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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Fleshing out Clive Barker Essay Example For Students
Fleshing out Clive Barker Essay Before he turned into a small time industry in the loathsomeness fielda productive and apparently vigorous maker of frightening stories, books, motion pictures and comic books writer artist Clive Barker worked in the theater. During the 1970s, in the wake of contemplating English writing and reasoning at his old neighborhood college, the Liverpool-reproduced Barker, at that point in his mid twenties, moved to London and established the Dog Company, a low-spending periphery bunch whose collection, a lot of it composed by Barker himself, flaunted such titles as Frankenstein in Love, The History of the Devil and Dangerous World. The Dog Companys strategy, says Barker in his book Shadows in Eden, was tossing the same number of balls noticeable all around as we could and afterward, when they fell, attempting to get however many as would be prudent. Im in adoration with Art that cant get all the balls. So when Barker, presently situated in Los Angeles (as befits his development as an executive with so much movies as Hellraiser and Nightbreed), was drawn nearer by Chicagos Organic Theater Company about the rights to his work, he demonstrated strikingly thoughtful to the interests, working strategies and monetary constraints of the charitable, tentatively arranged group. Propelled around a similar time as Barkers Dog Company, the Organic has a custom of re-imagining the dream genrea hippiesque, naked Peter Pan and the Marvel Comics-enlivened science fiction set of three Warp were among its most-talked about shows. Changes in administration following the takeoff in the mid 1980s of organizer Stuart Gordon (presently an executive of such blood and gore movies as Re-illustrator) had left the Organic in financial waterways. Be that as it may, when Organic masterful partner Steve Pickering and his playwriting accomplice Charley Sherman reached Barker in the spring of 1992 about the chance of adjusting his story In the Flesh for the stage, Barker was minimal worried about cash. He sold the rights for a token expense in addition to a level of possible creators eminences. What spoke to him was Pickering and Shermans eagerness and inventiveness. Grandpa was a murdererâ Like Barker whos slanted to utilize the term fantastique while talking about his styleSherman and Pickering were attracted to the repulsiveness/dream sort as a result of its instinctive energy as well as by its provocative thoughts. Barker, who refers to Melville, the Bible, William Blake and William S. Burroughs among his persuasions, considers himself a mythmaker investigating the idea of human presence. In the Flesh, for instance, is a rich if sullen blend of social analysis and strict purposeful anecdote. It concerns the connection between two detainees in North Londons grim Pentonville Prison which, with its ugliness of soul posing as illuminated change, is a microcosm of Thatcherian England. Cleveland Smith, a critical little league dope vendor, is doled out another cellmate, a child named Billy Tait. It builds up that Billy is the grandson of a mass killer who was executed at Pentonville a few years earlierand that Billy is attempting to reach his underhanded progenitor in daily excursions to a peculiar netherworld, into which Smith is additionally baited. As Billy associates with the late Taits enticing soul, he procures the capacity to change himself into a peculiar monsteran modified state representing the antiquated viciousness prowling in our aggregate soul, just as a demonstration of resistance against a degenerate and wanton human advancement. The centurys getting old and stale, Billy tells Smith. It needs new clans. At the point when we got Barker on the telephone, he asked us what we thought In the Flesh was about, recalls Pickering. We stated, We contemplate the quest for something to have confidence in. After a long, static-filled delay, he stated, Good answer. From that point on he was with all of us the way. .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 , .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 .postImageUrl , .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 , .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6:hover , .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6:visited , .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6:active { border:0!important; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6:active , .