empire the Great Moghals and their contribution to Indian Fine Art, Architecture and Fine arts Rise of Shivaji. . Stages of colonialism changes in administrative structure and politics factors leading for the British supremacy, assistance of Indian Powers and the causes of failures Civil rebellions Revolt of 1857 and its impact Rise of nationalist consciousness and factors for the developing of Indian Nationalism and Freedom exertion Three Phases 1885-1905, 1905-1920, 1920-47 and significance of Gandhian Era. 4.Rise and growth of Socio-Religious-cultural anti-caste, Dalit and non-Brahmin, Justice/selfrespect movements in modern India Social reform organisa tions and graphic symbol of intellectuals Raja Ram Mohan Roy Dayanand Saraswathi Jyotiba Phule Narayana Guru Mahathma Gandhi Ambedkar and others. 5. Nationalist Literature growth of peasant and labour movements role of collectivist parties in antifeudal and anti-colonial struggles-rise and growth of Womens movements origin and growth of communalism workers and peasant movements freedom and partition of India important diachronic events after independence.SECTION-II SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1. The Satavahanas and their contribution social structure religious conditions growth of literature and painting Ikshvakus and their cultural contribution Growth of Buddhism in Andhra Pradesh The Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi and their importance socio-cultural contribution growth of Telugu language & Literature education and learning Religious Sects growth of art and architecture. Socio- Cultural and Religious conditions in Andhra Desha between 1000 AD 1565 AD Growth of Telugu Language and Literature Nannaya- Molla etc. fine arts and architecture Monuments Significance Contribution of Qutubshahis to Telugu language and Literature Art- Architecture- Monuments. Modern Andhra Socio-cultural awakening in Andhra Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj, Theosohica society Adi-Andhra, Movements and role of Veereshalingam and others Non-Brahmin, Adi- Andhra /Dalit and Justice/self respect movements Gurram Joshuva Boyi Bheemanna Sri Sri and others Growth of Nationalist Movement in Andhra and the Andhra Leaders during the Freedom essay utilisation of socialists communists antizamindari-kisan movements.Asafjahi Dynasty socio-cultural awakening in Telangana -Adi-Hindu Movement Nizam Rashtra Janasangham Andhra Mahasabha Andhra Saaraswata Parishat The role of Hyderabad State Congress and Vandemataram Movement. Telangana Peoples gird Struggle Ittehadul-Muslimeen Razakars-anti-Nizam Struggles and end of Nizams Rule and integration of Hyderabad State in Indian Union makeup of Andhra Pradesh. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4SECTION-III GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION 1. Nature of the Constitution constitutional developments salient features Preamble essential Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy and their relationship Fundamental Duties, Distinctive features of Indian Federation. Distribution of Legislative Powers between the Union and the State Administrative and Financial relations between the Union and the States Powers and the functions of Constitutional Bodies.Unicameral and bicameral Legislatures Functions and crises of accountability, decline of legislature Delegated Legislation Legislative and Judicial control over the delegated legislation Judicial fall over of administrative action. Amendment of the Constitution Basic Structure Theory Emergency Provisions and Decentralisation Community development experiment 3 tier model of Panchayat Raj 73rd and 74th amendments and their implementati on.Welfare Mechanism in India Provisions for plan castes, Tribes and Minorities Reservations for SC, ST and Backward classes Prevention of SC and ST Atrocities Act National and State SC and ST Commission Womens Commission National and State Minorities Commission and Human Rights Commission. 2. 3. 4. 5. PAPER-III SECTION-I PLANNING IN INDIA & INDIAN ECONOMY 6. 7. National and per capita income and tender-hearted development Sectoral changes in the Indian Economy (GDP and work force). Indian Planning Objectives, priorities, specific aims of the recent 5 year plan experience and problems.Changes in the role of public-Private Sectors and their shares in the total plan outlay onward and after economic reforms. Poverty and unemployment problems magnitude and measures initiated to ameliorate them. Monetary policy Structure of Indian Banking and non-banking financial institutions and reforms in them since the 1990sregulation of cite by RBI. Pattern of revenue, expenditure and publi c debt and effects on the economy. 8. 9. 10. SECTION-II LAND REFORMS & SOCIAL CHANGES IN A. P. AFTER INDEPENDENCE 1. . 3. Historical background of land reforms and the change in laws from time to time Intermediaries abolition, tenancy reforms, ceilings on holdings and land issues in A. P. Structure of the Andhra Pradesh economy its sectoral and regional dispersion and the extent of poverty. Agricultural inputs and technology. Demographic features and social backwardness, literacy and occupation structure changes in the sectoral distribution of income and employment. Socio-political and economic dominance of women.State finances and budgetary policy tax structure, sharing central taxes, expenditure pattern in revenue and capital account as well as plan and non-plan accounts. Public debt composition interior and external debt including World Bank loans. Five year plans of AP Outlays, financing public sector plan and resource allocation pattern in the recent 5 year plan. 4. 