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6:hover { haziness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e 4bd6 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u0f41cdd04cb32283c49e98ee296e4bd6:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The language of misconception EssayTo bring this story of good and morphological ambiguities to the Organic stage on a tight and minuscule spending plan, Sherman (making his directorial debut with the help of choreographer Julia Neary) and Pickering (managing a seven-man configuration group) underscored climate over stun impacts. We avoided what individuals may expecta part of violence, says Sherman, a British exile and affirmed enthusiast of the frightfulness class. We needed to work through the keeps an eye on thoughts, not the trappings. Working in a 40-seat studio space keep going November and December on a $3,000 financial plan, the creation group passed on the story with amazing smoothness, depending principally on forcefully engaged lighting (counting blacklight to uncover twisted cosmetics impacts) and firmly arranged collaboration among sound and picture. One frequenting arrangement discovered Jeff Atkinss thin, wild Billy outlined by the shadows of jail bars as he tuned in to the 12 PM cries and groans of resting detainees; another, suggestive of the Living Theaters renowned creation of The Brig, delineated the detainees performing good for nothing battle ready ceremonies to the breaking, musical crashing of police mallet on the metal bars; a third indicated two cons assaulting Billy in a shower stalla essential activity in the improvement of the storyin a frightfully homoerotic scene (reviewing the works of art of Caravaggio and proposing a Christ-like viewpoint to Billys affliction) joined by the reverb-upgr aded sound of a moderate, consistent water dribble. Beasts under the bedâ The shows focal set-piece was a loft, that rose from and plunged into the stage floor as though by enchantment, and which later turned into a portal to granddad Taits otherworldly City of Murderers, because of a covered up trapdoor. The dim prison cell transformed into the lunar scene of Taits bad dream necropolis by straightforward methods for a white silk sheet which, when extended over the floor, recommended moving sands from whose delicate edges spooky beasts rose. In the space of its one-month run, In the Flesh turned into a faction hit. As opposed to broaden the show, Pickering and Sherman chose to refashion it for a 200-seat mainstage; the $20,000 remounting was set to open in April and will go through May 30. The new creation includes an extended set, which draws on antiquated Egyptian, druidic and medieval English structural themes to underline the association and strife among agnostic and Christian convictions; it likewise utilizes cosmetics and puppetry to depict the transformative capacities of Billy and his granddad. Be that as it may, the shows focal picture is as yet the loft, from whose lower level Billy ventures out from world to world and shape to shape while Cleveland Smith, in the upper bunk, tunes in dread and interest. Its a proper setting, for what are repulsiveness stories other than articulations of our feelings of trepidation of beasts under the bed the alarming, baffling powers in obscurity around us and inside us? Taking advantage of that natural nervousness, In the Flesh tells a ground-breaking story in a retaining and innovative manner.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Teaching Is An Art For The Teachers Free Essays
Instructing is a craftsmanship for the instructors who burn through the entirety of their adoration to understudies. Educating isn't just the best approach to convey their insight yet in addition show them how to carry on and accomplishment in their future. Subsequent to getting the hang of showing technique course. We will compose a custom paper test on Instructing Is An Art For The Teachers or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now I increase a few encounters for myself. To be fruitful in instructing, discovered that control is one of the most significant job. At that point, exercise plan must arranged cautiously and the exercise ought to be simple and intriguing. As a matter of first importance, my first inquiry when I went to certain classes as I would see it that is the reason discipline is significant. It is on the grounds that it makes safe learning condition for the two understudies and instructors. Order is critical in schools. On the off chance that there is no order in schools, it is beyond the realm of imagination to devil instruction viably. It is important to keep up law a request in the general public. The instructor can rouse exercises viably without homeroom interruption, and understudies can get quality training without consistent interruptions. Order is the preparation of the psyche and character. It must be imparted in us from youthful age. It must start at home and proceeded in school. Besides, Planning and getting ready for guidance is the most ideal approach to guarantee that an exercise is executed easily. The motivation behind why that is the point at which you begin educating without setting up the exercise cautiously, you will perceive how troublesome it truly is to convey instructional substance to a study hall loaded with understudies. At that point you don't feel disappointed. Be that as it may, setting up the exercise is squeeze an arrangement that help you comprehend what you going to state all together and it is anything but difficult to follow when you instruct, and you won't miss any data that you need to tell the understudy. Arranged the exercise plan cautiously not just commit you limit your errors when you show the understudies, yet in addition assist you with feeling great to be in class. At long last, an impact approach to instruct that is to cause the exercise as basic as you to can by utilizing basic words or words and syntaxes that you realize the understudies are now known. Why? It help the scratches survey the words as well as punctuation, so they can be keen on the exercise. They need to learn and they feel great to impart. Likewise, you can begin by disclosing to them a clever story which is identified with the exercise and reasonable for their level. You can make the exercise all the more fascinating by associating with the understudies as requesting that they surmise the words in the circumstance or pretend. Step by step instructions to refer to Teaching Is An Art For The Teachers, Papers
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The International Security Policy Concentration at SIPA An Overview COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
The International Security Policy Concentration at SIPA An Overview COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Despite popular belief, the International Security Policy (ISP) concentration is not only for veterans and war hawks. Rather, it is a multidimensional concentration designed for students interested in topics as diverse as political violence, conflict management, defense policy, military strategy, terrorism and unconventional warfare, arms control, intelligence, peacekeeping, coercion, negotiation, and alternatives to the use of force as an instrument of policy. Not only do students cover a wide breadth of topics in the concentration, the students themselves represent a number of different backgrounds and come from various experiences. Enrolled in ISP are diplomats, former soldiers, recovering private sector analysts, humanitarian workers and peacekeepers. And then there are those that are still finding their way. SIPA’s diversity is constantly benefiting students, but perhaps no more so for those studying in the ISP concentration. More than 50 percent of the student body comes from outside the United States, which allows for classes to integrate different points of view on the same conflict. When studying conflict, the students’ unique perspectives plays an outsized role. There is nothing quite like analyzing the phenomenon of transnational crime from a Mexican or French perspective, or looking at terrorism through the lens of Israeli and Palestinian students. The professors in the ISP concentration are phenomenal; most have field experience and many are adjuncts who come to teach after spending the day at the NYPD, DoD, Capitol Hill, among other security institutions. They are always willing to meet with students and impart their professional advice. Though SIPA’s curriculum is often characterized as being broad and flexible, one will be able to niche themselves in the ISP concentration.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Critique on a Lesson Plan - 894 Words
Diana Montano LS 421: Deborah Meadows May 25th, 2010 Lesson Plan Critique Overall the author of this art visual lesson did a great job. He followed the curriculum and standards/goals were set. His objected for this lesson was to educate the students on Ancient Egypt, and the properties/techniques of earth clay construction. His lesson plan goes into great detail. He starts by stated around how long this lesson will take. Two days approximately, he gives for each day extensive detail procedures. He says first day the teacher will introduce the topic of Ancient Egypt and how earth clay cartouche was part of their culture. I will probably add questions during this time frame to keep the students engage and wanting to learn more. I†¦show more content†¦After I will show them how to glaze, give them techniques tell them what it would make the plate look good and what it wouldn’t. (In art there is no right or wrong, but there should be a point of expedience- is what you expect of the students). After teacher has demonstrated the glaze procedure, he will let students choose the ceramic glaze color. So there is no fighting in the classroom I think the teacher should set up the classroom in groups of five perShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Educational Philosophy1530 Words  | 7 Pagesfind most interesting about them is how similar they are, so when I refer to them as not individuals, this is why. I myself, am more of a progressivist, and I find in my observations I don’t plan on running my room the same way. The lesson in recent discussions has been critical analysis, or how to critique art. This discussion has lasted about two weeks because the teachers are breaking it down piece by piece. 