5 . 5 SECTION III ANDHRA PRADESHS ECONOMY, PRESENT STATUS, ITS STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Growth and structure of industries in AP Factories, small and tiny sectors, their comparison, growth, weaknesses and problems.Structure of agricultural outputs. Administrated prices including support and procural prices Public Distribution System in Andhra Pradesh. Regional disparities in income, industrial output, rainfall, irrigation, health and education in AP. Institutional and non-institutional sources of rural credit in AP structure and growth cooperatives and their share in total credit adequacy and problems. Service Sector of AP Importance, composition and growth with special reference to transport and communication, tourism and nurture technology.PAPER-IV SECTION-I ROLE AND IMPACT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIA whole 1 National policy of science and technology and changes in the policy from time to time, Technology Missions. unit of measurement 2 Space political platform in India and its applications with special reference to industrial, agricultural and other rural developmental activities, INSAT and IRS systems. UNIT 3 Role of Information Technology in Rural India, basics of computers, computers in communication and broadcasting, software development in economic growth.Broad IT applications. UNIT 4 Energy Resources Energy demands, renewable energy resources, nuclear energy, the development and its utilisation in the country. UNIT 5 Current Science & Technology Developments in India, Climate change, disaster Management (Floods, Cyclones and Tsunami) Crop science in India, Fertilisers, Control of pests and diseases scenario in India Drinking water and supply, urbanisation and industrial development. SECTION-II GENERAL AWARENESS WITH THE MODERN TRENDS IN LIFE SCIENCES UNIT 1Progress of Agricultural Science and its impacts Introduction to Biotechnology History of fermentation development, industrially important fermentatio n products (antibiotics, organic acids, alcohols, vitamins, amino acids (only one in each category is to be studied)) Production of low volume, high value fermentation products (insulin, growth hormones, recombinant vaccinums, interferons) UNIT 2 Plants and human affairs, characteristics of plants, usefulness for mankind, origin of agriculture, useful and harmful plants.Introduction to animals, Domestic and nutty animals, usefulness of animals for mankind, Exploitation of animals by man for food and medical advancements. UNIT 3 Introduction to and applications of inheritable Engineering & Stem Cell Research Basic concepts (the basic process of genetic engineering) Biotechnology in agriculture (Biofertilisers, Biopesticides, Biofuels, Genetically modified crops, Tissue culture) animal husbandry (transgenic animals- applications) and environment (Biotechnology in Environmental wanton up processes). UNIT 4 Microbial infections Common present day infections and preventive measures .Introduction to bacterial, viral, protozoic and fungal infections. Basic knowledge of infections caused by different free radicals of micro organisms diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, viral infections like HIV, encephalitis, chikungunya, bird flu preventive measures during out breaks. UNIT 5 Vaccines Introduction to immunity, Fundamental concepts in vaccination and traditional methods of vaccine production (production of DPT and Rabies vaccine), Production of Modern Vaccines (production of Hepatitis vaccine), Applications of immunological methods in diagnosis. SECTION-III DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT PROBLEMS UNIT 1 Environmental Segments, Promoting Environmental Protection, The Environment (Protection) Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act, Water pollution Cess Act, timber conservation Act, Environmentalism UNIT 2 Natural Resources Forest Resources Types of Forests, Uses of Forests.Water Resources- Types of Dams, Drought Occurrences and Floods, Land Resources Soils and Cropping patterns, Mineral resources. UNIT 3 Eco-Systems and Bio-diversity Terminology of Ecology, Basic Concepts of Ecology, concept of an Ecosystem, Food Chains in Eco systems, Types of Eco systems. Biodiversity and its conservation Types of biodiversity, Hotspots of Biodiversity, threats to diversity. UNIT 4 Environment Pollution and steady Waste Management Air Pollution, water pollution, Soil Pollution, Noise pollution.Solid Waste Management Types of Solid waste, Factors affecting the solid waste generation, Impact of solid wastes, Recycling and reuse. UNIT 5 Role of Information Technology in Environment and Human Health. Global Environmental Issues like Climate Change, Acid Rain, Global warming, Wasteland Reclamation, Watershed management, watershed approach for sustainable development. PAPER-V DATA commentary AND PROBLEM SOLVING 1. 2. Data appreciation and interpretation using ratios, percentages and av erages.Drawing conclusions from the data present in tabular, graphical and diagrammatical forms and to point out deficiencies, limitations or inconsistencies therein. Problem solving using the following a) Sequences and serial Analogies of numbers and alphabets, completion of blank spaces in ab,c,d, odd thing out, missing number in a sequence or series. Coding and decoding problems A given word or group of letters in English are to be coded or decoded based on the given code(s). . b) c) Date, time and arrangement problems Calender and clock problems, blood relationship and seating arrangements. Passage Analysis A duly structured situation will be presented to the candidates and they will be asked to analyse and suggest their own solution to the problem arising out of situation. Alternatively, they may be called upon to prove the understanding of the situation by answering certain searching questions based on the situation. d) Sd/- Secretary 7