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For example, an owl isRead MoreThe Importance Of Play And Storytelling When Teaching Elementary Students1059 Words  | 5 Pagesreflected on the importance of play and storytelling when writing my final case study paper. Being able to transfer my lesson plan from paper to teaching the students helped me critique my way of designing lessons because I realized where I need more time or where I need to check for understandings. In my courses I have read a lot of books about classroom management, lesson planning, and famous art educators, but one of the books that has changed my idea of how to teach secondary students wasRead MoreAction Pl Michael Watson975 Words  | 4 PagesAction Plan: Michael Watson is put in a hard place after his meeting with Alan Mathews because they don’t agree on how the classes should be taught. As a new teacher, Watson needs to listen to the critiques that Mathews gave him, but he also needs to stick to his own philosophies as a teacher. It is important to understand that students learn in many different ways, so he needs to find a balance that will satisfy both Alan Mathews and himself. Watson needs to make sure that his teaching strategiesRead MoreThe Personal Involvement Of Students1327 Words  | 6 Pagesnot merely to engage thinking, but these questions allow students to evaluate, process, and share thoughts and beliefs. Many students will avoid engaging questions on the classroom material, but when asked to process the key themes and idea of the lesson through the lenses of their own experiences, life, and beliefs, these students have insight and knowledge. An example would be starting class with the question, Think of a time when you might have felt marginalized. How did this experience impact
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Art in War - 2048 Words
Art in War A pioneer of artistic influence in American culture, Frederick Childe Hassam led the revolution of art in the World War I era. In the midst of a world crisis, Hassam became a trailblazer of his own technique; he promoted a new form of Impressionism that not only reinforced the subtlety and free-flow style of French Impressionism, but also reinforced the vivacity and tenacity that he wanted to express. Amalgamating the techniques of French Impressionism with the nationalistic values of the American art and culture, Hassam promulgated what was eventually known as American Impressionism. However, throughout this â€Å"assembly process†, Hassam never forgot his goal: to vividly capture the patriotism that the American, British, and French people all shared in a time of upheaval, and use it to unite them. He displayed the newfound and unlikely alliance between the Allied powers through his art, and in doing so, progressively strengthened the alliance between France, Grea t Britain, and the United States. In Europe and the United States, the American Impressionists witnessed the transformation from an agrarian to an industrialized urban society, especially over the course of time leading up to the war. Hassam was simultaneously excited by change and nostalgic for the reassuring and familiar past. Unlike many painters, Hassam did not spend a lifetime in pursuit of his art with little critical, social or financial recognition. He was a tremendously talented painter whoShow MoreRelatedThe Art of War1442 Words  | 6 PagesThe Art of War - a brief analysis The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy. It composed of 13 chapters, each of which is based on philosophy, used the idea of philosophy to observe the war, discussed and find out the general rule of war. Though it is very short, it devoted to one aspect of warfare. The Art of War has a perfect logic system. These 13 chapters, no matter more or less will influence the main idea. Just like the first chapter is Laying PlansRead MoreThe Art of War1441 Words  | 6 PagesTHE ART OF WAR REACTION PAPER Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War, wrote one of the oldest and famous books to be written in history. The Art of War, is a Chinese military treatise that has become more than just for military use, it’s utilized in almost all aspects of today’s world. Businesses, sports, politics, education, and so many more have interpreted The Art of War and used it in their everyday lives. The Art of War portrays fighting as a guide serving a dual purpose, suggesting that strategyRead MoreArt of War Summary1109 Words  | 5 PagesArt of War is a famous Chinese military strategy book written by Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military general. He was famous during his time and for his work entitled Art of War, which made him known even up to our century. According to Wallace (2010), Sun Tzu is the author of one of the most prominent pieces of literature during the era of the Warring States in which China entered around the first millennium B.C.E. In this work of art Sun Tzu takes a rational approach to the problem of conflictRead MoreThe Art of War Essays2163 Words  | 9 PagesThe earliest known writings on war did not take the form of treatises but narratives. Poems, such as those by Homer and the Epic of Gilgamesh glorified heroes while prose accounts carved into Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian monuments described individual campaigns and battles. However, these tales with their gods and godlike heroes may or may not have contained any historical truths. In China a third type of military writing emerged. After the fall of the Chou (c. 400 BC) China divided into principalitiesRead MoreA Look Into The True Art Of War945 Words  | 4 PagesA Look into the True Art of War By: WO1 Jackson, Marcus A WOBC 011-14 CW4 Willingham, Jeffrey 21 October 2014 Contrary to popular belief the origin of The Art of War is unknown. Written in the age of knights and gentleman Sun Tzu has written a timeless classic in the basic rootsRead MoreThe Art Of War By Sun Tzu1674 Words  | 7 Pages The Art of War by Sun Tzu The Art of War was known as the most famous book of two past two millennia. The author of the book, Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist and a philosopher who lived in China. The Art of War by Sun Tzu presents the best philosophy of warfare which manages conflicts and how to win the battles. This book is published and translated internationally. There are numerous theories considering the text of his theories. It not only includes philosophies, the, mostRead MoreSun Tzu Art Of War Analysis964 Words  | 4 PagesObjective Analysis 69. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War (Sunzi bingfa) is a remarkably lucid, compact and sometimes enigmatic treatise. Although the main purpose was to be applied in war, its philosophies can be applied in any activity involved with conflicts or competition. Written in the sixth century BCE, it emphasises the role of military force in international relations: â€Å"Warfare is the greatest affair of the state, the basis of life and death, the Way (Tao) to survival or extinction. It must be thoroughlyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Art Of War By Sun Tzu1249 Words  | 5 PagesBook Analysis: The Art of War by Sun Tzu Ancient Chinese scholar Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War more than 2000 years earlier, probably for kings, generals and solders of his time. However, this book is still relevant in this high-tech modern world. It has still a powerful energy to work as a useful guidance for modern times. The Art of War is actually about struggles and confrontation we all go through in our daily lives. We as all face same kinds of dilemmas in our hearts and minds when it comesRead MoreA Changing Europe : Influence Of War On Art1417 Words  | 6 Pages A Changing Europe: The Influence of War on Art Through its four year course, World War I ravaged all of Europe, leaving no one unaffected by its violent nature. Those who either opposed or supported the war made sure to vocalize their thoughts through literature or speech. In the same vein, Artists compiled their thoughts on the war through a different mediumâ€â€art. In this essay, I will analyze the differing views between Ernst Jà ¼nger’s Storm of Steel to both pre and post-WWIRead MoreThe Art Of War And De Re Militari1232 Words  | 5 PagesThe â€Å"Art of War†and â€Å"De Re Militari†two military treatises were written one continent and around five centuries apart by authors that came from two vastly different backgrounds and cultures. Both authors penned treatises intended to inform and educate commanders about war yet the underlying theme is not victory but to ensure the survivability of their soldiers in battle. Sun Tzu and Vegetius differ on their ideas of this speci fically on the relationship the military holds between the governing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
King Lear A Tragic Hero Free Essays
King Lear: A Tragic Hero Bibliography w/2 sources Tragedy is defined in Webster? s New Collegiate Dictionary as 1) a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing the downfall of a great man or 2) a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force, such as destiny, and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror. The play of King Lear is one of William Shakespeare? s great tragic pieces, it is not only seen as a tragedy in itself, but also a play that includes two tragic heroes and four villains. In the tragedy of King Lear the tragic hero must not be all good or all bad, error of judgement deprives the hero, the use of two tragic characters intensifies the tragedy, the tragedy begins not by character but by action and through their suffering the tragic heroes gain insights. We will write a custom essay sample on King Lear: A Tragic Hero or any similar topic only for you Order Now We must be able to identify ourselves with the tragic hero if he is to inspire fear, for we must feel that what happens to him could happen to us. If Lear was completely evil, we would not be fearful of what happens to him: he would merely be repulsive. But Lear does inspire fear because, like us, he is not completely upright, nor is he completely wicked. He is foolish and arrogant, it is true, but later he is also humble and compassionate. He is wrathful, but at times, patient. Because of his good qualities, we experience pity for him and feel that he does not deserve the severity of his punishment. His actions are not occasioned by any corruption or depravity in him, but by an error in judgment, which, however, does arise from a defect of character. Lear has a tragic flaw, which is egotism. It is his egotism in the first scene that causes him to make his error in judgment of dividing his kingdom and losing Cordelia. Throughout the rest of the play, the consequences of this error slowly