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Foot Binding, Status and Society in Early China Essay
In early on China, the Han Dynasty to the determination of the Manchu Dynasty, there was a practice greetn as nates covering. Foot spinal column was considered a emblem of status for women for some(prenominal) reasons. The disabling effects of pes screen caused women not to be able to recruit in any form of hard labour, it confined them to the home, and was considered erotic by men, thus acceptable. The explanation for binding ones feet tells us that society at the time was extremely patriarchal, that a womens chastity was extremely important, and that it was clamant for women to conform to changing ethnic ideals.Foot binding was a practice that started during the Tang Dynasty when a prince, Li Yo, enjoyed watching his concubine dance before him with tiny alternate lily feeti. Since then it became popular in the Han Dynasty. Women would lave and massage their daughters feet, turn their toes under, and then they would break their daughters arches, and finally wrap the basis tightly in a cotton bandage pulling the big toe and heel together as well as hold the rest of the toes in placeii. The average length of the foot was three inches after the process had been completed.This caused the foot to be seriously deformed. The women would be disabled to the point where they could barely walk of life sometimes toes would even thole off as a result of the bindingsiii. Working and peasant class women would not usually project their feet bound because it was necessary for them to be able to do manual labour, scarce if mothers desired for their daughters to marry into proper families they would risk losing their daughters labour to bind their daughters feet. pic Foot binding was considered a symbol of status for several reasons, many elating to how women were seen during this era.The earlier Chinese peoples had a society based on Confucian values. Confucianism has its asylum on the Yin and Yang idealiv. Yin is the representative of all that is bad, wea k, and female and Yang is all that is grave, strong, and male. The same can be seen in early Chinese values. At the time of foot binding the Chinese felt that women were weak, immoral, and should be subservient to men. custody felt that the female body should be repressed to keep it chaste and to keep women in their modest place. in that locationfore the bound foot allowed women to show their loyalty, publicly, to these ideals. A char who lived as an obedient and chaste psyche was desirable to men at the time and foot binding was a way for women to show that they were this way. There are other reasons as well, why foot binding was used as an emblem of status. in like manner being a sign of chastity and obedience in a woman, being desirable traits, foot binding was used to show that a female was of a wealthy background (in the beginning). A woman who had her feet bound as a child could not endure standing for any lengthy stopover of time unassisted.Standing on a bound foot was very painful and most carried a cane to shift their weight on. and then, if women could barely stand with bound feet, they also could not work. This meant that only women from families that could open to do without their labour could afford to bind their feet. As a result when a mans family, of wealthy background, was in search of a bride they would search for a bride with bound feet because they not only would know that she was from a wealthy background herself, but knew she would not leave the home often, and would not cheat.Mothers often started the binding process on their daughters as young as four years old to ensure their daughters a good marriage later in lifev. This shows that it was important for a woman to marry into a good family because women were unforced to endure such pain for elevated social status and a secure life. When foot binding was prevalent, a mans needs were second only to a parents needs. When men began to find foot binding physically erotic many women had their feet bound to make themselves to a greater extent attractive to the opposite sex.Just as women today squeeze their feet into tight torturous high heels for the saki of cosmetics, Chinese women bound their feet for the same reason for the sake of being more physically attractive for men. custody found the staggering dance-like walkvi of the bound foot to be extremely erotic. As well the struggle to walk actually made the muscles of the vagina tighter, increasing sexual pleasure for menvii. During this period men found the foot to be the most alluring part of the female body, when tightly bound to a length of three inches.Therefore not only was a bound foot a symbol of wealth and adherence to cultural values, but it was also a sign of beauty. The Manchu Dynasty tried to abolish the tradition of foot binding during its rule, but failed. The practice of foot binding went on in China for approximately one thousand years. It was illegalise after 1911 when the Manchu Dynasty fell. There are actually women who still practice foot binding today because they timber it is attractive, but their numbers are very smallviii.Though the practice is almost extinct today, foot binding continued somewhat after its being outlawed for the sake of tradition which is very important in Chinese culture, then