and steadfastly increase until Lear is destroyed. There must be a change in the life of the tragic hero; he must pass from happiness to misery. Lear, as seen in Act I, has everything a man should want – wealth, power, peace, and a state of well being. Because a tragic character must pass from happiness to misery, he must be seen at the beginning of the play as a happy man, surrounded by good fortune. Then, the disasters that befall him will be unexpected and will be in direct contrast to his previous state. In King Lear the two tragic characters, a king and an earl, are not ordinary men. To have a man who is conspicuous endure suffering brought about because of his own error is striking. The fear aroused for this man is of great importance because of his exalted position. His fall is awesome and overwhelming. When tragedy, as in Lear, happens to two such men, the effect is even greater. To intensify the tragedy of King Lear, Shakespeare has not one but two tragic characters and four villains. As we have seen, the sub-plot, concerning Gloucester, Edmund, and Edgar, augments the main plot. Gloucester undergoes physical and mental torment because he makes the same mistake that Lear does. Like Lear, Gloucester is neither completely good nor completely bad. There is, for instance, coarseness in the earl, who delights in speaking of his adultery. But he has good qualities as well. He shows, for instance, concern for Kent in the stocks, and he risks his life to help Lear. Gloucester’s punishment, his blindness, parallel’s Lear’s madness. These two tragic stories unfolding at the same time give the play a great eminence. The important element in tragedy is action, not character. It is the deeds of men that bring about their destruction. Lear calls upon the â€Å"great gods,†Edgar and Kent blame Fortune, and Gloucester says that the gods â€Å"kill us for their sport†(IV. i. 37). But in reality the calamities that befall both Lear and Gloucester occur because of the actions of these men. Their actions, it is true, grow out of their characters: both are rash, unsuspecting, and vengeful. But the actions themselves are the beginnings of their agony, for these actions start a chain of events that lead to ultimate catastrophe. A tragic hero gains insight through suffering. Neither Lear nor Gloucester realizes he has committed an error until he has suffered. Lear’s suffering is so intense that it drives him mad; it is in this desolate health that he fully realizes his mistake in giving the kingdom to his two savage daughters and disowning the one daughter who loves him. It is not until Gloucester has been blinded that he learns the truth about his two sons. These two characters learn to endure their suffering. When Gloucester’s attempt to commit suicide fails, he decides to bear his affliction until the end. In his madness Lear learns to endure his agony. Later, when he knows he is to be imprisoned, he maintains this misfortune with a passive calmness. He has grown spiritually through painfully achieved self-knowledge and through Cordelia’s love. Tragedy in King Lear is not only seen through itself but, also through the character of the King and other characters. The Play of King Lear is a great tragic play that many tragedies try to compare to. How to cite King Lear: A Tragic Hero, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Constitution and Legal Issues Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Constitution and Legal Issues. Answer: Introduction to constitution and legal issues The replaceable rules or constitution of a company provide the guidance which the officers and directors of the organisation abide by in order to carry out the responsibilities with respect to the organisation. The clauses of relationship with any third party as well as its members are set out by the constitution of the organisation[1]. This part of the paper discusses about effect the Constitution have with respect to the relationship between the members of the company. This part also discusses whether our constitution can be amended and what are the requirements and process involved in amending the constitution. The paper also discusses remedies available to a member whose rights have been violated by the directors or majority shareholders of the organisation. There are two primary issues which needs to be determined in relation to this part of the paper. Firstly the issue is whether it is within the powers of Som to impose the term which is incorporated into the constitution of Ch ocolate Cleaning Products Pty Limited (CCP) in relation to him being the solicitor and not being replaced unless there is negligence. Another issue which needs to be determined in relation to this question is whether the directors of the company can change successfully its constitution as per the rules of the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth). Section 140 of the CA Section 140 of the corporation act deals with the effect of replaceable rules and the constitution of the company. Subsection 1 provides that the terms of the constitution and replaceable rules of a company have an effect in form of a contract between each member of