and now. The entire practice of foot binding tells the historian a lot well-nigh Chinese society up to the end of the reign of the Manchu Dynasty. Foot binding shows how China was an extreme patriarchy. fellowship at the time felt that a womans place was in the home and to be chaste, a bound foot kept her there. A woman who had bound feet openly showed that she was more than willing to conform to the values of the age for the sake of status.The practice of foot binding also showed that when it came time to be married it was important to be from a wealthy background to ensure a good match, and perceptual constancy within the marriage. Finally, foot binding shows tha t in this era women were seen as objects for they enjoyment of men. From the first concubine who bound her feet and danced for a prince to satisfy his desire, to later women who did it to be seen as sexual objects, foot binding has been a system to gratify mens desires, despite the pain and malformation it causes.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Manage Budgets And Financial Plans Essay
This project, I chose Woolworths moderate Annual Report 2012 to answer the by-line questions To whom is this state disseminated and how is this done?The pecuniary report provides pot who be pastimeed in a partnership much(prenominal) as sh beholders, lenders, analysts and employees with schooling closely the pecuniary consummation and mo authoriseary position of the participation( A guide to understanding one- family reports 2012). It is one means by which directors of the union advise sh beholders on how the work has performed during the year. The financial report besides provides cultivation to look atholders on how the directors put up discharged their responsibilities. In most other words, Current sh arholders and potential investors remain the primary audiences for yearbook reports. Employees (who today are also likely to be shareholders), customers, suppliers, participation withdrawers, and the community-at-large are also targeted audiences.Empl oyeesThe yearly report serves some(prenominal) purposes with employees. It provides steering with an opportunity to praise employee innovation, quality, team ope dimensionn, and commitment, all of which are critical components in overall business success. In addition, an annual report git also be used as a vehicle to relate those political party successesa new contract, a new product, cost-saving initiatives, new applications of products, expansions into new geographiesthat hold an impact on its work force. Seeing a successful project or initiative profiled in the annual report gives inscriptionation to the employees responsible for the success. The annual report kindle help increase employee understanding of the different parts of the company. umpteen manufacturing locations are in remote areas, and an employees understanding of the company often does not go beyond the facility where he or she works. An annual report can be a source for discipline about each of a companys product lines, its operating locations, and who is leading the various trading operations. The annual report can assign employees how they fit into the big picture. Employees also are often shareholders. So, like other shareholders, these employees can use the annual report to help gauge their investment in the company. In this case, the annual report can serve as areminder to employees of the impact that the work they do has on the value of the companys stock value.CustomersCustomers want to work with quality suppliers of goods and services, and an annual report can help a company promote its image with customers by highlighting its embodied mission and summation values. Describing company initiatives designed to improve manufacturing processes, reduce costs, create quality, or enhance service can also illustrate a companys customer orientation. Finally, the annual report can also show the companys financial strength. Customers are reducing their number of suppliers, and one eva luation criterion is financial strength. They want committed and capable suppliers that are going to be around for the long term.SuppliersA companys abilities to meet its customers requirements will be seriously compromised if it is saddled with inept or undependable suppliers. favored companies today flyingly weed out such companies. By highlighting internal measurements of quality, innovation, and commitment, annual reports can send an implicit message to suppliers about the companys expectations of outside vendors. Sometimes an annual report will even offer a profile of a supplier that the company has found exemplary. such a profile serves two purposes. First, it rewards the supplier for its work and serves to gain ground cement the business affinity. Second, it provides the companys other suppliers with a better understanding of the level of service desired (and the rewards that can be reaped from such service).The CommunityCompanies invariably pay a great deal of attention to their reputation in the community or communities in which they operate, for their reputations as corporate citizens can have a decisive impact on bottom-line financial performance. A company would much rather be known for its sponsorship of a benefit pilot ladder event than for poisoning a local river, whatever its other attributes. Annual reports, then, can be invaluable pricks in burnishing a companys public image. Many annual reports discuss community initiatives undertaken by the company, including community renovation projects, charitable contributions, volunteer efforts, and programs to help protect the environment. The objective is to present the company as a proactivemember of the community. This sort of publicity also can be valuable when a company is making plans to move into a new community. Companies seek warm welcomes in new communities (including tax revenue breaks and other incentives).Communities will woo a company perceived as a good corporate citizen more z ealously than one that is not. The good corporate citizen also will receive less granting immunity from local interest groups. The companys annual report will be one document that all affected parties will pore over in evaluating the business. The way that the company publish it annual report, most listed companies publish their financial avouchments and reports on their website and notify shareholders of its action including Woolworths Limited. Alternatively, a company may elect to send shareholders a hard copy or a concise report. A shareholder has the practiced to receive a hard copy, but must specifically request the printed version. Copies are lodged with ASIC and the ASX and are on tap(predicate) for inspection online.Why do these people need the training contained in the annual report? Those people need the information contained in the annual report because the financial accounts provide a wealth of information that is useful to various users of financial information, as summarised belowUserInterest in / Use of bill InformationInvestorsInvestors are concerned about risk and return in relation to their investments. They require information to decide whether they should continue to invest in a business. They also need to be able to survey whether a business will be able to pay dividends, and to measure the performance of the business anxiety overall LendersBanks and other financial institutions who lend money to a business require information that helps them located whether loans and interest will be paid when collect CreditorsSuppliers and patronage creditors require information that helps them understand and respect the short-term liquidity of a business. Is the business able to pay short-term debt when it falls payable?Customers & DebtorsCustomers and trade debtors require information about the ability of the business to survive and prosper. As customers of the companys products, they have a long-term interest in the companys range of prod ucts and services. They may even be dependent on the business for certain products or services EmployeesEmployees (and organisations that represent them e.g. trade unions) require information about the stability and continuing winningsability of the business. They are crucially interested in information about employment prospects and the maintenance of pension funding and retirement benefits. They are also likely to interested in the pay and benefits obtained by senior managementGovernmentThere are many government agencies and departments that are interested in accounting information. For example, the IR&CE needs information on business profitability in order to levy and collect Corporation Tax. Various regulatory agencies (e.g. the Competition Commission and the environment Agency) need information to support decisions about takeovers and grants, for example.AnalystsInvestment analysts are an important user group specifically for companies quoted on a stock exchange. They requ ire very comminuted financial and other information in order to analyses the competitive performance of a business and its sector. Much of this is provided by the detailed accounting disclosures that are required by the London Stock Exchange. However, additional accounting information is usually provided to analysts via formal company briefings and interviews. familiar publicInterest groups, formed by various groups of individuals who have a specific interest in the activities and performance of businesses, will also require accounting information.Table User of account (Riley 2012)What financial information does the report offer-describe the contents of the report and explain Under the Companies make out is required to prepare a sterilise of accounts that give a true and blank view of its profit or loss for the yearand of its state of affairs at the year end. Woolworths Annual accounts includePerformance SummaryGrowth Plans chairmans ReportManaging Directors ReportThe Results in BriefFood, Liquor and PetrolGeneral MerchandiseHotelsHome ImprovementConsumer ElectronicsDiscontinued OperationsOverheads, Expenses and Balance SheetCapital Management and candidateBoard of DirectorsDirectors Statutory ReportRemuneration ReportAuditors Independence Declaration merged Governance StatementFinancial Report to ShareholdersShareholder InformationFor Woolworths Limited, It is a parent company due to it also owns other companies subsidiaries. Therefore, there are consolidated accounts in its annual report. There are many contents contained in Woolworths Limited Annual Report because Woolworths is the big company and also owns other companies subsidiaries which lead to many transactions occurred in the company. Therefore, I will explain some contents to give some idea. Managing Directors Report The directors report of a listed company is required to contain information that shareholders of the company would reasonably require to make an informed assessment of the operatio ns of the company reported on the financial position of that company the business strategies of that company and its prospects for futurefinancial years (unless their inclusion would be immoderately prejudicial) The report by the directors will identify the names of the directors and officers of the company, and is required to contain information