the company and the company, between the members of the company with each other and between the director and company secretary with the company. According to the contract each person agree to abide by its terms as far as they are applicable on them. Unless there is an agreement between the members of a company to be bound in writing search members cannot be found with respect to any alterations in the constitution which has been made after they have become members. These alterations should be related to asking a member to take up additional shares, increasing the liability of the member my asking to pay money to the company or contributing to the share capital and imposing limitations on transferring shares which are held by the member[2]. Cases on Section 140 of the CA In the case of Lion Nathan Australia Pty Ltd v Coopers Brewery Limited it was provided by the court that the constitution of a company has the same nature like a commercial contract between two or more parties and the violation of which results in contractual remedies. Section 136 of the CA According to the provisions of this section the constitution of the company can be changed by passing a special resolution by the shareholders of the company. However if there is a further Clause mentioned in the constitution the clause has to be complied with before the clause can be amended. In addition in order to amend such condition the condition itself has to be complied with before being amended[3]. Section 232 of the CA Section is related to providing remedy to a person under section 234 of the CA whose rights have been violated, prejudice or unfairly discriminated by an act or resolution or a proposed act or resolution[4]. Section 233 of the CA As per section 232 any order can be made by the court including a specific action, injunction, winding up of the company and modification or repealing the existing constitution[5]. Section 234 of the CA Proceedings can be brought under section 233 by any person who is a member of the company a person who has been removed as a member of the company as a result of specific reduction[6]. Relevant cases in relation to Section 232-234 Gambotto v WCP Ltd[7] the court held that the majority has to provide that the act was overall fair and not prejudicial in case it is related to the Expropriation of shares. Determination of issue 1 The constitution of CCP provides that Max can be only removed as a solicitor of the company if negligence have been committed by him while discharging his duties in relation to the company. Section 140 as discussed above establishes the contractual relationship between the members of the company. Thus the directors of the company have been imposed with a duty by the constitution not to remove Max as a solicitor if he has not committed negligence. In addition as this conduct of the directors can be seen as an oppressive and unfair conduct Max can claim remedies under section 232 by seeking an order under section 233 as he is eligible to do so under section 234 being a member of the company. The court may order the directors not to remove Max as a solicitor as it has the power to do so under s233. Determination of issue 2 The directors of the company want to change the constitution. As per section 136 the constitution can be changed by the passing of a special resolution which has been done so by the directors as they have the voting number required.. Max may prevent the directors from changing the constitution under Section 233 of the CA by obtaining an order to repeal the change of the Constitution made by the directors. This is because under section 232 which is related to oppressive remedy an order Maxs right are being oppressed by the directors. Max is a member of the company as he has been provided through will 5% shares of the company. Thus he is entitled to make a claim under section 232 Conclusion The directors cannot remove Som as the solicitor of the company and they cannot change the constitution in relation to the expropriation of shares under the provisions of section 140, 136 and 232-233. Introduction to directors duties and legal issue Directors of an organization are obligated to observe certain standards and follow certain guidelines in relation to the facts of their operation with respect to the company they have been appointed to manage. These standards and guidelines are known as directors duties to a company which are provided in from of statutory duties and equitable duties. The principal legislation setting out the statutory duties of director is the Corporation Act 2001. The equitable directors duties are set out through various landmark cases and common law[8]. The major issue to be determined in this part of the paper is to find out whether any of the duties have been violated by the directors of Aussie Boats Ltd (AB). The applicable remedy for the breach of duty is also provided through this part. Equitable duties of directors The duty to base action towards proper purpose and to observe good faith towards the action The duty to be loyal towards the company The duty to avoid conflict of interest and prioritise the organization interest if such situation comes