about options including share options, executive options, indemnity and insurance. The directors report includes a remuneration report that must include a sermon of the boards policy on remuneration and its relationship to company performance. The remuneration report includes information about the cost to the company of providing its directors and key management personnel with short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, other long-term employee benefits, marches benefits and share-based payment arrangements.For the managing directors report of Woolworths reveal that Woolworths pleased to report that we are making hearty progre ss against their goals. Also, for this financial year Woolworths pleased to report a solid increase in net profit after tax from continuing operations of 3.6% and by the end of FY12 Woolworths was Australias leading online retailer. These statement shows that they were achieve their goals and success during financial year 2012.Directors declarationThe Directors declare that(a) in the Directors opinion, there are probable grounds to believe that the Company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable (b) in the Directors opinion, the attached financial statements are in compliance with International Financial coverage Standards, as stated in Note 1 to the Financial Statements (c) in the Directors opinion, the attached Financial Statements and notes thereto are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including compliance with accounting standards and giving a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the consolidated entity and (d) the Directors have been given the declarations required by s.295A of the Corporations Act 2001.Examine the financial summaries for information about the fiscal condition of the company. Did the company show a profit? Yes, Woolworths show a profitand for financial results net profit after tax from continuing operations increased 3.6 per cent to $2.18 billion on total Group sales from continuing operations of $55.1 billion, up 4.8 per cent. These results were affected by provisioning for the disposal of the Consumer Electronic business, which has been impacted in recent years by operative price deflation, around the world. On a one off basis, this reduced our aftertax meshing by 14.5% and earnings per share by 14.9%, compared to the previous year.What sorts of recommendations are made and what suggestions are made regarding business activities for the up-coming year? Business activities for the up-coming yearLeadership in food and liquorAct on Woolworths portfolio to maximize sh areholder valueMaintain track record of building new growthWoolworths expect further earnings growth in FY13, with net profit after tax from continuing operations evaluate to grow in the range of 3% 6% (on a normalised 52 week basis), subject to the uncertainties detailed above (note FY13 will be a 53 week year).Section 2Explain the following statement.proportion analysis can help in measuring business performance and setting objectives/goals. Ratio Analysis is a form of Financial Statement Analysis that is used to obtain a quick indication of a firms financial performance in several key areas. The ratios are categorized as Short-term Solvency Ratios, Debt Management Ratios, Asset Management Ratios, Profitability Ratios, and Market Value Ratios. Also, ratio Analysis as a tool possesses several important features. The data, which are provided by financial statements, are readily available. The computation of ratios facilitates the comparison of firms which differ in size. Ratios can be used to compare a firms financial performance with industry averages.In addition, ratios can be used in a form of trend analysis to identify areas where performance has improved or deteriorated over time. However, ratios are not just a device used by accountants, but a useful tool that identifies strengths and weaknesses of a business and leads to questions about performance thatshould result in action. Moreover, ratios can be used to set performance goals. For instance, a business seeking to improve its cash flow position may do so by setting targets to reduce average debtors and inventory turnover (Manage budgets and financial plans 2010). Understanding the relationship between these items and their impact on cash flow, gives greater control over the business and the ability to understandably communicate performance objectives.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Literary Analysis Paper – Cathedral
Literary Analysis paper cathedral duomo by Raymond Carver tells us short recital about a cover human who comes to holler his friend and her married man. In the story, even though the husband back end technically probe and has a public sight, in the beginning of the story he is the one who shows the signs of true blindness through inability to down Robert beyond his blindness, incapability to communicate with Robert, him feeling uncomfortable and acting awkward around Robert. The husband does not realize how Roberts blindness changes him as human being.Carver skillfully shows the occurrence of change in the personality of the husband from being very awkward around a blind man to coming to realization that Robert is a person and not just a blind man. In the story, Cathedral Carver exacts out the invention of husbands spiritual blindness and the theme of broke married couple to shows what is wrong with the contemporary earth. Carver portrays husbands spiritual blindness to show parallel to the spiritual blindness of the modern world.The narrator cops his wifes blind friend as tick and not as a whole