up. In such situation priority always needs to be given to the companys interest rather than personal interest[9]. Statutory duties under the CA Section 180 Subsection 1 provides a duty which asks the directors to deploy appropriate diligence and skill while discharging their powers. Whether skill and diligence have been deployed appropriately is identified objectively through engaging a reasonable director (imaginary) in similar position and comparing the actions of the imaginary director with the real director. Subsection (2) provided business judgment rule. The rule is a defence which can be used by the directors of the company. The defence is useful against the violation of any duty by the director. According to the defence t is the right of a director to determine the level of risk which a company is willing to take in relation to its purpose. Whether the defence has been appropriately used is also determined objectively through the above discussed test.[10] Section 181 The section ask the directors to act in proper purpose applying bona fide intentions while exercising their powers. The duty is consistent with the equitable duty of acting in proper purpose and good faith[11]. Section 182 The power gained by the directors through the application of their position must not be misused by them. They are not allowed to make personal gain by using the position and case disadvantage to the company. The duty is also consistent with the equitable duties of directors[12]. Section 183 This duty is related to conflict of interest and similar to that of section 182. Here the directors instead of position must not use any information which have been accessed by them as they are the directors of the company to achieve own advantage by causing loss to the company[13]. Remedies and penalties for the breach of duties by the directors Section 206 C Through the application of this section the court has the power to disqualify or suspend a director of a company to manage any company for a prescribed period of time in case the directors are guilty of breach their duties[14] Section 1317E The section provided civil penalties for the directors which include fines in case the breach made by the director is considered as a serious breach[15]. Section 233 As discussed in the previous question Section 1324 gives defence to the directors id they have violated the duties[16] Cases on directors duties (ASIC) v Cassimatis[17] -In this case the director who had been found guilty of violating his duties had been imposed with a fine of $100000 as well as was disqualified from being a director of any company for two years. ASIC v Lindberg[18] - In this case the court found that if the directors do not work in the best interest of the company and do not use their deploy diligence and skill towards the operation they are liable for the violation of section 180(1) of the CA, where actual loss incurred by the company is not essential to determine breach. Determination of the issue In the given circumstances the directors of Aussie Boats Ltd (AB) are finding it difficult to compete with the other companies who also deal in boats. They are also feeling threatened by one of their competitors who are planning to a make takeover bid as the competitor has purchased their shares. The competitors have a reputation of removing the executive directors once they have successfully made a takeover. It can be evidently said that the issue of new shares to raise further capital and giving consideration to another accompany for preparing a report done by AB is out of the fear that the position of the director may be in danger if a successful takeover bid in made this is because the company is nearing insolvency and a reasonable directors would not take the same action as per section 180(1) of the CA. In the same way as any reasonable director would not have done so the defence under section 180(2) (Business Judgment rule) would also not be applicable. It can be stated further that the directors are not acting in good faith which violates section 181 of the CA. This is because it would not be for the best interest of the company to risk another venture while it is making losses. In addition section 182 and 183 of the CA have also not been complied with as the directors are using the information and position they have to secure personal interest which is the fear of getting removed as the directors of the company. Thus as the duties have been breached the directors are liable to civil penalty provisions according to section 1317E and 206C of the CA which may make them liable to financial penalties as well as suspension from managing the corporation. The directors can also be held personally liable for any loss incurred by the company as they have violated section 588G by doing insolvent trading. In addition the Non-executive director can make a claim against the directors under section 232 of the CA. Conclusion The directors have violated the equitable and statutory duties they owe to the company. The defence under section 180(2) would not be applicable they may claim defence under section 1324 of the CA. 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