person. The narrator is not enthusiastic about the visit because blind pile make the narrator uncomfortable and his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movie the blind move slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing-eye dogs. The blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to (114). In this way, Carver shows how spiritual blindness can limit people in our everyday livelihood just as it did the husband.In reality, spiritually blind people atomic number 18 unable to understand matters beyond their physical site. The theme that Carver touched in the Cathedral of the spiritually blind verses physically blind has been touched in the Bible as hearty. Passage in John 91-41 points out an interesting comparison among physical and spiritual blindness that takes nonplus in this passage. It mainly describes how a blind man who believed in Jesus as the Son of deity was forgiven and men with sight who could not see what the blind man saw remained in their sin.It very oftentimes gives reassures that personal understanding of the truth, understanding of the things beyond your physical sight be far more all important(predicate) that the physical. Carver brings this theme in order to show the reader the problematic spiritual blindness of our modern society that looks more at the physical rather than looking at thing in a more deeper and meaningful prospective. Another way in which Carver points out the concept of broken union kinds in our society is by portraying characters as being in an unhappy, depressed marriage relationship.The narrator lacks true marriage relationship with his wife, as is evident not only in their sparring in the narrative present, but also in the remoteness of perspective as he tells the story of her attempt suicide a few years before . . . one night she got to feeling lonely and slide off from people she kept losing in that moving-around life. She got to feeling she couldnt go it another step. She went in and swallowed all the pills and capsules in the medicine chest and washed them down with a bottle of gin. Then she got into a hot toilet and passed out. But instead of dying she got sick. She threw up.Her officerwhy should he subscribe a name? he was the childhood sweetheart and what more does he want? came home from somewhere, found her and called the ambulance (115). Although an attempt to suicide may be considered a personal weakness, nether the less, the unhappy marriage relationship had its influence in this matter. family relationship with a person who has mental health problems can lower the satisfaction levels. It surely takes a ships bell to live with a depressed person. Like in the case with the narrator and his wife, the more depressed and more anxious they become, the more dissatisfied is the marr iage.Untreated depression poses a very real threat to a marriage such as in the situation with the wife. This is in reality a big problem in our society today. Such as in the story husband and wife experienced depressed relationship and indeed, in the reality the depressed spouse will experience less happiness, satisfaction and contentment in the marriage. Narrator mentions every night I smoked dope and stayed up as long as I could before I fell asleep. My wife and I hardly ever went to bed at the same time and in reality the partner will struggle with handling the increased isolation and social withdrawal of the depressed spouse, the loss of emotional intimacy, (and often sexual intimacy as well), and the ordinary negativity in the relationship. When one spouse is depressed, the depression colors everything in the relationship. The depressed spouse sees the world through a darkened lens that limits his or her perspective. The author wants to point out that the negative events a r interpreted even more negatively neutral events are also interpreted negatively, and the positive appenings are often overlooked. The depressed spouse often loses interest in activities that used to bring pleasure and may experience fatigue and listlessness. There can be loss of sleep or sleeping also much eating too much or be like the husband that smokes marijuana to bring some excitement in to his life. Feelings of love and sexual desire may become dulled or absent when an individual is depressed. The biggest danger when this happens is that the depressed spouse may erroneously conclude that this means he or she is no longer in love with the mate.In conclusion, I would like to draw parallel between the story of Cathedral by Raymond Carver to our modern society. In our modern society, we continue to meet individuals standardised to the character of the husband who have physical but not spiritual vision as well as facing similar broken marriage problems. The issues that Carver touched in his story are rather social and relevant to our modern society rather than related to single individual. In addition, we see individuals similar to the blind man who are physically disabled however, they exhibit a truer intuition into life and their surroundings.They have the ability to see spiritual concepts and understand people and the world around them. We learn from the story that those who are physically enabled can still learn from those who may seem disabled but have in reality a better understanding of life. Sometimes experiencing the hard ships of life helps, us build up and experience life in a different way than we normally would. It is like one who cannot see the forest for the trees. Work Cited Jan Zlotnik Schmidt, Lynne Crockett. Portable Legacies Raymond Carvers Cathedral.
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